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Birthday text

Chris Thomson dropped into the cheese cake Shop and we shouted  morning *tea* to the staff. 

I challenged the aspie leaning people by not cutting from the centre of the cheese cake and after a corrective action procedure was implemented, I fixed it with an angle cut.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

YAF reunion

Move to 1 Feb 2018
Rob Davidson

YAF reunion

YAF reunion.
Organised by Leanne Hutton & Megan in the Sherwood UC Hall.

Craig Mitchell
"And last night was the YAF Reunion (QLD Synod monthly youth rally). Wonderful to see a bunch of former comrades and also "I have no idea who you are..." Thanks to the Modern Poets. Always great IMHO. We gave them such a fine stage and lighting setup. Plus a photo of Leanne Hutton taking a photo of herself from 30 years ago on video. [It could have been me doing the same.] And Lew and Betty Born came too!"

PJ & Leanne Hutton
Kerry Gear (Tony in HK)
Kyle, Junita & kids.
Tony & Jenny Pitman.
Dave Floyd
Melissa Taylor.
Steve Molkinton
Steve Pinnel.
Lew Borne
Craig Mitchell

Neale Brought some great tech memories in the form of a museum.
BWE mixer & DI boxes
Com box
Stage box