This is a draft. Some fixing up needed.
A formal do for Catherine Solomon. Megan and I donned our finest. Marcus too as he was co-opted as a waiter. Sarah babysat Dan and Jemma at Paul & Cybele's. A glass of champas at Paul & Cybele's (Not for Marcus).
We had been co-opted into learning to dance Gangnam style. This necessitated watching and following a you-tube tutorial.
Link to go here
Getting left and right correct proved too much of a challenge for me so I re-rendered it mirror imaged.
At Paul and Cybele's we listened to a rehersal of a coldplay song that some of them were doing (see video below) and then another rehersal of the flash mob gangnam style dance.
Here is the video. At this time it's the raw footage. It would be nice to fix the audio and also put in some stuff to cover times when the vision was wrong.
At the party the music started and with no grog to mask the upcoming nightmare we stepped forward and let loose Gangnam style.
Frank's record of a bit of his life. Comments have to be moderated because lots of spam comments
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Monday, November 26, 2012
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Wet saturday
10am at the BGS boat shed and we are all putting boats in the water. The first four were well organised and got onto the water and away quickly. Chris has been promoted to the 4th four and I have been alocated to assist with the 10th four. As we waited to launch the man in charge - Joe Rodregus, came and told us that if we saw any lightning we were to turn round and come straight back. The boat before us managed to capsize at the ramp as no one had actually put their riverside oars in the roclocks. Our 10th four had just placed the boat in the water when we were told Lighting has been spotted. I didn't see any but hey... So we began the task of backing up and putting the boats in the shed. Our actual coach was dispatched in a tinnie to pass the message to other crews already on the water. I supervised / assisted my crew to bring their boat in and wash it and put it on the racks in the shed. People were dispatched to bring the tinnies round to the ramp where they are launched. There a gazillion single sculls on trollies and these too were rolled in.
It was a remarkably smooth operation that was completed without panic and just in time.
The rain started and the roller doors closed. Joe briefed the kids to let their parents know by text/phone and to not run round. Then all hell broke loose around us the rain smashed on the tin roof and lighting and thunder exploded outside.
Megan advised by phone that she thought based on the BOM radar that it would be over in about 20 minutes.
As the rain subsided the roller doors were opened to reveal water and sticks across the concrete apron. Chris and I began our treck back to the car. One medium szed tree had split in two and lay across the jetty at the southern end of the shed.
Chris and I drove home to pick up togs and then over to his frined Nick Wright for a sleepover birthday. 4 kids (Nick, Jai White and one other)
I took Marcus to Primavera where he works washing dishes. I think I am going to sneak our ones from home in. While at Primavera, I bought a coffee and sat at a table, pulled out my laptop and did some preparation for the motor boat license course I am doing Sunday.
Megan went to see a drama thing that Yani was involved in and Ainslie (ala Erin et al)
I exchanged texts with her and set upon a plan to join her for dinner. I phoned the Mantheys and asked if Jemma could come over to play. This was kindly accepted.
Somewhere along the way, Steven had phoned and organised to come over to play. He wanted Dan to go for a sleepover.
Put Jemma in the car and drove to the Mantheys. As I walked in the gate I realised that Jemma would need to have dinner with them and I had uncosciously avoided including that in the original RFT. Luckilly Bob and jenny were OK with feeding.
So I waived good by and went and retrieved Marcus and took him home. I was running against the clock but luckilly Dan was ready and so he and Steve hopped in the Tiida and we were off. Dropped them at Steven's house and continued on.
Met Megan, Susan Edwards, Erin, Erin's parents, Yani, Pete and various others at the Kookaburra cafe. Had a nice glass of red, bacon cabonara & nocked off some of Susan Edward's garlic bread to which she raised a protest and then it seems "we" were paying for it so "I" took out my wallet. :)
We had two cars there and so we took separate cars home. I dropped in on the Mantheys and everyone was keen for Jemma to sleep over. So she did. I assume Nighties and Sunday clothes were provided by the Mantheys because Jemma only had the clothes on her back and by now they smelled of smoke as they had had a camp fire while I was away.
