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Saturday, July 31, 2021

Suzuki Outboard Fail

 In what turned out to be a typical modern first world problem where the protection mechanism fails and that stymies us.

Got a phone call yesterday.  Could not pull the start rope.

They got themselves another tinnie.

Today I had a look.

Pull start seized
Remove Cover
This plastic bit stops you pulling the pull start when the engine is not in neutral.
The wire bit had somehow come out.





 Undid the screw and hooked the wire back in.



Friday, July 30, 2021

Covid19 Close Casual Contacts

 Today we hear on the News that Indooroopilly High has had a confirmed positive case.  The school is closed for deep clean.   We had a couple of Indooroopilly High kids at rowing yesterday.

The question is "What are our obligations".  My thoughts are in fluro pink

Questions that spring to mind are:
a) Should I get tested?
b) What should we advise others who were present to do?
c) What cleaning should the rowing club do.

In summary it seems we don't do anything unless contacted by QLD health.




A close contact is a person who has:

  • had face-to-face contact for any amount of time or shared a closed space for at least 1 hour with a confirmed case during their infectious period.  (Unknown)
  • been to a venue or location where the risk of transmission is considered high based on public health assessment - Sounds like this is true in this case
  • been identified by public health authorities to be at high risk for developing COVID-19 as they have or may have been in contact with someone with COVID-19, for example in a school or other institutional setting. (Unknown)

The local public health unit will tell you if you have been deemed a close contact of someone who has COVID-19. They may direct you to quarantine for 14 days. If you get sick with any COVID-19 symptoms during that period, even mild, get tested immediately.

Comment: This feels like do nothing until told.


Management of Close Contacts Direction (No.2)

A person who is informed that they are a close contact must quarantine until the end of the fourteenth day after the day on which the person last had close contact or until an earlier or later time as an emergency officer (public health) specifies in a direction under section 362G or 362H of the Public Health Act 2005.


QLD health glossary page conveniently and somewhat typically (please forgive my sarcasm) does not include a definition of "Casual Contact".

This starts with ....

Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19): Casual Contact

You have been identified as a person who has had casual contact with a confirmed case of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infection. 

A casual contact is someone who has been in the same general area as a person with coronavirus infection while that person was infectious, 


Those with less than 15 minutes face-to-face contact with a symptomatic case in any setting;


Those who shared a closed space such as a room with an infectious confirmed case for less
than 2 hours

Casual contacts do not need to be excluded from work or school while well.
You must
closely monitor your health for 14 days

Immediately isolate yourself and contact a doctor if you develop any of the following symptoms:


Sore throat


Shortness of breath

and some more

Large indoor/outdoor venues, such as warehouses or theme parks, would be considered lower exposure
risk (casual contact) unless the case spent more than 15 minutes for face-to-face contact with any person
at the location; the person should then be considered a close contact and followed up accordingly.

Casual contacts will be advised to monitor for symptoms and get tested immediately if
they become unwell. If tested, they should isolate themselves until they receive their test result.


Unlinked virus case recorded in Brisbane ( 

Queensland has recorded an unlinked locally acquired case of COVID-19 in a high school student in western Brisbane.

The 17-year-old girl, who's an Indooroopilly State High School student, tested positive on Thursday night after suffering a headache.

Health Minister Yvette D'Ath says the case is yet to be linked with any existing outbreaks in the state.

"This is an unknown, unlinked case at this stage. Until we get more information, masks are more important than ever," she said on Friday.


South East Queensland lockdown

Lockdown restrictions apply from 4pm, Saturday 31 July until 4pm, Sunday 8 August for the local government areas of Brisbane, Gold Coast, Ipswich, Lockyer Valley, Logan, Moreton Bay, Noosa, Redland, Scenic Rim, Somerset and Sunshine Coast.

