After Henry, Chris and Frank returned from their mammoth 50km bike ride, we (Frank, Megan, Marcus, Chris, Jemma and Henry) piled into the Vito and drove North to Kings beach at Caloudra.
We met up with Dave & Dianne and their two children Damica & Xavier.
Had a swim.
Henry went and bought hot chips.
Dave went and bought a 2l tub of blue ribbon ice cream and a packet of plastic spoons.
After we were finshed at the beach we drove to Ian and Fays for a BBQ dinner.
Frank's record of a bit of his life. Comments have to be moderated because lots of spam comments
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Saturday, December 28, 2013
Bike Ride
Henry, Chris and Frank did another bike ride. Henry took his GPS doodad. After every ride he uploads the data to a web site called Strava.
More to come
More to come
Thursday, December 26, 2013
River Loop Bike Ride
Henry brought his bike with him from Canberra.
Sean kindly lent chris a bike. Henry brought peddles and shoes.
This morning Henry, Chris and Frank set out on a river loop ride. We picked up Bob Manthey down at Corinda.
Chris is supposed to engage in some holiday exercise so a ride to the Grammar boat shed seemed like a good idea. Evidence is handy to have too. That guy on the right has a bit of a gut.
While we were in the rowing vicinity, we figured we should tutor Henry on the finer points of rowing. We dropped in on Rowing Queensland where I row from and put them on an Ergo (Rowing machine). Legs-Body-Arms-Arms-Body-Legs. Here you see that technique nearing perfection with only a few minor points to be addressed.
This is why the guy has a big gut.
Sean kindly lent chris a bike. Henry brought peddles and shoes.
This morning Henry, Chris and Frank set out on a river loop ride. We picked up Bob Manthey down at Corinda.
Chris is supposed to engage in some holiday exercise so a ride to the Grammar boat shed seemed like a good idea. Evidence is handy to have too. That guy on the right has a bit of a gut.
While we were in the rowing vicinity, we figured we should tutor Henry on the finer points of rowing. We dropped in on Rowing Queensland where I row from and put them on an Ergo (Rowing machine). Legs-Body-Arms-Arms-Body-Legs. Here you see that technique nearing perfection with only a few minor points to be addressed.
This is why the guy has a big gut.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Christmas day
We were awoken to the melodious tones of the bin truck making it's collection and then in case we were not fully awake to view the baby Jesus, it returned a few minutes later to do the other side of the road.
A present was demanded and supplied and then it was off to church.
Megan has been organising kids to play musical instruments and they gathered on the dais.
And here is Megan
After church we went home and had morning tea.
After morning tea, Dan and Jemma insisted that we receive a present and what do you know - "Monopoly Empire" and as any good family person would know this is the seed of arguments. True to form the arguing has begun even before the first roll of the dice. There are arguments over how the games works, the rules, the placement of bits, who starts first.
A quick reference to the rules and we find the YOUNGEST STARTS FIRST!!!! get that OK!
Then those not playing arrive and get grumpy because they are not playing. Those who are playingh and by definition already grumpy get grumpy because the others are interfering or not willing to participate by reading the rules and providing adjudication. Others suddenly loose the ability to read if they are asked to refer to the rules.
A present was demanded and supplied and then it was off to church.
Megan has been organising kids to play musical instruments and they gathered on the dais.
And here is Megan
After church we went home and had morning tea.
After morning tea, Dan and Jemma insisted that we receive a present and what do you know - "Monopoly Empire" and as any good family person would know this is the seed of arguments. True to form the arguing has begun even before the first roll of the dice. There are arguments over how the games works, the rules, the placement of bits, who starts first.
A quick reference to the rules and we find the YOUNGEST STARTS FIRST!!!! get that OK!
Then those not playing arrive and get grumpy because they are not playing. Those who are playingh and by definition already grumpy get grumpy because the others are interfering or not willing to participate by reading the rules and providing adjudication. Others suddenly loose the ability to read if they are asked to refer to the rules.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Ideas for the Family Christmas Gathering
You know you have the 20-25 family adults and their random kids together in a park for an afternoon. The stealing santa is so last year. What do you do. Needs to be fun and memorable would be good.
Here are some brain storm idea
Leveraged off the idea that Daryn & Clare had for the Physio active Christmas Party.
We hire a guro chef and ovens / kitchen stoves.
The 20-25 family types are randomly arranged into groups of 3 and each group of 3 are given written instructions and raw materials and cooking equipment to make one part of the christmas meal. Then they cook like mad for 30 minutes or whatever. Then all the bits are brought together for the meal.