10am at the BGS boat shed and we are all putting boats in the water. The first four were well organised and got onto the water and away quickly. Chris has been promoted to the 4th four and I have been alocated to assist with the 10th four. As we waited to launch the man in charge - Joe Rodregus, came and told us that if we saw any lightning we were to turn round and come straight back. The boat before us managed to capsize at the ramp as no one had actually put their riverside oars in the roclocks. Our 10th four had just placed the boat in the water when we were told Lighting has been spotted. I didn't see any but hey... So we began the task of backing up and putting the boats in the shed. Our actual coach was dispatched in a tinnie to pass the message to other crews already on the water. I supervised / assisted my crew to bring their boat in and wash it and put it on the racks in the shed. People were dispatched to bring the tinnies round to the ramp where they are launched. There a gazillion single sculls on trollies and these too were rolled in.
It was a remarkably smooth operation that was completed without panic and just in time.
The rain started and the roller doors closed. Joe briefed the kids to let their parents know by text/phone and to not run round. Then all hell broke loose around us the rain smashed on the tin roof and lighting and thunder exploded outside.
Megan advised by phone that she thought based on the BOM radar that it would be over in about 20 minutes.
As the rain subsided the roller doors were opened to reveal water and sticks across the concrete apron. Chris and I began our treck back to the car. One medium szed tree had split in two and lay across the jetty at the southern end of the shed.
Chris and I drove home to pick up togs and then over to his frined Nick Wright for a sleepover birthday. 4 kids (Nick, Jai White and one other)
I took Marcus to Primavera where he works washing dishes. I think I am going to sneak our ones from home in. While at Primavera, I bought a coffee and sat at a table, pulled out my laptop and did some preparation for the motor boat license course I am doing Sunday.
Megan went to see a drama thing that Yani was involved in and Ainslie (ala Erin et al)
I exchanged texts with her and set upon a plan to join her for dinner. I phoned the Mantheys and asked if Jemma could come over to play. This was kindly accepted.
Somewhere along the way, Steven had phoned and organised to come over to play. He wanted Dan to go for a sleepover.
Put Jemma in the car and drove to the Mantheys. As I walked in the gate I realised that Jemma would need to have dinner with them and I had uncosciously avoided including that in the original RFT. Luckilly Bob and jenny were OK with feeding.
So I waived good by and went and retrieved Marcus and took him home. I was running against the clock but luckilly Dan was ready and so he and Steve hopped in the Tiida and we were off. Dropped them at Steven's house and continued on.
Met Megan, Susan Edwards, Erin, Erin's parents, Yani, Pete and various others at the Kookaburra cafe. Had a nice glass of red, bacon cabonara & nocked off some of Susan Edward's garlic bread to which she raised a protest and then it seems "we" were paying for it so "I" took out my wallet. :)
We had two cars there and so we took separate cars home. I dropped in on the Mantheys and everyone was keen for Jemma to sleep over. So she did. I assume Nighties and Sunday clothes were provided by the Mantheys because Jemma only had the clothes on her back and by now they smelled of smoke as they had had a camp fire while I was away.
Mercedes Vito Breakdown
After church on Sunday, Megan loads the Vito with children to take home. The plan is to come back and with my help, load the marimbas into the Vito. The marimbas had been placed in the church meeting room on Friday night after they were used at the streetparty. It had been raining and this was to give them a chance to stay dry. I went to the coffee club to get a coffee. Nice to have some down time in a busy weekend.
My phone rings and it is Megan. The Vito wont start and she and it are near the corner of Dewar tce and Marlbrough st. Not far so I walk. I arrive and the fault is not abvious so we call the RACQ.
