The volume up button on my ipone has died. Volume down works. The ringer can be adjusted up in software under "settings" but nowhere can I find a soft volume control for the phone. I searched the os and also the App store. No success.
Then I let google loose and it seems that for a software fix, I have to "jail break" the iphone
implement a hardware fix.
Now a hardware fix is for me probably more straightforward but "jailbreaking" sounds like a lot of fun.
My firmware is
Settings>About>Version 4.2.1 (8C148)
Red Snow - ?
Redsn0w is a WINDOWS PROGRAM that connects to the iphone.
The question I have for myself is
a) to jailbreak my V4.2.1 do I need a paricular version of redsn0w or just any version after 0.9.6b5?
UltraSnow -
Greenpoin0n - Paid program $US25
Frank's record of a bit of his life. Comments have to be moderated because lots of spam comments
Search This Blog
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Megan's Nokia N95 to iphone
The challenge is to set up my old iphone so Megan can try it out.
A. Contacts worked direct from the phone. See try 3 with link below.
B. Calendar - Worked with
A transfer the contacts from the N95 to google and then to the iphone
2. GOOSYNC.COM - FAILED - Claims to sync Calender and Contacts (on the front page) for $20 about (web site is in GBP)
They have a 7 day free trial which I am taking advatage of.
Went to goosync and found a way to grant access to google contacts. The default is obviosly not sync'd
Re run the sync app on the N95
This time connected via our wifi. Had to re enter the wep key. I wonder if this is a 'feature' of the N95.
Did you know Megan has 928 contacts.
Used Telstra and still get.
"System Error"
Changed profile to just sync contacts (& not the calendar).
It says success but the contacts do not show up in the google contacts.
1. COPY TO SIM - FAILED - Sim too small
Open contacts>options>mark/unmark>mark all>copy>to sim directory. - No good. Sim not enough memory.
Extract Notes off iphone
It does not seem possible to copy all the notes off. Only to email them off. Bizzare. Why is something so basic so hard?
If you jailbreak your iphone then you can use this
Several posts suggest that the only way to get the stuff on the iphone is to connect via ssh
suggests there is a way to do it with google.
my iphone firmware is 4.2.1 (8C148)
The above mentioned link suggests using a microsoft exchange connection type however this does not mention notes
somewhere else says oh gosh should have used gmail - > still no notes
A. Contacts worked direct from the phone. See try 3 with link below.
B. Calendar - Worked with
A transfer the contacts from the N95 to google and then to the iphone
2. GOOSYNC.COM - FAILED - Claims to sync Calender and Contacts (on the front page) for $20 about (web site is in GBP)
They have a 7 day free trial which I am taking advatage of.
How much does the subscription cost?Now the Calendar sync has worked. Megans apointments are visible in her google calendar. But the contacts did not sync? Perhaps I am a lite user?
Premium subscriptions start at £19.95 (Pound Sterling) for a 12 month subscription. It is also possible to purchase a 24 month subscription for the reduced cost of £29.95 (Pound Sterling) or a lifetime subscription for just £39.95.
A GooSync Lite subscription is £8.99 for a 12 month subscription.
As a Lite user can I synchronise my Contacts?
GooSync and Google Contacts support is only available for users of the GooSync Premium account.
In order to upgrade please use the upgrade account button on the home page once you are logged into the website.
What are the differences between GooSync and Google Contacts synchronisation?Perhaps I have not given permission to do the sync?
•Using GooSync offers a sync between your GooSync contacts and your device. Your contacts are securely stored in GooSync and you can view and modify your contacts using the GooSync Contacts manager. In addition you can sync categories.
•Using Google contacts offers a sync between your Google contacts and your device. Your contacts are stored in Google. In order to sync your Google contacts you must give permission to GooSync to access your Google contacts.
Went to goosync and found a way to grant access to google contacts. The default is obviosly not sync'd
Re run the sync app on the N95
This time connected via our wifi. Had to re enter the wep key. I wonder if this is a 'feature' of the N95.
Did you know Megan has 928 contacts.
Used Telstra and still get.
"System Error"
Changed profile to just sync contacts (& not the calendar).
