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BA Falcon UTE Radiator Change

Here we are - ready to start.  The radiator is up the front.

 Remove the air intake.
Two screws and then a bit of force to pull it off the filter box.

Undo the various hoses from the radiator.

Unscrews these two brackets and extract them.

Then unscrew the two bolts that hold the fan assembly onto the radiator.
Unplug the fan power wires.
Remove fan assy.  It's fiddly.
Remove the front grill
Undo 4 screws that hold the air conditioning radiator onto the main radiator.
lift the radiator out

This is the old and new radiators.
I found that it was easier to leave some hoses on the radiator.

moved the hoses across.

Putting the new radiator in

Struck a snag.
The pipes that bring the transmission fluid to the radiator do not fit.

The original Ford radiator has male thread with these aluminum adapters. 

I think the thread is a tapered M16 thread.

The new radiator appeared to have built in female threads that looked the same as those on the adapter but to test this I had to put the radiator.  turned out the thread on the new radiator is a mm or so too small.

Need an adapter

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Vito Engine Oil Change

W639 Vito oil change video

Item Details where $
1 OIL Valvoline MST Synpower 5W40 2x5L Supercheap #355261 $132.98
2 OIL FILTER – Ryco R2682P Supercheap #363434 $24.09
3 FLUSH Nulon Engine oil flush 300ML Supercheap #1143 $16.99
4 Wrench/socket to remove oil filter Repco $21.00


I spent from about 11am until 2 so that is 3 hrs.

On the web, Lubemobile want $308

So we will just put that  down to experience.  At least I know it's actually been changed.


Oil Filter
Tool - Socket.  74mm 14 flats (+Ratchet and extension)
Paper filter element                                  $35
O-Rings should come with the filter.

MB229.51 5W40  "Full Synthetic"

Super cheap auto
10L Nulon $136     Part Number 420328
10L Penrite $125    Part Number 342363
5L Shell $68.39 x 2 = $ 136  Part Number 215344

The Telstra Cable Modem Log

Telstra 133 933
And why is it big and RED?  Because it frustratingly took me ages to find it.  Some screen shots below.

We have gotten Telstra's $99/mo 1TB deal.
Last night the internet kept freezing up..  The modem was rebooted and that got things going again a couple of times but finally it died all together.  I think I should keep a log.  Just in case.

18-7-2017  "June"  Employee Number: D858191 reference number is: INT 1-1216715289491
600 39 45 179  booking reference  8 am- 12:00 noon.  call 30 minutes before

19-07-2017 Its working.
The tech guy arrives and lets me know that they have been working in the sherwood exchange upgrading in preparation for the NBN.  He says we could have issues for the next 2 weeks.
I'm just wondering why they could not put that on their service status web page.  Bizarre.

Contacting Telstra
Tethered my laptop to my phone and searched around on Telstra's site.  It's not easy to actually find how to contact them.  For some reason I kept going round in circles.  However when I went to try an demonstrate that it seemed to work smoothly.
All seems clear enough

Seems reasonably straight forward.

And that brings up a phone number

133 933 

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

SEQ School Rowing Champinships

The usual early morning rowing start.  Emily and Caitlin arrived at our place for a 5am departure.  I had gotten up at 4 and "fixed" the Vito's drivers window.

The three girls along with blankets and sleeping bags stretched out in the back.

The trip out was a slow one.  The fog really limited the speed to well below the limit for much of the way.  We arrived respectably late at 6:15.  The fog was still very thick.  We could not see the finish line.  I reckon it would have been fun to row in that.  The officials would have no idea if boats had even finished and maybe one or two might overshoot the finish line and disappear down the spillway.

The program was delayed by half an hour and then again by a further half hour.

Our (Brigidine) first race of the day was Emilly and Laura in the YR9 double scull heat.  They came in first and this set the scene for a tough but rewarding weekend.  Four young ladies from a small school pulled in a disproportionate number of really good placings.

It's an incredibly tough deal to make it to a final.  Not only are there usually heats and semi finals, rowers usually row in multiple types of boats and all this takes a toll on their muscles.  It's a balancing act to mange all these races.