Fault Description:
Everything seemed good - lights come on, key locks & un locks the doors, and when you turn it, the lights come on on the dash but when you turn it to the start position, the engine does not crank. The engine warning fault light stays on after the lamp test cycle is complete. (The manual says this is a exhaust or fuel issue (bizarre as later I find on the internet that almost every issue results in that light coming on). (yes there is fuel).
Historical information:
On two or 3 occasions in the last few months, with engine running and the gear leaver moved to the Park position, the vehicle displays "R" even though it is physical in the "P" position. The gear leaver would then be jammed in the P position. This fault could be cleared by switching the engine off and then restarting.
The fellow dutifully arrived and I described the above to him.
He checked the battery was OK but then seemed to get a bit lost. At one stage he got under the vehicle and used a screwdriver to short something out and encourage the engine to crank but of course it did not start.
I asked if he could plug in a diagnostic tool and he said his tool would not read Mercedes codes. He did not attempt to plug in his tool.
I asked him if he should call for more information. He initially misinterpreted that question and responded that Mercedes do not send their own techs that they just call RACQ. I clarified that I meant call RACQ and speak to a guru but he didn't do that.
He said that he thought it was the ignition inhibit circuit. I was not so sure given that the key correctly operates the door locks. We discussed getting the spare key from home (20 minutes). He seemed keen on that idea.
He said that it was too hard and that we would have to tow the vehicle. He offered to organise that but I declined as I figured we would try the spare key and anyway I did not know where we were going to tow it to.
He helped to push the car out of the driveway so that we were not cloging up the persons driveway.
He then went on his way.
I called my friend Ross and borrowed his $20 Ebay OBD2 Bluetooth doodad. Downloaded an app called Torque. The free version did not do anything much so I figured this is all going to cost a fortune so I figured $4.85 for the pro version may be worth it.
While I had been waiting for the RACQ fellow, I had established that I did not know the location of the OBD2 connector and google seemed confused. So on my way to Ross's house I dropped into home to use a real computer to search the net. It is above the accelorator pedal.
The ODB2 dodad told me there were 4 errors and one was highlighted in red as a "Current Fault". With little information and no experience, I saved that information and then sent the clear command. This cleared the errors with the exception of the A/C error. But still it would not start. Gave up and went home.
On Monday, I phoned Ash Prestige Auto Repairs at Graceville. Then orgainsed the RACQ to tow it there.
Tuesday Ash call's me and for $308 I can have my Vito back and all that they found wrong was a fuse in the starter motor circuit.
You're kidding. I was annoyed with myself for not checking the fuses and I was annoyed the the RACQ fellow for the same reason and at the time suspicious that he had actually blown the fuse while messing around with his screwdriver shorting things out under the car to make it crank.
FRIDAY 16-11-2012
I am at work and my phone rings. It's Megan and the Vito wont start again and Jemma has to be at gymnastics. There is an added complication this time in that the Vito is low on fuel and it is suspected that that may be contributing to the problem. I talk Megan through where to plug in the OBD2 dodad and how to download the App. The theory is that we may be able to clear the fault and start the engine. As a backup, I jump in my car and drive home.
I arrive home and the Vito is still stuck. Time is fleeting, madness takes it's toll... So I grab Jemma and take her to Y-West gymnastics. Back home and my phone connects and we see
U0404 - Network - Tap "Web for more information"
So I do and the phone goes to
and that web site tells me that U0404
"Invalid Data Received From Gear Shift Control module 'A'"
So I think we would all agree we have a comms issue amongst other things.
I clear that and now it reports no errors but still it wont start.
Time to pick up Jemma so I drop into Bunnings and buy a (plastic) fuel can. Pick up Jemma and then buy 10l diesel. Pour in the diesel and it makes no difference. Not that that really surprised me but it ruled that out.