It says success but the contacts do not show up in the google contacts.
1. COPY TO SIM - FAILED - Sim too small
Open contacts>options>mark/unmark>mark all>copy>to sim directory. - No good. Sim not enough memory.
Extract Notes off iphone
It does not seem possible to copy all the notes off. Only to email them off. Bizzare. Why is something so basic so hard?
If you jailbreak your iphone then you can use this
Several posts suggest that the only way to get the stuff on the iphone is to connect via ssh
suggests there is a way to do it with google.
my iphone firmware is 4.2.1 (8C148)
The above mentioned link suggests using a microsoft exchange connection type however this does not mention notes
somewhere else says oh gosh should have used gmail - > still no notes
Thursday, June 23, 2011
TK102 Poor build
My TK102-2 purchased from Ebay arrived today.
It does not seem to be assembled correctly.
The board and the plastic section that goes between the battery and the board is skewed up at the right.
In this photo, you can see how the board is kicked up so that the USB connector does not line up with the hole in the case.
Also at the top right, you can see the internal plastic section that separates the battery from the PCB.
Inside, the phone module has this written on it
SIM3402 S2-1019P-A960B
SN: MP0610320040245
IMEI: 354779035581975
FCC ID UDV-0606020060002
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Blocked by Education Queensland
I have been advised by two people that EQ have blocked
I had a search on google and EQ have all sorts of policies and procedures but I could not find a way to contact them (electroically anyway).
I would like to ask them
a) Is my web site blocked?
b) If it is blocked, how do I get it unblocked.
I would also like to ask, but I doubt they would tell
c) Why was it blocked in the first place.
PO Box 15033
City East Qld 4002
But no email that I can find
I had a search on google and EQ have all sorts of policies and procedures but I could not find a way to contact them (electroically anyway).
I would like to ask them
a) Is my web site blocked?
b) If it is blocked, how do I get it unblocked.
I would also like to ask, but I doubt they would tell
c) Why was it blocked in the first place.
General enquiries
Telephone: +61 7 3237 0111Mail address
Department of Education and TrainingPO Box 15033
City East Qld 4002
But no email that I can find
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Finish Line - Mount Coot-tha
100km on foot !
Chris with sparklers. Oxfambulators arrive to a welcome from friends ad family.
Out of the 1132 people who started the event, 826 participants (seventy three percent of walkers) crossed the line under the 48 hour time limit set with the last team finishing at 8.18am on Sunday morning. The average team finishing time was 29 hours and two minutes.
Eighty nine percent of teams finished the event with at least one team member crossing the line and forty four percent of teams finished as a complete team of four.

My mum's the best
119. 274 – OXFAMBULATORS 40 hrs : 6 mins
Megan & Cybele
Whats the big issue with walking at 2am
Family hug
Jemma & Megan
I am too dam tired to look at the camera but gee it's good to see you.
Chris with sparklers. Oxfambulators arrive to a welcome from friends ad family.
Out of the 1132 people who started the event, 826 participants (seventy three percent of walkers) crossed the line under the 48 hour time limit set with the last team finishing at 8.18am on Sunday morning. The average team finishing time was 29 hours and two minutes.
Eighty nine percent of teams finished the event with at least one team member crossing the line and forty four percent of teams finished as a complete team of four.
My mum's the best
119. 274 – OXFAMBULATORS 40 hrs : 6 mins
Megan & Cybele
Whats the big issue with walking at 2am
Family hug
Jemma & Megan
I am too dam tired to look at the camera but gee it's good to see you.
Oxfamulators support page
Team and Thank you
Cameron Braid - Fixed the web page and made it really great.
Dick Carter - car fridge
Waratah - GPS tracker unit
Joel & Vivian - Phone batteries for GPS unit
Waree - Phone battery for GPS unit.
Mel - Not just food but great food and just taking care of everything to be eaten
Paul - Easy Up, gas heater, Helping to setup and pull down the tents.
Darren - Supply and erect the tent at Lake manchester.
Frank - I had fun supplying 240v to run the foot spa's at Lake manchester, Organising the GPS and looking after the kids.
