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Clandestine Rowing

Photos leaked from a controversial secret government report into the future of rowing.

In a city where the council has filled the river to capacity with empty city cats removed riverside parking and confiscated riggers to sink the sport.

Men in suits resort to clandestine gatherings to remember and reenact as best they can the glory of days gone by.

Flashpoint - what's inside

A nice little Christian object lesson
- what's inside that counts-  See below

We had Flashpoint on Sunday.

- what's inside that counts-

A nice little Christian object lesson
1. Air inside
Bowl of bubble mixture (From Target / K-Mart etc)
Use a drinking straw to blow bubbles.  The bubbles are full of air.

Throw on a match - Nothing happens - No energy.
Boring !
2. Propane Bubbles
In hindsight maybe better to use 2 bowls.
One bubbles of air
the other bubbles of propane.
Side by side - They look the same.

Safety - Notice the rope on the ground.  The kids all sit behind that so they don't get singed eyebrows and so they can all see.

I used a couple of 14yo's to do the demo.  Gives them a way to participate and enjoy.  Even better would have been to get them to talk about what it means.
But it is what is inside that makes the difference.
Throw a match on each.  The ones full of air do nothing.  The ones full of propane erupt. Energy, exciting.

Unless something has changed, Christians look like everyone else but they have God's spirit within.

The nice little Christian parallel is  that the ones with Propane in them are like a person with God's holy spirit inside them.

Hopefully that energy is channelled into something nice / useful / spiritual

This is the modified propane torch.  I added some black hose.  The way this all works is that the propane goes past a couple of air holes in the brass bit (dark brown bit before the black extension).  That mixes the air with the propane.  No air = No oxygen = no nice orange fire.

Without the black extension, the bubbles bubble up and block the air holes and stuff up the propane - air mixing process.  The black hose was some scrap in ground watering hose that was lying around.