Megan takes the Tiida to P1 and Chris, Dan, Jemma and I walk round tor swimming club. After they are signed on, I walk home
Not wishing to spend another $300 to find a dead fuse I look carefully over the fuses and what do you know there is a blown one. At some stage I have bought or been given a handy pack of replacement fuses and so the fuse is replaced and the engine now cranks and starts. I did through the owners manual and what do you know, it is in the starter circuit. My assumption is that it is in the control circuit for the starter solenoid which in turn provides the power to the starter motor.
a) We have two unrelated faults
.1 The issue with the gear selector
.2 The starter motor solenoid not pulling in and pulling too much current.
b) The faults are related - Perhaps the gearbox controller is doing something such that when the starter operates that it does not let go at the end of the previous start or perhaps it jams for the current start cycle.
It would be nice to know WHEN the fuse blows.
Need to find a service manual or at least a wiring diagram.
A tame expert who is not going to charge me $100 an hour to debug & fiddle.
Fuse 16 blows. Traced to frayed wiring harness. As part of the debug process, he disconnected the wire to the starter motor and the fuse still broke.
After church on Sunday, Megan loads the Vito with children to take home. The plan is to come back and with my help, load the marimbas into the Vito. The marimbas had been placed in the church meeting room on Friday night after they were used at the streetparty. It had been raining and this was to give them a chance to stay dry. I went to the coffee club to get a coffee. Nice to have some down time in a busy weekend.
My phone rings and it is Megan. The Vito wont start and she and it are near the corner of Dewar tce and Marlbrough st. Not far so I walk. I arrive and the fault is not abvious so we call the RACQ.
Fault Description:
Everything seemed good - lights come on, key locks & un locks the doors, and when you turn it, the lights come on on the dash but when you turn it to the start position, the engine does not crank. The engine warning fault light stays on after the lamp test cycle is complete. (The manual says this is a exhaust or fuel issue (bizarre as later I find on the internet that almost every issue results in that light coming on). (yes there is fuel).
Historical information:
On two or 3 occasions in the last few months, with engine running and the gear leaver moved to the Park position, the vehicle displays "R" even though it is physical in the "P" position. The gear leaver would then be jammed in the P position. This fault could be cleared by switching the engine off and then restarting.
The fellow dutifully arrived and I described the above to him.
He checked the battery was OK but then seemed to get a bit lost. At one stage he got under the vehicle and used a screwdriver to short something out and encourage the engine to crank but of course it did not start.

I asked him if he should call for more information. He initially misinterpreted that question and responded that Mercedes do not send their own techs that they just call RACQ. I clarified that I meant call RACQ and speak to a guru but he didn't do that.
He said that he thought it was the ignition inhibit circuit. I was not so sure given that the key correctly operates the door locks. We discussed getting the spare key from home (20 minutes). He seemed keen on that idea.
He said that it was too hard and that we would have to tow the vehicle. He offered to organise that but I declined as I figured we would try the spare key and anyway I did not know where we were going to tow it to.
He helped to push the car out of the driveway so that we were not cloging up the persons driveway.
He then went on his way.
I called my friend Ross and borrowed his $20 Ebay OBD2 Bluetooth doodad. Downloaded an app called Torque. The free version did not do anything much so I figured this is all going to cost a fortune so I figured $4.85 for the pro version may be worth it.
While I had been waiting for the RACQ fellow, I had established that I did not know the location of the OBD2 connector and google seemed confused. So on my way to Ross's house I dropped into home to use a real computer to search the net. It is above the accelorator pedal.
The ODB2 dodad told me there were 4 errors and one was highlighted in red as a "Current Fault". With little information and no experience, I saved that information and then sent the clear command. This cleared the errors with the exception of the A/C error. But still it would not start. Gave up and went home.
On Monday, I phoned Ash Prestige Auto Repairs at Graceville. Then orgainsed the RACQ to tow it there.
Tuesday Ash call's me and for $308 I can have my Vito back and all that they found wrong was a fuse in the starter motor circuit.
You're kidding. I was annoyed with myself for not checking the fuses and I was annoyed the the RACQ fellow for the same reason and at the time suspicious that he had actually blown the fuse while messing around with his screwdriver shorting things out under the car to make it crank.