All non-essential businesses must close. A list of non-essential ('restricted') businesses is in Schedule 3 of the Chief Health Officer's restrictions for locked down areas (South East Queensland) direction. This includes:

  • retail food services (e.g. pubs, restaurants, cafes and fast food outlets) except for takeaway and home delivery services
  • entertainment facilities (e.g. theatres, cinemas, music halls and concert halls)
  • face-to-face learning at universities, TAFEs or other higher education settings
  • major sports stadiums, convention centres and showgrounds
  • indoor and outdoor events (e.g. marathons, cultural festivals, fetes, expos)
  • theme parks, outdoor amusement parks, tourism experiences and arcades
  • zoos, aquariums and wildlife centres, except to provide maintenance and care for animals
  • amusement centres (e.g. places to play billiards, pool, pinball machines or video games)
  • gyms, health clubs, fitness centres, yoga, barre, spin facilities and dance studios
  • indoor sporting centres and venues
  • places of public worship, except for weddings (maximum 10 people including the celebrant and couple and funerals (maximum 10 people including funeral staff). Religious ceremonies may be livestreamed
  • spas, nail salons, hairdressers, beauty salons, waxing salons, tanning salons, tattoo parlours, non-therapeutic massage and water-based spa services
  • massage parlours, unless providing massage therapy for the management or prevention of disease, injury or condition by a registered health practitioner or qualified massage therapist
  • auction houses
  • betting agencies and gaming lounges
  • casinos, gaming or gambling venues, including wagering outlets that are accessible by members of the public
  • markets, except for food and farmers markets
  • galleries, museums and libraries
  • community facilities, such as community halls excluding the provision of hosting essential voluntary or public services such as foodbanks and homeless services
  • sex on premises services, sex services premises and strip clubs
  • public swimming pools (apartment/body corporate complex pools can stay open if they are only used by permanent residents)
  • nightclubs.

Business owners and employees can only leave their home for essential work or other limited permitted purposes. Essential work is any work that is necessary to maintain essential services and supplies to the community and can't be done from your home.

Construction can continue. Essential construction can continue on sites that are a home residence or workplace, but minimise interactions between workers and residents, staff or visitors to the workplace.

Childcare centres can remain open for children of essential workers only.

Requirements for wearing a face mask apply.

Information on a support package for affected businesses will be announced in the coming days.

Read more about:


The government web site is littered with statements referring to essential work but finding a definition of what actually IS essential work is bloody hard.  It is hardly surprising that people hold the government with such disdain.  We have had covid for over a year and they still release rules full of inconsistency and that spark confusion.

  1. An essential business, activity or undertaking in a locked down area may otherwise operate as normal, with physical distancing observed and subject to any other requirements in this Direction such as face masks and any other requirements in other public health directions such collecting contact information.

    Note: See Definitions Schedule 1 – an essential business, activity or undertaking means a business, activity or undertaking that is not prohibited under Schedule 3.


And for work....

My understanding of the rules is:

1.  We are an "Essential Business"

The government web site is littered with statements referring to essential work but finding a definition of what actually IS "essential work" is bloody hard.  It is hardly surprising that people hold the government with such disdain.  We have had covid for over a year and they still release rules full of inconsistencies and that spark confusion.

  1. An essential business, activity or undertaking in a locked down area may otherwise operate as normal, with physical distancing observed and subject to any other requirements in this Direction such as face masks and any other requirements in other public health directions such collecting contact information.

    Note: See Definitions Schedule 1 – an essential business, activity or undertaking means a business, activity or undertaking that is not prohibited under Schedule 3. (Schedule 3 lists things like restaurants, hair dressers and so on)

2.  The Remote work question

As we are an "Essential Business" we can drive to work.  I note the caveat  "unless one can not work at home".  So for example, doing hardware testing, one can't do that at home and doing software development, one would need to take a jig home.  Tomorrow we need to work out the new greybot software that fixes the temperature sensor bug so we will need Lee here to do that.  Likewise as the business owner, it's hard to supervise from home.

