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Sunday, May 26, 2024

Saturday 25 May

Rocks Riverside and the rain had come in. Athletic stretching during the pre race acknowledgements. Today's race plan had Frank and Phoebe each going separately.
The gun fired and we were off. In the crowd keeping up with a man with a pram. Bunched as we reached the first corner and passed by a pram pushed by another mother (just wanted to use that). Past the missing Thai chi statues and we've made 500m. Stretch out with stride rhythm wishing I'd worn a hat as the rain stung my eyes. (Phoebe: "it was barely drissling, toughen up sunshine"). Past the JW's who were also absent. Up ahead in the distance I see a shimmering sign. My legs grew heavy and my lungs were already dim. Thinking abouts knives and never leaving here. Round we went. Past the JWs who are still absent. Maybe they really were accepted.
In the end PB's for both, 
Phoebe 39:12
Frank 36:07
Phoebe: "I'm only 3 minutes behind you" "give me 3 months" she says.

Back home and Phoebe cooked up a beautiful omelette which we ate on the deck. 

Phoebe went to see her dad. I took Mags to work. 

Worked on getting an "in solution" system out the door. 

In the evening, heated a couple of spag bogs, grabbed half a bottle of wine. Loaded mags. 
Dropped into Coles and picked up a Tiramisu. 
Over to Phoebe's where my provisions were teamed with a salad. 

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