FRIDAY 16-11-2012
I am at work and my phone rings. It's Megan and the Vito wont start again and Jemma has to be at gymnastics. There is an added complication this time in that the Vito is low on fuel and it is suspected that that may be contributing to the problem. I talk Megan through where to plug in the OBD2 dodad and how to download the App. The theory is that we may be able to clear the fault and start the engine. As a backup, I jump in my car and drive home.
I arrive home and the Vito is still stuck. Time is fleeting, madness takes it's toll... So I grab Jemma and take her to Y-West gymnastics. Back home and my phone connects and we see
U0404 - Network - Tap "Web for more information"
So I do and the phone goes to
and that web site tells me that U0404
"Invalid Data Received From Gear Shift Control module 'A'"
So I think we would all agree we have a comms issue amongst other things.
I clear that and now it reports no errors but still it wont start.
Time to pick up Jemma so I drop into Bunnings and buy a (plastic) fuel can. Pick up Jemma and then buy 10l diesel. Pour in the diesel and it makes no difference. Not that that really surprised me but it ruled that out.
Megan takes the Tiida to P1 and Chris, Dan, Jemma and I walk round tor swimming club. After they are signed on, I walk home
Not wishing to spend another $300 to find a dead fuse I look carefully over the fuses and what do you know there is a blown one. At some stage I have bought or been given a handy pack of replacement fuses and so the fuse is replaced and the engine now cranks and starts. I did through the owners manual and what do you know, it is in the starter circuit. My assumption is that it is in the control circuit for the starter solenoid which in turn provides the power to the starter motor.
a) We have two unrelated faults
.1 The issue with the gear selector
.2 The starter motor solenoid not pulling in and pulling too much current.
b) The faults are related - Perhaps the gearbox controller is doing something such that when the starter operates that it does not let go at the end of the previous start or perhaps it jams for the current start cycle.
It would be nice to know WHEN the fuse blows.
Need to find a service manual or at least a wiring diagram.
A tame expert who is not going to charge me $100 an hour to debug & fiddle.
Fuse 16 blows. Traced to frayed wiring harness. As part of the debug process, he disconnected the wire to the starter motor and the fuse still broke.
Handy random words and acronyms
Jesus Junk
NLTAC = Never Likely to Achieve Competency
MAMIL (Pronounced like Mammal) = Middle Aged Men In Lycra.
The older we get the better we were.
Every day may not be a good day but there is something good in every day.
Before you cristicise a woman, walk a mile in their shoes, then you will be a mile away from them and in agony.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Row row row your boat
Our time improved from 51 minutes to 42 minutes.
18 Grammarians Male D R Rowles 51:22.0 49:36.0 42:51.0
The day was
3:45am rise and shine
4:30 on the water
6:00 at the start. Memorable as the boys had a pee stop. Our cox - 19 yo (F) El put her head down shook it and groaned "tell me when it's over". And it was not confined to our boat as another boat there was a fellow kneeling and peeing over the side. The things we do.
6:0? And they are off and racing....
exhausion sets in. The legs are tired, the back sore, the lungs screaming....
6:40ish the photo was taken
6:42 ish we cross the finish line at UQ
rest and row back to the shed.
Wash the boat and then the most impostant activity.
Debrief (and coffee) at Albertos coffee shop.
The older we get the better we were.
From 10am till 12:30 ish, I went and sat in a Tinne with the BGS kids.
By the time I got home I was stuffed.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Sri Chinmoy Triple Triathlon
As I landed in Canberra on Saturday evening a text from Henry
"R U swimming, running, cycling or photos and media management".
Earlier in the week when I was organising my trip to Canberra, he had invited me to participate in a triathlon. IHe said they had purchased a family entry.
When Henry's text arrived I envisaged something on the lines of little athletics in the form of families running swimming and cycling. All that was missing was an egg and spoon race. I sent him back a quick text indicating I was not really into swimming. Just as well as it turned out swimming took place in lakes - canberra lakes - not known for flowing water.