3. We have to wear masks indoors at work

per Graeme's notes below,

20. A person mentioned in paragraph 19 (Thats us in lockdown) must:

  1. carry a face mask at all times; and

  2. wear a face mask covering the nose and mouth at all times if they are in an indoor space

21 The requirements under paragraph 20 do not apply: a person in an indoor space that is in their residence

d. to a person travelling alone in a private vehicle

L. if the person is consuming food, drink or medicine

q to a person engaged in strenuous physical exercise

As I read it, no exemption for indoors even with tones of physical distancing.  (unless you eat continuously).

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Roast Beef and Vegies

1.8kg roast from Coles Fairfield gardens.  $30 (about). Was a bit disappointed in this.

3am in slow cooker on high. 
        Sprinkled mixed herbs on as I did not have any French Onion Soup.

7am Switched slow cooker to Medium.

              4:30 leave work
              5:00 Arrive home
                      Peel potatoes
T-1.5hrs 5:15 Potatoes in Oven at 175.  with extra virgin olive oil
              5:30pm Start Peeling Pumpkin, Onion, Sweet Potato.
T-1hr      5:55pm In oven.   Also turned potatoes           

T-15min 6:30 Cauliflower in steamer
              6:40 & Broccoli in steamer

6:45       Pumpkin Soup
7:00       We started eating Main Course

There was 960-286= 674g too much water.
Need to refine the way I make pumpkin soup

Tuesday, July 27, 2021


Morning at Centenary Rowing Club. While the older ones launched, the younger ones did an erg in the gym.

The water was calm with a light chilly breeze. I wore my marone jacket and a beanie. At one stage the sun was in the rowers eyes and so we got them to close them for a bit.  Figured rowers are used to not looking where they are going anyway.

SQ State champs

Boat loading was crap.
I learned,  next time I need a big print list of boats to put up on the wall so the kids can read and work without me being in the loop. 

I need a second piece of paper with the list of boats and columns to tick off that the boat and the rigger are on the trailer. 

Super windy.
We all stood around for ages while RQ pondered.  I was glad it was not me making the decision. Eventually they decided to run quads only. They advised the plan was to Marshall at the launch site and Shepherd them up,  do a u turn and race.  Half of them never made the start - blown into the bank.  3 or 4 crossed the finish line and the day was cancelled. 

Was way Better with a full complement of races. 
Centenary president  loaned his Toyota prado so I could tow. This saved anyone coming to the dam just to tow.  For me, first time towing.

I thought I'd write and say a few thank you's.  The danger here is I'll miss those quiet "get in and do it" people and to those who I miss,  I apologise.  Please add those who you think need thanking in the comments. 

One of the Corinda boys came Sunday. Albeit so we could sing "happy birthday " to him and eat his cake.   He did   a fantastic job supervising trailer loading at Wyaralong. 

One of the Brigidine girls stepped in last minute this morning to cox the yr10 quad sacrificing her single. Then her and mum stayed for ages carrying boats and oars.

A big shout out to Di  as Thursday's boat loading which was a shambles(my fault).

Ros & Liam  who came to the shed Friday afternoon to fix up my somewhat dodgy trailer load. 

Peter Wadsworth for towing down.  Rob Kennedy for lending his prado to tow back. 

Jemma this morning -the yr8 girls got to row their singles that were originally scheduled for Saturday. This necesitated Rearranging the boat allocation and Jemma did a great job of that. 

Finally the girls who turned up at the shed Sunday afternoon to help Kenmore unpack the trailer and wash everything.

Kenmore boys quad
Jemma and Emma Bronze

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Possum profing

 Previously I put up some mesh to keep the possum out of the laundry.

I alerted the real estate who in turn alerted the owner who did get at least one quote but nothing happened.  I can smell the possum in the downstairs room and as nothing has happened, I dedided to do some more mesh.

I know the possum is living in the left hand bay so I made that piece as a door so the possum can get out but not back in.  I bet all hell breaks loose tonight.

