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Monday, October 28, 2019

Goodby House

Tuesday the new owners move in.  They are renting for two weeks.  Megan has tasked me with sweeping out the carport.  She'd cleaned the inside.  I knew it would be

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

AVCHD MP4 HD Video Editing Programs

Previous review in 2012 here
At that time I was using Serif Movieplus X6.  I still own this but the buggers have switched off the activation server that is needed to allow me to reinstall it.

So the question is what are my options

What would I like
AVCHD, MP4, etc
Timeline with Unlimited tracks.
Personally I prefer a light look to the program although dark seems to be the prevailing look these days.
Multicam ie auto align tracks based on the audio

Adobe Premiere Pro $343.
NCH Moviemaker $58.18
Movari Video Editoe Special $34.99  "Plus"  $59.99
Vegas Movie Studio 16..$64.99?   $99.99   "Suite" version $189.99 Pro17 $599
Cyberlink   $149.99   Director Suite 365 $119.99
Magix Movie Edit Pro Premium $199
VideoStudioPro.Com  $69,  $79
Pinacle Studio 23 Ultimate $144.95 - FREE

This turns out to be Corel and also seems to be Pinnacle, Roxio.
When I went to install VideoStudioPro I got this strange registration form.  Makes it look like the file has been hijacked.  i'm sure it hasn't.

These guys offer two models - Pro and Ultimate but I don't know what the difference is.
-Pro $AU90   -Ultimate $79
Finally found a compare screen here
I suspect the -pro is good enogh
Claims to do multicam

Well Pinacle is a part of Corel and looks like they have the same program.

NCH VideoPad
Could not work out how to add tracks - may have been a restriction on the demo.
Could not export so no idea how fast it renders - again a demo restriction

It works and is straightforard to use.
Overlapping video does not make a fade.
Rendering is slow.  I did not see an option to only render when necessary.  I would have thought you just render the transitions and copy the rest.

No multicam

Monday, October 21, 2019

Eye Test

Went to specsavers

They have some doodad that can work out what looks like a GPR or 3D model of my eye.  The pic at the top right is a section (cut away) view of the eye.  You can see two front views on the left and it somehow processes the images to get depth information.  I am assuming it works like a SAR and takes multiple pictures at different angles as it moves the sensor across the eye.

2019 Head of the Brisbane

2019 Head of the Brisbane

The excitement started some weeks earlier when the Brigidine GR7 girls announced they wanted to row the Head Of the Brisbane.  This is a 10km race and at a split of 2:00 it will take 40 minutes.  Not a small feat in anyone's book.  The Saturday night a week prior, I did not sleep well.  Concerned the girls would have such a bad time that they would give up rowing.  So on the Sunday a week before we did a trial run at Centenary where the girls did 5k upstream floowed by a Yarra turn and cox-stroke swap over and 5k back.  I relaxed.

Centenary had two girls quads who turned out to be the only two quads in the race.

The race before was the school boys quad.



Peter Hays and Tanya Brehmer - A great team

Sunday, October 20, 2019

BGS River Party

2019 BGS River Party

This is a fund raiser & Get to know you event to mark the start of the GPS boys season.

The boys learm / practice in term 4 and race in term 1.

Set up PA.  Same as last year.  The Behringer X-Air18 mixer with the 15" speakers outside and the two foldback speakers inside.  By having this many speakers we can control the level appropriate to the location. Most of the night just had music playing. I had a couple of radio mics kindly loaned from Derek.

Matt (Head of rowing) and David Weightman (Head of Tipperoo and rowing luminary) each did little welcome speeches. 

They had a silent auction and a real auctioneer who did a couple of high value things with all the palova and excitement that comes from that sort of thing. 

Numbers were a bit low.  Girls Grammar had a function on the same night and Will Lockwood and got married down south and I heard a number of coaches were at that.

Almost over

Fuck I hate being depressed. 
Was so tired when I got home from work. Graham had sent out a general invite for people to meet him for drinks but I felt fat and tired.  Too much comfort eating. No energy. 

Watched Netflix too take my mind away. 