Henry and I arose while it was still dark. The darkness made me suspicious that this might not be little athletics. A bike was strapped to the roof and a spare shoehorned into the back of the car. Henry morphed into a MAMIL (Middle Aged Man In Lycra), This was definitely not little athletics. We proceeded to the lake where the first swim leg was already underway. After a few moments we saw movement in the water and a few minutes later a wet suit man exited the water. ( I was very glad I has indicated that I was not into swimming). The water teamed the way it does when a school of fish are over enthusiastic and more men and women exited. Then cousin Michael (who had flown in from Sydney- This was serious) and Carolyn's husband David arrived on foot. It appears they had waved cousin Peter off.
BTW, there is an out of date family tree here
This may help understand the relationships.
We observed some fellow exit the water in his speedos. This confirmed that there were some very strange people involved. Later on there were some girls too who were just in togs with no wet suit. I would have wanted a hazmat suit myself.
Hmm we wondered as the lake cleared. But then whats that - movement on the horizon. It's it's a person doing backstroke. Cameras are warmed up. It's Peter. Henry dons his helmet and is at the ready. Peter powers out the final meters and up the beach and tags Henry and Henry is off.
Michael and David, Peter and I walk back to the almost empty car park. We decided that we were probably about 5th last. We drive in convoy 100m from the top of Black Mountain. We watch cyclists struggle past as their exhausted legs push them toward the summit. Ten minutes later we see then screaming down the hill past us and into the car park only to disappear down an incredibly steep dirt track.
I am somewhat concerned that Henry may not be up to the task. Then along he comes. He makes the up hill look like its flat. As he disappears over the cliff those of us in cars drive off to Dickson so Michael can prepare for his 20km run with a take away coffee.
We continued to the top of Anthill street where we joined a large crowd. A few people came through then then blow me over here is Henry coming in at 2hrs and 8 minutes for 36km including it turns out spending 5 minutes helping some guy who fell off and broke is knee and also at one stage Henry apparently took a wrong turn.
Then Mike ditched his coffee and jogs off into the distance. Henry and I would be hard pressed to jog back to the car yet Michael is running up Mt Majura then down to the saddle and then up Mt Ainslie. You know the place that we struggle up the stairs to look at the view. The support crew wandered back to Kellaway St so Henry could have a shower and the rest of us could have yet another coffee. meanwhile Michael is slogging away up and down Mountains. We hop in the cars and drive up Mt Ainslie. As we wait at the top for Michael, we clap politely and offer words of encouragement to the people running by. I am informed that one lady is 65 or something.
Eventually Michael comes into view and we grab him for a family photo. Hey what else do you do half way through a leg. He continues on his run and Henry and I said good by to Peter & David.
Henry and I went and had breakfast (11:15) at cafe "two for ten" departing at noon. Then we went shopping for some shirts and then met Andrew Metcalfe at the Belgium beer cafe where I had some unpronoucible beer. Then we went into the city for a steak and then onto cousin Ian's place. As we entered I noted his daughter Lizzie had the triathlon team's number in niko on the back of her hand. She had apparently done the last swim leg. Ann marie did the second leg but we did meet her.
After chatting with cousin Ian, his partner Justine and daughter Lizzie and some of their neighbors we departed for the finish line.
The sun had set and the cerimonial presentations were underway.
We discovered that the winners did it in abut 8 hours 9 minutes - a new course record.
One team with all 9 members over 50 did it in 9 and a bit hours.
And as more runners arrived those on the balcony would clap enthusiastically. Some of those were individuals who had done all 9 legs. One person. All day. Insanity.
Then Peter arrived. I am amazed.
We went home to bed.
Such a long day.
"R U swimming, running, cycling or photos and media management".
Earlier in the week when I was organising my trip to Canberra, he had invited me to participate in a triathlon. IHe said they had purchased a family entry.