Tiida Plug and Coil Pack Change


2 flat blade screw drivers




2 bolts.  10mm socket.  Squeeze two plastic clips at front

Needs to be removed to access the right hand bolt on the air intake maniforld
need 2 flat blade screw drivers to lever up the joins to other plastic pipes

Back left 10mm socket.  Bolts into engine.
Front 3 x 10mm Socket with long extension.  very tight.  need better sockets as the cheap ones i have jump slip round the heads.

Throttle Body


Vacuum hose back left.
Backing plate Back Right

Clean mating surface. 
Bolts Inside to outside to stretch gasket out not in. 20ftLpbs

 Throttle Body
6 ft lbs

Before we start.

The first thing is to remove the large plastic cover.  Two bolts toward the back and two push up and out thingos at the front underneath.

Next remove the air intake.  Need a medium flat blade to leaver up the push in fixings.  Then two flat blades to disconnect the various plastic pipes.  There was evidence that someone has done this in the past.

Then remove the dip stick (yellow) and the radiator over flow tank (White to the left.

The bolts from the PLENUM were stripped.  More evidence that someon ein the past took this all apart.

Used a M6 tap to clean them up.

The bolts were in worse conditon than the above embedded nuts.  Used a M6 die to clean up the thread.





Friday, July 16, 2021

Revolutionise and email

 Having difficulty embedding pictures in emails I send from Revolutionise.


Use the insert image and then the Upload tab





I was using the clipboard icon and then pasting the image in there. 

When I send to myself at various email address, 

WORKS for these clients:
   Thunderbird on PC.
   RoundCube web mail,
   Outlook on PC.  outlook on Android.
   Blue mail on Android
   Yahoo mail web interface.

   gmail on pc,  gmail on android.

and 2 parents and Jemma have all shown me examples where it fails but I do not know the client they are using

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Youtube Video Downloader

 They are making it harder for people to make downloaders.

This one seems to work

Youtube Downloader by al3k_popov  (Firefox extension)





Easy Youtube Video Downloader (Firefox extension)
Nope.  Comes with this error

Video Download (Firefox extension) - Nope

Click bait for their pro version


Monday, July 12, 2021

Z20t loses extended display

 Normally I have a two external monitors.
DEL connected by HDMI and LG connected HDMI to a USB-HDMI adapter. 

PROBLEM: If I unplug the external monitors and move my computer and connect the projector by HDMI, when I bring my laptop back to my desk, it does not connect to the DEL.  The LG via USB is fine.


Friday 13-08-2021

Same problem.  Yesterday it was working fine.  Shut down when I left last night.  Powered up this morning (both monitors connected) but no pictures on either.  Unplugged.  Rebooted.  Plugged in the Dell (HDMI) - Nothing.  Plugged in the LG (voa USB) and t has come up.  So now I have the PC LCD display and the LG.  No Dell.

HD Graphic 5300
Driver Provider: Intel Corporation
Drover Date: 21-01-2020
Driver Version:
Digital Signer: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher.

UPDATE Driver-> Search aautomatically--> The best drivers are alreay installed
   -> Search for updated drivers on Windows Update.
This just takes one to the Update and Security>Windows Update screen.

Tochiba is now "Dyna book"
They have Intel Display Driver which is older than what I have
     Posted Date: 2017-12-19 | Version:
I note they do have some 2021 drivers-
Toshiba System Driver

    Posted Date: 2021-07-29 | Version: 1.01.0002 | Size: 18.63M



1. Unplug both monitors.
2. Power down
3. Power ON
4. Plug in Dell (HDMI) Nothing
5. Plug in LG via USB - OK.
6. Unplug BOth. 
7. Plug LG into HDMI - Nothing.
8. Plug LG back into USB - OK.