Sean - Loan of his car and the Gold Creek stop.
Bob and Ivan for navigation and providing experience and help especially in training and getting the girls ready.
Cybele - Chief Whip cracker and enthusiast
Wondered how the GPS worked?
In Megan's back pack was a TK102 GPS tracker (Look on ebay. about $85)
The TK102 has a GPS receiver and a GSM phone module.
I fitted a Telstra Next G sim (because I had it) in the hope that Telstra's coverage would be the most complete. It would have been nice to have a Next-G tracking device however we had what we had.
The sim was on a shared data plan from Telstra. No longer available. The current plan is $5 per month for 5MB data.
The TK102 is programmed using text messages. I set it to transmit once every 5 minutes. Basically to try to conserve battery life as I really did not want Megan to have to change batteries. I used BL-5C batteries in place of the BL-5B batteries that it is designed to use. The BL5C is held in place with electrical tape because it is longer than the unit is designed for.
The TK102 was programmed to transmit data TCPIP packets to, Buddy tracker service. This is a free service and you can log in to see the location and history of your unit. I wanted to use gpsgate to actually display the position on a public web page but i could not find out how to do that. They did however provide example code for hosting it on my own server.
Within, I created a "public group" and this provided the conduit to access the data.
Then I used the example code to set up a web page on
This web page is loaded into your browser. It then goes off to google and gets the map data and displays it.
It goes to gpsgate and retrieves the current position and all the historical data and then creates google poly lines which is the green line on the map.
And there you have it.
A really big thank you to two key people. Firstly to Waratah who loaned me the TK102 and showed me and to Cameron Braid who took my web page and really spruced it up.
Cameron Braid - Fixed the web page and made it really great.
Dick Carter - car fridge
Waratah - GPS tracker unit
Joel & Vivian - Phone batteries for GPS unit
Waree - Phone battery for GPS unit.
Mel - Not just food but great food and just taking care of everything to be eaten
Paul - Easy Up, gas heater, Helping to setup and pull down the tents.
Darren - Supply and erect the tent at Lake manchester.
Frank - I had fun supplying 240v to run the foot spa's at Lake manchester, Organising the GPS and looking after the kids.
Sean - Loan of his car and the Gold Creek stop.
Bob and Ivan for navigation and providing experience and help especially in training and getting the girls ready.
Cybele - Chief Whip cracker and enthusiast
Wondered how the GPS worked?
In Megan's back pack was a TK102 GPS tracker (Look on ebay. about $85)
The TK102 has a GPS receiver and a GSM phone module.
I fitted a Telstra Next G sim (because I had it) in the hope that Telstra's coverage would be the most complete. It would have been nice to have a Next-G tracking device however we had what we had.
The sim was on a shared data plan from Telstra. No longer available. The current plan is $5 per month for 5MB data.
The TK102 is programmed using text messages. I set it to transmit once every 5 minutes. Basically to try to conserve battery life as I really did not want Megan to have to change batteries. I used BL-5C batteries in place of the BL-5B batteries that it is designed to use. The BL5C is held in place with electrical tape because it is longer than the unit is designed for.
The TK102 was programmed to transmit data TCPIP packets to, Buddy tracker service. This is a free service and you can log in to see the location and history of your unit. I wanted to use gpsgate to actually display the position on a public web page but i could not find out how to do that. They did however provide example code for hosting it on my own server.
Within, I created a "public group" and this provided the conduit to access the data.
Then I used the example code to set up a web page on
This web page is loaded into your browser. It then goes off to google and gets the map data and displays it.
It goes to gpsgate and retrieves the current position and all the historical data and then creates google poly lines which is the green line on the map.
And there you have it.
A really big thank you to two key people. Firstly to Waratah who loaned me the TK102 and showed me and to Cameron Braid who took my web page and really spruced it up.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Brookfield - Last Supper
Mel produced great food. She was at every stop. Tasty and encouraging.