Feel like shit. 
I'm fucked at relationships
There's no fucking forgiveness. 
Fucked the marriage. 
Fucked the gf. 
I'm obviously incompatible with society. 
I once thought life was get married 
Bring up kids
Life together. 

We ended up not parenting together. 
Megan got her way all the time. I was trying to be Mr nice guy and fucking it all the same. 
I feel like a wasted life. 
Little Good bits along the way maybe but no future. The kids are now grown. 
What's to look forward to? Every night I'm depressed. Useless. No energy. Can't think. 
Given I fuck relationships I guess the best I can hope for is the occasional short term partner to keep me company. I'll need to prorect my heart and not invest in hope. 
Fuck it all. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Medicare APP fail

Can't log into the medicare on Android.

To check status click here
Then choose the right hand icon.
Feedback ID = 8000085xxx
Customer ID = medicare number
First name = --has to be typed exactly--
Last Name = Thomson

What I have tried:
Delete App.
Clear Cache
Reboot Phone
Reloaded app

I have checked my user name and password by logging in on my laptop.

I have tried to log on with only mobile data, only wifi and both.
All fail
I've check in every case that I can browse the internet so I do have a internet connection.

Tried phoning medicare 132011 but the person there has no technical knowledge.  There seems to be no way to find a person with 

Medicare App V2.0.4
Phone = Samsung A5   Model SM-A520F
Android 8.0.0

Tried a manual android update - No different.  Still fails.

16-10-2019 Update - I installed the medicare app on Chris's Android phone and logged in using my credentials and it worked.  Then I cleared it's cache to remove my password.  So this in my mind confirms that the problem is in my phone.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Calston St - Under Contract

Calston st.  Home for 20+ years.  Looks like it's sold.  Signed the contract yesterday.

Another nail in the emotional coffin I guess.
I guess I am very much up and down these days.
Sounds like nice new owners though.  They even offered to take Oreo.
Now I have to press the pedal hard to find a place of my own.

FB Messenger Clone

Ive been cloned.
Someone has nicked my FB profile photos and created an account of the same name and is contacting the people on contacts list.

I tried reporting it by several ways.  Needed google to help.  FB does not make it easy.
As of today (Sunday 13 OCT 2019) it is still active.
To report it inside messenger, I had to actually send a message and then a menu became available to say that they were impersonating me.

Weekend roundup Sat 12 Sun 13

The weekend really started Friday when Jemma came to stay.
Friday night we had Indian from the local takeaway and then Jemma was collected by Dan and went to Oxley youth.  I retired for my usual post dinner siesta.

5am Sat, dropped Jemma at Centenary and drove to west end to coach BGS rowing.  The weather was crap.  Cold and windy.  The boys really struggled with big waves and lots of wind blowing both the boat and the tinnie around.

Sat lunch Jemma and I had to decamp for a Calston st open house.

Sat 3pm Sara from Harcourts realestate called and then came over for me to sign the sold contract.

Sat PM, Jemma cooked a carbonara meal and then we had one game of pool on the not so flat pool table.

Sunday 5am rise and shine and then off to coach at Centenary.
It was a bit of a disorganised start.  I was not expecting 4 Stuartholm girls and I had forgotten about the two AllHallows girls.  Tanya and Peter had planned to go out on the water in singles and teach the Brigidine girls some drills.  In the end we had
Tanya took the 4 StuartHolm girls in two doubles.
Peter took three Brigidine girls in singles.
Cody took a quad with 3 Learn To Row girls along with Jemma in the coxes seat and Laura in the coxes seat.
I took what has got to be the youngest group of girls who will compete in the HOB.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

BGS YR9 Rowing WK1

Saturday just gone the boys had their first go in the boat.
Today (Tuesday) was their second go.
co coached with Sophie. 
We just rowed in pairs and they did not seem to be concerned that they did not row as a 4 so we did not suggest it.
The emphasis is on basic technique.
Hand grip.  Basically limited to thumbs on the end and hand close to thumb.
Sequence.  We notice the boys are not getting to full slide but we ignored that.
We focussed  more on rowing in time and just trying to relax.
Also posture.  There is a lot of hunching over.  Just relax and sit up.