9. Install the new Graphics driver V15.40.48.5171
Fail - Not validated for this hardware.
My Processor is Intel(R) Core(TM) M-5Y71 CPU @ 1.20GHz   1.40 GHz
10 Create Restore Point
11. Install the new Toshiba system driver


Monday, July 12, 2021

1. Reboot PC
Close all programs.
Unplug both monitors.

Plug the Dell back in on the HDMI. - > No go

2 Plug the LG into the HDMI
Unplugged the Del HDMI.
Removed the HDMI plug from the USB-HDMI adaptor.
Plugged into the HDMI on the laptop. --> Fail

This implies it's the laptop

3 Shut down
Tried a shut down then press the power button to start.
Neither display connected.
Booted & Waited.
Then plugged in the DEL via HDMI --> Worked

So I think this confirms the hardware is OK and that it is some kind of software or driver issue.

Display Adaptors
Driver Provider: Intel
Driver Date 21/01/2020
Driver Version

DELL U2412M(Digital)
Driver Provider:  Dell Inc
Driver Date 15/06/2012

File Version 10.0.19041.488 (WinBuild.160101.0800)

4Unplug Replug
So lets just try unplugging and re plugging.  Wait a minute between.
That works.

5 Now try putting the LG in place of the Del on HDMI
That worked.

6 Back to the Dell
Unplug the LG and thenplug in the DEL - Works.
So maybe the video projector is causing it.

By the time I did all of this the screens were messed up.
Rebooting fixed it

As a FYI,
My monitors are 213

Unplugged and did some stuff.
Now the LG does not connect.

Soda Water

Thread is type 30    $45 "MKIII Regulator for CO2"

Only ships with 4kg    $104

$5 plus clips
From Country Brewer

Country Brewer
Drop off and leave it because they have to chill the bottle 

Softdrink Bottle top
~$12 on ebay

Hose bit
~$20 ebay




Chris Callan Rhio Move out

 With Callan and Rhiannon married, they have moved out of the house in Graceville ave.

On Saturday Chris moved several ute loads of stuff to my place.

I had been laid up with the flu since Wednesday.

Sunday morning I was really achy.  It was a lovely sunny morning and moving - walking, stretching etc alleviated the pain so I figured I would give Chris et al a hand to move.

Chris swung past Glenrich St and we got the hedge trimmer and some oil.  Then we went in separate cars to Graceville Ave.

I helped out a bit - got the whipper snipper going.  Then Chris advised the front fly screen door needed the bottom panel put back on.  Went on a bit of a milk run.  To work to drop off work stuff Chris had  had at home and picked up the battery drill and bits.  On to bunnings to bus some corner brackets.  Bunnings do not sell the where with all for screen doors.  Only window screens.

Went back and fixed door.

Came home.

Did a bit of Rowing Camp stuff.

Went to bed.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Sick and lonely

bit of a runny nose.

Sore throat.
Day off work
Had a covid test.... just in case.
Awaiting results. 
Feel a bit ordinary.
Mild headache. 
Runny nose.

Weird being alone and sick. 

Achy nose
Runny nose
Mild headache 
Coughing up phlegm.
No energy 
Covid result received by text -negative 
Throat a bit more sore.
Went to Oxley medical clinic. 
Prescribed Nasonex and Amoxicillin.
I was a bit concerned with a antibiotic but the doc said they were concerned that my sinuses were starting to be infected. This was apparently from the "achy nose" symptom.

Anyway a couple of sprays from the Nasonex and a Amoxicillin seem to have made a huge improvement. 

Went to bed early 7 ish.  Coughing up phlegm every hour. 

Awoke feeling much better. 
Still got up often coughing up phlegm. 
Had some Pineapple and squeezed 4 oranges. No taste. I wonder if that's a by product or if woolies are selling stuff that's been in storage.

Lower back.  Hips. Ankles, knees all ache.  Esp when lieing down.

Woke with a sneeze.  It's a sunny morning which is great. Had hot steemy shower and a shot of Nasonex. That seems to have cleared the sinuses.  Lower back is way sore. Ache. Sit ups. Walking. Touch toes. As Dr Smith would say "the pain the pain"


Still coughing up the occasional bit of phlegm. 
Feeling pretty good.