As well as taking a physio on the track with them,
Brought in a second physio to do that last service before the final push to the finish line
This was the team support set-up at Brookfield. Once again, Paul rose to the fore with his "easy up" and heater. Mel produced great food.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Oxfam - First Night - Lake Manchester
The support crew trid hard to look after the walkers. Paul brought his blue "easy up", a gas heater (far left) and a foot spa. Frank had fun with the technology bringing batteries and an inverter to run the foot spas. An esky full of hot water to keep those toes nice and warm.
Melissa (right) prepared a beautiful hot meal. A stew with some spice to it.
Paul has a foot fetish.
Ahhh that's nice
During the day (Friday) Darren came and set up his tent (Left). Then Frank and Paul set up the blue "easy up" and the small tent. Frank slept in the small tent. Paul had the heater in the easy up and the girls were in Darren's great tent .
Sat morning 4:50am just prior to departure.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Oxfambulators GPS
I have a GPS tracker with the team.
To see where they are live
If the GPS has not reported for a while, then you will not see the trace nor the little red tear drop marker showing their position. Just come back later.
The position but not the historical trace.
You can make a donation to Oxfam through our webpage too.
Trail maps and contour maps can be found at
team page on the oxfam site

Got their ID
Lets go...Leaving Cybele's.
Team including Bob and Ivan who provided invaluable advice and assitance and who are off to walk the boarder ranges as the girls do their thing on that glorious mountain.
If you know of a web site that I push data to from a TK102 GPS tracker and have it display on a public web page then let me know.
If you are a Javascript guru and would like to help me fix up the web page with the map, please contact me.
I have a GPS tracker with the team.
To see where they are live
If the GPS has not reported for a while, then you will not see the trace nor the little red tear drop marker showing their position. Just come back later.
The position but not the historical trace.
You can make a donation to Oxfam through our webpage too.
Trail maps and contour maps can be found at
team page on the oxfam site
Got their ID
Lets go...Leaving Cybele's.
Team including Bob and Ivan who provided invaluable advice and assitance and who are off to walk the boarder ranges as the girls do their thing on that glorious mountain.
If you know of a web site that I push data to from a TK102 GPS tracker and have it display on a public web page then let me know.
If you are a Javascript guru and would like to help me fix up the web page with the map, please contact me.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
GPS tracking
I have a TK-102 GPS tracking device on loan from a friend and I have a TK102-2 on order via Ebay.
GPS tracking devices consist of a GPS receiver and a mobile phone module all in the one little box with a battery. In my case I have set the TK102 to send the GPS data every 5 minutes.
The challenge is to display the track in real time on a map. Easy. I would have thought so but does not seem to be.
GPSGATE Buddy tracker
Free and has a nice web page but you have to log in to view it.
Only works with gps enabled phones. The FAQ specificallys says nope
I already have a dedicated tracking device. Will it work with InstaMapper?
InstaMapper only works with supported cell phones. Dedicated GPS tracking devies (such as Zoombak) will not work.
Very slooooow
Could not get it to work
GPS tracking devices consist of a GPS receiver and a mobile phone module all in the one little box with a battery. In my case I have set the TK102 to send the GPS data every 5 minutes.
The challenge is to display the track in real time on a map. Easy. I would have thought so but does not seem to be.
GPSGATE Buddy tracker
Free and has a nice web page but you have to log in to view it.
Only works with gps enabled phones. The FAQ specificallys says nope
I already have a dedicated tracking device. Will it work with InstaMapper?
InstaMapper only works with supported cell phones. Dedicated GPS tracking devies (such as Zoombak) will not work.
Very slooooow
Could not get it to work
To get the Javascript
When you have logged in to your BuddyTracker account,
click on the link “Groups” in the top menu. On that page you find a form called “Create your own Group today”. Give your group a name and type in a description. Select “Public” to be able to use your group for Web Services. Then press the “Create” button.
Your new group is now available in the My Groups list to the left.
Click on the name of your group to go to your groups settings page.
Click on the link called “Public URL to _YOUR_GROUP_ event page”.
Click on the button “Get code” to move to the cut’n paste wizard.
Fill in the form to create code for your web page.
You need a Google Maps key to be able to display a Google map on your web page. If you don’t have one then click on the link below that field to get one from Google.
Then type in the generated key in the field. You now have the options to choose size, zoom level and starting position of your map. Click on the Get code button when you are done.