Get a creative team - Facilitator + camera operator to come and help / organise the koning family to make a humorous christmas message video. In one hr, the facilitator works with the family to script & rehearse and film the video. They then go and edit it and upload to youtube. The family continue with their party.
Get an artist to come and facilitate the family to make a mural. Maybe a christmas mural painted on white Vinyl. Then go hang it on the bridge across the western freeway or at Taringa. The artist bring s the material and paint and ideas and helps, coaches, facilitates. Cajoles the non participats and so on.
Same as art but some object(s) is / are built. Maybe one big object maybe one little object per person. Maybe super well done thingos that are then donated to a shop to be sold for the poor.
Here are some brain storm idea
Leveraged off the idea that Daryn & Clare had for the Physio active Christmas Party.
We hire a guro chef and ovens / kitchen stoves.
The 20-25 family types are randomly arranged into groups of 3 and each group of 3 are given written instructions and raw materials and cooking equipment to make one part of the christmas meal. Then they cook like mad for 30 minutes or whatever. Then all the bits are brought together for the meal.
Get a creative team - Facilitator + camera operator to come and help / organise the koning family to make a humorous christmas message video. In one hr, the facilitator works with the family to script & rehearse and film the video. They then go and edit it and upload to youtube. The family continue with their party.
Get an artist to come and facilitate the family to make a mural. Maybe a christmas mural painted on white Vinyl. Then go hang it on the bridge across the western freeway or at Taringa. The artist bring s the material and paint and ideas and helps, coaches, facilitates. Cajoles the non participats and so on.
Same as art but some object(s) is / are built. Maybe one big object maybe one little object per person. Maybe super well done thingos that are then donated to a shop to be sold for the poor.
Dan and Lucy
Lucy has been itstised. This photo was actually taken on 13-DEC-2013 but I only just saw it. The blue thing is to stop Lucy from gnawing at her stitches.
Piano lifting
Megan brought home a Yamaha mini grand electric piano.
Kerbside cleanup. You know it goes. Those people who cruise the streets looking for old washing machines or parts of rusty BBQs.....
So Mitch (14yo neighbour) and Chris were press ganged into lifting it out of the Vito and setting it up in Sarah's room (she is long gone). Luckily or unluckily as the case would be, many many years ago, the UC ran a monthly youth rally and we had one of these pianos. In my younger days they appeared somewhat lighter but still too heavy to have any other memories other than their weight. So I had the necessary knowledge to assemble it. It comes in two main parts. The keyboard and base is one part and the string section is the other. The Legs are put on the keyboard and base and that part set on the floor. the string section is then hung off the keyboard and swung through 90 degrees and locked in place.
This thing is just like a real piano. Strings and things but also it has built in microphone pickups. This one even came with a amplifier / speaker. It also came with impressive heritage. It was used in times past at the Darwin entertainment centre of all places.
All connected up and of course it did not work. All manner of leads and combination of plugs and sockets were tried. All to no avail. That was weeks ago.
With a Christmas visit from Henry imminent, the need was on to get rid of it. My suggestions of taking it to the tip or even just giving it away to someone who would in turn ask me to take it to the tip were summarily rejected.
Dan tried a couple of things and it worked. Don't ask questions. Just be thankful its working.
Last night (Sunday night) we were sitting at the Oxley carols enjoying a good sing a long when Megan suggested we go and get it and put it in the school hall. Chris was keen and a second set by a kids entertainer called JAM convinced me that now was the time. We walked home.
At home we dismantled it and loaded it onto the ute. Vertebrae compressed!.
We drove back to the school. Careful not to run over any wayward kids we drove through the conveniently unlocked gate and up to the school hall. it was also conveniently not locked.
Noticed a friend "Som" and co-opted him to help lift. Megan directed and Chris, Som and myself reassembled it. It was connected to the PA system in the hall and a few notes played to reasure ourselves that Oxley school can now enjoy the melodious tones of a baby grand and a $50 reconditioned by Chris Casio harmonsing and leading the kids through the National Anthem. What are the words again you ask.
Kerbside cleanup. You know it goes. Those people who cruise the streets looking for old washing machines or parts of rusty BBQs.....