The next big surprise was the quad.  Our full representative contingent.  We knew we had a few hurdles to manage.  A large age range.  The youngest - Jemma in grade 7 (12yo).  Caitlin Grade 8.  Laura and Emily in grade 9. Laura and Emily stronger and able to row at a much higher rating.  Also shortly after this quad race both Emily and Laura had their double scull final.  I put Jemma in stroke seat because I figured she was the slowest.  Right behind her Emily.  then Caitlin in 2 seat and Lara in bow.  My logic was that Emily and Laura could keep impeccable time and also keep in time with Jemma. Caitlin would be kind of book ended between them.  I spoke to the girls and emphasised to keep in time.  Keep the boat level and row smooth.  So imagine my surprise when the boat powered through to fourth place and only by 0.44 seconds to third place.

Somewhere in all of this Caitlin scored a doubles race as a sub.

The final Brigidine race for the day was race 41, the GR9 girls double scull final.  On the hill awaiting the start and they were away.  Out in front all the way.  As they passed the headland with 300m to go they had a clear lead.  Those last 30 strokes might not sound like much but it's absolutly exhausting.  They maintained their lead and came away with a convincing gold medal.

I had a bout of the flu or something.  Off work friday.  Sat was Ok but by the time this last race was on, I'd faded.  The girls were tired too.  Emily and Jemma sound asleep as we drove home.

It rained quite heavily over night and the rain continued as we drove out.  It was just Jemma with me as Caitlin had spent the night in Boonah and Emily was coming down with her dad.  I was concerned that a long day and wet ground might lead to getting sick so I stopped into a service station and picked up some ponchos and garbage bags.  I was also cognisant that Caitlin was scheduled in an early race and we were running late.  I primed Jemma to have her bag ready to jump out at the car park entrance and go and help Caitlin.

Caitlin was launched and I turned my attention to the program.  Luckily the girls are very aware and knew their race times, lanes and boat allocations.  So good.  We got Emily then Laura away for their single heats.

It was a big but well paced day of racing for all the girls with enough of a break between races to grab some food and rest.  I mused on how many races these girls were doing.  A heat, a semi final before one gets to the final.  And these girls were making it all the way.

Our final race was the GR8 double.  See right down the bottom for detailed description


Race What Who Place
6 Schoolgirls Year 9 Double Scull Heat Laura, Emily 1
12 Schoolgirls Under 17 Single Scull – Heat Laura 6
13 Schoolgirls Under 17 Single Scull – Heat Emily 5
35 Schoolgirls Year 9 Quad Scull (Coxed) Laura, Caitlin, Emily, Jemma 4 Less than half a second to 3rd
41 Schoolgirls Year 9 Double Scull – Final Laura, Emily 1 GOLD!!!

58 Schoolgirls Under 15 Single Scull – Heat Caitlin 1
61 Schoolgirls Under 16 Single Scull – Heat Emily 3
63 Schoolgirls Under 16 Single Scull – Heat Laura 1
73 Schoolgirls Under 14 Single Scull – Heat Jemma 1
84 Schoolgirls Under 15 Single Scull – Semi Final Caitlin 5
90 Schoolgirls Under 16 Single Scull – Semi Final Laura 3
91 Schoolgirls Under 16 Single Scull – Semi Final Emily 4
95 Schoolgirls Year 8 Double Scull – Heat Caitlin, Jemma 2
101 Schoolgirls Under 14 Single Scull –Final Jemma 4
107 Schoolgirls Under 15 Single Scull –Final Caitlin 9
111 Schoolgirls Under 16 Single Scull – Final Laura 5
113 Schoolgirls Year 8 Double Scull – Final Caitlin, Jemma 3 Less than half a second to 2nd

Laura and Emily in St Brigit
Double Scull

Emily & Laura - Gold Medal Winners.
Double Scull


Caitlyn combo double

Quad Pre Race

GR8 Double Scull - Caitlin & Jemma

It's the end of the day and many boats have been derigged. I'm selling sea shells at the sea shore waiting for Jemma Thomson & Catlin to turn up. There are two double sculls left and two Kenmore crews put them in the water.