When Henry's text arrived I envisaged something on the lines of little athletics in the form of families running swimming and cycling. All that was missing was an egg and spoon race. I sent him back a quick text indicating I was not really into swimming. Just as well as it turned out swimming took place in lakes - canberra lakes - not known for flowing water.
Henry and I arose while it was still dark. The darkness made me suspicious that this might not be little athletics. A bike was strapped to the roof and a spare shoehorned into the back of the car. Henry morphed into a MAMIL (Middle Aged Man In Lycra), This was definitely not little athletics. We proceeded to the lake where the first swim leg was already underway. After a few moments we saw movement in the water and a few minutes later a wet suit man exited the water. ( I was very glad I has indicated that I was not into swimming). The water teamed the way it does when a school of fish are over enthusiastic and more men and women exited. Then cousin Michael (who had flown in from Sydney- This was serious) and Carolyn's husband David arrived on foot. It appears they had waved cousin Peter off.
BTW, there is an out of date family tree here
This may help understand the relationships.
We observed some fellow exit the water in his speedos. This confirmed that there were some very strange people involved. Later on there were some girls too who were just in togs with no wet suit. I would have wanted a hazmat suit myself.
Hmm we wondered as the lake cleared. But then whats that - movement on the horizon. It's it's a person doing backstroke. Cameras are warmed up. It's Peter. Henry dons his helmet and is at the ready. Peter powers out the final meters and up the beach and tags Henry and Henry is off.
Michael and David, Peter and I walk back to the almost empty car park. We decided that we were probably about 5th last. We drive in convoy 100m from the top of Black Mountain. We watch cyclists struggle past as their exhausted legs push them toward the summit. Ten minutes later we see then screaming down the hill past us and into the car park only to disappear down an incredibly steep dirt track.
I am somewhat concerned that Henry may not be up to the task. Then along he comes. He makes the up hill look like its flat. As he disappears over the cliff those of us in cars drive off to Dickson so Michael can prepare for his 20km run with a take away coffee.
We continued to the top of Anthill street where we joined a large crowd. A few people came through then then blow me over here is Henry coming in at 2hrs and 8 minutes for 36km including it turns out spending 5 minutes helping some guy who fell off and broke is knee and also at one stage Henry apparently took a wrong turn.
Then Mike ditched his coffee and jogs off into the distance. Henry and I would be hard pressed to jog back to the car yet Michael is running up Mt Majura then down to the saddle and then up Mt Ainslie. You know the place that we struggle up the stairs to look at the view. The support crew wandered back to Kellaway St so Henry could have a shower and the rest of us could have yet another coffee. meanwhile Michael is slogging away up and down Mountains. We hop in the cars and drive up Mt Ainslie. As we wait at the top for Michael, we clap politely and offer words of encouragement to the people running by. I am informed that one lady is 65 or something.
Eventually Michael comes into view and we grab him for a family photo. Hey what else do you do half way through a leg. He continues on his run and Henry and I said good by to Peter & David.
Henry and I went and had breakfast (11:15) at cafe "two for ten" departing at noon. Then we went shopping for some shirts and then met Andrew Metcalfe at the Belgium beer cafe where I had some unpronoucible beer. Then we went into the city for a steak and then onto cousin Ian's place. As we entered I noted his daughter Lizzie had the triathlon team's number in niko on the back of her hand. She had apparently done the last swim leg. Ann marie did the second leg but we did meet her.
After chatting with cousin Ian, his partner Justine and daughter Lizzie and some of their neighbors we departed for the finish line.
The sun had set and the cerimonial presentations were underway.
We discovered that the winners did it in abut 8 hours 9 minutes - a new course record.
One team with all 9 members over 50 did it in 9 and a bit hours.
And as more runners arrived those on the balcony would clap enthusiastically. Some of those were individuals who had done all 9 legs. One person. All day. Insanity.
Then Peter arrived. I am amazed.
We went home to bed.
Such a long day.
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