You now have three windows with completed code.
When you have logged in to your BuddyTracker account,
click on the link “Groups” in the top menu. On that page you find a form called “Create your own Group today”. Give your group a name and type in a description. Select “Public” to be able to use your group for Web Services. Then press the “Create” button.
Your new group is now available in the My Groups list to the left.
Click on the name of your group to go to your groups settings page.
Click on the link called “Public URL to _YOUR_GROUP_ event page”.
Click on the button “Get code” to move to the cut’n paste wizard.
Fill in the form to create code for your web page.
You need a Google Maps key to be able to display a Google map on your web page. If you don’t have one then click on the link below that field to get one from Google.
Then type in the generated key in the field. You now have the options to choose size, zoom level and starting position of your map. Click on the Get code button when you are done.
You now have three windows with completed code.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Ute Insurance
Got the Suncorp insurance bill for the ute today. Decided paying over $1k for a 10year old ute did not seem right.
First went online to and they aofferred numerous solutions from companies I had never heard of and starting from $834.48
I wondered what a name brand insurer would charge. Mr google suggested NRMA and after spending 20minutes chatting to Rebecca, she anounced $708.42 or add another $63.50 for windscreen insurance (Not included inthe original Suncorp insurance).
The next ovious question was "what is a 10 year old tray back ute actually worth"?. See below but it looks to me like about $7k

What the .....SUNCORP New Policy?
I got on to the Suncorp web site and entered the data for a new policy
So I guess they know something I don't about me.
I even admitted to the kangaroo incident.
A long phone call established that business vs personal and $500 vs $600 excess were part o the reason.
Notactually all that many for sale but prices range $9k - $14k
First went online to and they aofferred numerous solutions from companies I had never heard of and starting from $834.48
I wondered what a name brand insurer would charge. Mr google suggested NRMA and after spending 20minutes chatting to Rebecca, she anounced $708.42 or add another $63.50 for windscreen insurance (Not included inthe original Suncorp insurance).
The next ovious question was "what is a 10 year old tray back ute actually worth"?. See below but it looks to me like about $7k

What the .....SUNCORP New Policy?
I got on to the Suncorp web site and entered the data for a new policy
So I guess they know something I don't about me.
I even admitted to the kangaroo incident.
A long phone call established that business vs personal and $500 vs $600 excess were part o the reason.
| ||
| ||
| ||
Notactually all that many for sale but prices range $9k - $14k
UTILITY, 2003, 4.0 lt, 4 SP AUTO SEQ SPORTSHIFT View valuation details | Estimated Valuations: $7,200 - $8,800 private sale $7,100 - $8,000 trade in $11,300 - $13,560 dealer price |
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Stroll up Mt Cootha
To build empathy toward Megan and the walkers (I think), we went for a walk up Mt Cootha this afternoon.
Marcus, Bella, Megan, Chris.
Dan, Jemma
Dan, Marcus
This is the view of the water looking under the thing that Marcus is standing on in the photo above.
I have been tinkering with a GPS tracker. It is a TK102 that I borrowed from a friend. It sends data messages via the GSM network to buddy tracker (Free service).
This map view shows us going from home to church then dropping Marcus and Bella in Graceville, back home to get a cake for Dan and taking it to church then home then to Mt Cootha. The last bit is a walk from JC Slaughter Falls Car Park to the Summit.
Here is a close up of the bit at Mt Cootha using satellite view.
And even closer
The reports are sent every 5 minutes.
Marcus, Bella, Megan, Chris.
Dan, Jemma
Dan, Marcus
This is the view of the water looking under the thing that Marcus is standing on in the photo above.
I have been tinkering with a GPS tracker. It is a TK102 that I borrowed from a friend. It sends data messages via the GSM network to buddy tracker (Free service).
This map view shows us going from home to church then dropping Marcus and Bella in Graceville, back home to get a cake for Dan and taking it to church then home then to Mt Cootha. The last bit is a walk from JC Slaughter Falls Car Park to the Summit.
Here is a close up of the bit at Mt Cootha using satellite view.
And even closer
The reports are sent every 5 minutes.
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