So Mitch (14yo neighbour) and Chris were press ganged into lifting it out of the Vito and setting it up in Sarah's room (she is long gone). Luckily or unluckily as the case would be, many many years ago, the UC ran a monthly youth rally and we had one of these pianos. In my younger days they appeared somewhat lighter but still too heavy to have any other memories other than their weight. So I had the necessary knowledge to assemble it. It comes in two main parts. The keyboard and base is one part and the string section is the other. The Legs are put on the keyboard and base and that part set on the floor. the string section is then hung off the keyboard and swung through 90 degrees and locked in place.
This thing is just like a real piano. Strings and things but also it has built in microphone pickups. This one even came with a amplifier / speaker. It also came with impressive heritage. It was used in times past at the Darwin entertainment centre of all places.
All connected up and of course it did not work. All manner of leads and combination of plugs and sockets were tried. All to no avail. That was weeks ago.
With a Christmas visit from Henry imminent, the need was on to get rid of it. My suggestions of taking it to the tip or even just giving it away to someone who would in turn ask me to take it to the tip were summarily rejected.
Dan tried a couple of things and it worked. Don't ask questions. Just be thankful its working.
Last night (Sunday night) we were sitting at the Oxley carols enjoying a good sing a long when Megan suggested we go and get it and put it in the school hall. Chris was keen and a second set by a kids entertainer called JAM convinced me that now was the time. We walked home.
At home we dismantled it and loaded it onto the ute. Vertebrae compressed!.
We drove back to the school. Careful not to run over any wayward kids we drove through the conveniently unlocked gate and up to the school hall. it was also conveniently not locked.
Noticed a friend "Som" and co-opted him to help lift. Megan directed and Chris, Som and myself reassembled it. It was connected to the PA system in the hall and a few notes played to reasure ourselves that Oxley school can now enjoy the melodious tones of a baby grand and a $50 reconditioned by Chris Casio harmonsing and leading the kids through the National Anthem. What are the words again you ask.
Oxley Carols
Oxley UC hosted Carold by Candlelight on the Oxley State School Oval.
Around mid day, Dan and I put up the video screen. It is Cameron Todd's surface, some old YAF poles plus my poles proping it up from the back. You can see it to the right of the stage. It was not being used at the moment the photo was taken.
Around 6pm, our family walked over. We met Cameron Braid and family and we placed our traveling rugs on the ground near them.
Around mid day, Dan and I put up the video screen. It is Cameron Todd's surface, some old YAF poles plus my poles proping it up from the back. You can see it to the right of the stage. It was not being used at the moment the photo was taken.
Around 6pm, our family walked over. We met Cameron Braid and family and we placed our traveling rugs on the ground near them.
Chris Fixes Oxley SS Keyboard
The Oxley State School Keyboard had been lying around home for a while waiting to be fixed. Turned out it had two problems. A dead power pack. Confirmed dead with multimeter followed by visual inspection showing a wire broken off right where it came out of the transformer. A replacement (12V 1A) plug pack was located in the junk box. The keyboard connector is wired -ve tip which is unusual except for keyboards. (The Roland at church is also negative tip). The replacement plug pack had just bare wires so we cut the wires and connector off the old pluch pack and joined them onto the new one. This worked a treat until we bumped the keyboard and it shut down. This sensitivity was traced to the DC input plug where the smallest touch would cause the keyboard to loose power.
Chris took the bottom off the keyboard and visual inspection showed that the solder had cracked where the connector contacts were soldered to the printed circuit board. He re-soldered it and it came back to life. - Job done
In this picture, the keyboard is upside down. I am holding the bottom of the keyboard. the keys are facing down under where Chris is soldering.
Chris took the bottom off the keyboard and visual inspection showed that the solder had cracked where the connector contacts were soldered to the printed circuit board. He re-soldered it and it came back to life. - Job done
In this picture, the keyboard is upside down. I am holding the bottom of the keyboard. the keys are facing down under where Chris is soldering.
MAC Firmware Upgrade
Finally got the mac to do a firmware upgrade.
I think in the end, the key thing was to
a) Set the launchpad>System Preferences>Startup Disk to MAC
b) Use the App Store search for updates and install
c) Do it all about 3 times.
Now we have
I think in the end, the key thing was to
a) Set the launchpad>System Preferences>Startup Disk to MAC
b) Use the App Store search for updates and install
c) Do it all about 3 times.
Now we have
Hardware Overview:
Model Name: MacBook Air
Model Identifier: MacBookAir5,2
Processor Name: Intel Core i5
Processor Speed: 1.8 GHz
Number of Processors: 1
Total Number of Cores: 2
L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB
L3 Cache: 3 MB
Memory: 8 GB
Boot ROM Version: MBA51.00EF.B02
SMC Version (system): 2.5f9
Serial Number (system): xxxxxxxxx
Hardware UUID: 5xxxxxxxx
Lets see what happens wrt video drivers on the windows side.
