Andrew & Jane had our family and another family to feed Sunday AM, so Andrew broke out the BBQ and cooked up sausages, egg & Bacon, Jane produced toast, grape juice and evrything else required to ensure a great breakfast experience.
Met up with Henry at Old Parliment house. Observed the reminants of the tent embassy and wondered if even they know why they are still there.
I wonder if any of the kids will end up in politics.
This would have been Henry's office had he been in his job in the old parliament house.
Frank sitting in the old house of reps visitors gallery.
Henry showed us his office in the bowels of parliament house.
Sitting in the Senate visitors gallery. Nothing happening on the floor. I wanted to retract some legislation but Henry told us that most people who jump down from the visitors gallery end up being carted off with a broken leg.
You know how hard it is being a tourist. Luckilly parliment house has plenty of places to sleep. And in the background, you can see plenty of tourists. The place was packed.
Then it was down down into the parliamentary catacombs. We only saw one level but there are rumors.... no one says anything direct..... just oblique references....
The nuclear shelter.....
The cathedral - a huge cavern hundreds of feet high with stone walls and mood lighting of course.....
The billion litres of oil .....
hundreds of levels of secret rooms....
a small room with a desk, chair and a red phone with no dial.....
But we did see kilometers of tunnels and artwork. It's not like there was a shortage of art on the surface but I guess that if the pollies have to bid a hasty retreat in the case of national emergency.
... well they need their art.