It dawns on me that we have an inventory control issue.

More boats are called for. 4 minutes to launch time and we race back to the trailer. A double is grabbed and we rifle through the trailer looking for its riggers. At the sea shore a team of Kenmore people jump in and help. This is the way to rig boats.

Right on time the girls are on the water. Final adjustments made and they are on their way to the start.

I was hoping for a Centenary 1,2,3 finish.

On the headland I met a friend Richard (sponge) Powell. A rowing luminary who has boats named after him. He, it appeares, was coaching the All Hallows crew. The race was away and the crowd on edge. 300m from the finish and the boats pass the headland. We (Brigo) in a pretty good position.

 As the boats pass out of view, The spectators run to the next vantage point. Murray (Mr rowing Qld) is calling the race. The All Hallows crew cross first but it's a photo finish for 2nd & 3rd.

The video ref finally pronounces a bronze to Jemma & Caitlin.

Well done girls.

Off the water we find another rowing luminary - the namesake of the boat the girls just rowed in. Photo op.

Vito RH Window regulator

The dam poorly built vito front RH window regulator has crapped out again.
First to buy a new one.
Google throw up these options $117.01 NO Motor!!! $145.00 SKU:149473 $100.00 NO Motor!!! $56.10 6.82 Del 27 JUL $56.10 SKU:WV32560NHR no motor 03 87875656 $24.00 $80.59 $134.65

Panel House $134.65 Brisbane

express post

Sony AC-L15A repair

WARING - Mains operated switch mode power supply - Contains mains and higher voltages.  Capacitors can remain charged after power is removed.

SONY Camcorder Charger AC-L15A &  AC L200D and DC-V515

The L200D was dead.
The L15A DC output lead was broken near the charger.
The DC-V515 was operational but it's output connector (3 pin) was not required.

The plan was
1.  Cut off the lead from the L200 (Large plug) and cut the V5151 DC cable and join them.
2. Open the dead L15A and retrieve it's lead along with the retention grommet / strain relief.
3. Open the L200D and replace it's lead and grommet with the one retrived from the deal L15A.

And it all worked.  Along with fixing a LANC Zoom focus controller where the lead was broken at the point it exited the case.

The V515 has 3 wires (see photo below).  I left the blue wire open circuit.  It measured 8.3V.  I assume it is used to tell the charger that the thing at the end is something - camera? battery charger?

Marcus 21st Birthday Party

Last night we had Marcus's 21st birthday party at the Oxley Bowls Club.

The preparation began in earnest on Friday evening.  Megan had borrowed half a dozen slow cookers and they were stocked with Beef, Lamb & Pork.

Saturday morning and I woke with a combination of headache and stomach ache.  I had a rowing race that and was still feeling crook afterwards so skipped the post rowing breakfast and came home.  A bit of a snooze and some panadol took up most of my morning.  Megan produced some ham, cheese & avocado toasties that hit the mark and I started to feel human again.

Marcus had arrived around 9 and was set to work cutting onions and tomatoes and wot not.

Mid afternoon and Marcus and I drove the ute and the Tiida over.  We were loaded with food and PA system.  One item deserves special mention.  Potato bake.  It was in trays with alfoil obscuring the danger that lurks below.  These were in turn in cardboard fruit trays.  I was carrying a load in when Marcus pointed out the white sauce was all down the front of my jeans and my tasteful denim shoes.

A big thankyou to the Oxley bowls club. The staff there were really helpful and easy to get on with. There are plenty of spaces for small groups to congregate and catch up. We (being all ages) from younger siblings through the 21 cohort to the parents and grandparents enjoyed playing lawn bowls, pool and table tennis. The bar provided drinks and the ability to self cater food made for a really nice night.

 A big thankyou to Megan Thomson who did a huge job cooking the food and her helpers brother David Laurie and his son Xavier and also Megan's parents Ian and Faye. Also to Chris Thomson chief organiser of music. Happy birthday Marcus Thomson.