We have
Driver Version: working across extended desktop.
(2932 used to not work - So this is an improvement)
We have
Driver Version: working across extended desktop.
(2932 used to not work - So this is an improvement)
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Mac Windows 8.1 and a waste of time
Current MAC System Information
Model Name : MacBook Air
Model Identifier: MaBookAir5,2
Processor: Intel core i5
Processor speed: 1.8GHz
Number of processors: 1
Boot Rom Version: MBA51.00EF.B00
SMC Version(system) 2.5f7
OS= OS X 10.8 (12A269)
Graphics = Intel HD Graphics 4000 512MB
Memory = 8GB 1600 DDR3
This page tells me the firmware that relates to my mac.
This is interesting as it applies to Mid 2012 mac books
So it seems I need to upgrade both.
This update is recommended for MacBook Air (mid 2012) models.
This update fixes a color issue with HDMI displays connected to MacBook Air, resolves an issue with Windows which can prevent MacBook Air from booting properly, and also resolves an issue where unplugging a Thunderbolt device may cause the system to freeze when waking from standby.
The MacBook Air EFI Firmware Update will update the EFI firmware on your computer.
Your computer's power cord must be connected and plugged into a working power source. When your MacBook Air restarts, a gray screen will appear with a status bar to indicate the progress of the update. It will take several minutes for the update to complete. Do not disturb or shut off the power on your MacBook Air during this update.
After update EFI ROM will be: MBA51.00EF.B02
Booted to the MAC side. I tried this and I get an error message "This software is not supported on your system"
booted to safe mode with networking
then back to the mac side
then back to windows and the dam thing has booted.
and again.
oh but not again. I got too happy too quick
but now it does....
Startup Repair
Startup Repair couldn't repair your PC
Press "Advanced options" to try other options to repair your pc or "shut down" to turn off your PC.
Log File: C:\WINDOWS\System32\Logfiles\Srt\SrtTrail.txt
this could be useful
Decided to re install win 8.0
1. Inserted Win8 bootable USB
2. Held option key, pressed power on, selected USB.
3. Chose Install new.. Enetered product key.
4. Chose upgrade.
Received message "The computer started using the windows installation media. Remove the installation megia and restart your computer so Windows starts normally [oh if only]. Then insert the installation media and restart the upgrade. (Do not select ICustom (advanced)|to perform an upgrade. {Custom(advanced) installs a new copy of wondows and deletes your programs and settings).
Have another go
Installing Windows 8
1. Inserted Win8 bootable USB. Created using the Win7 bootable USB tool.
2. Held option key, pressed power on, selected USB.
3. Chose Install now..
4. Enetered product key.
5. Choose Custom
6. Drive 0 Partition 4:BOOTCAMP 70.8GB (I wish I had gone for a 256GB SSD)
7. Format (accept / ignore the warning yes I will loose my files)
8. Next. Installing windows... (Your computer may restart a few times) get coffee.
Start thinking about where and how to install MS office.
9. selected wireless lan and entered key
10 entered my microsoft account name and password
11 it has finished installing. greeted with the now familia metro? screen
12 remove usb stick.
13 restart --> worked !!! woohoo
14 ah not so quick. Need drivers. (Thats expected)
15 Checked and it appears that 5.0.5033 is the latest and I have that already downloaded.
16 Double clicked the setup.exe file. Accepted all defaults and OKs
17 Restart - yes of yes
its now 9:30am
18 Second display now clones butP does not work.
re read notes on my blog here
I check Device Manager>Display adapters>.....
I need this one Driver Version:
But where to get it???.
On a whim I choose "Roll Back Driver" from with the device manager screen.
Blow me over if I don't get the driver I want. Bizarre.
Have to work out how to stop windows from automatically "updating" this driver.
19 Stop Windows Auto Update The Video Driver
So I already tried to tell windows to not install new drivers.
BTW, to do this, at the Run prompt, type "Change device installation settings"
The good details
c:\Windowsystem32\DRIVERS\igdkmd64.sys and a number of other files
20 Reinstall software
21 Goto that gets most of the useful free stuff.
22 Map Z drive.
The iso is on the work Z drive. In Win8, right click and open with windows explorer.
Choose install now. Wait.
Activation - Choose the link "Enter a Product Key instead"
24 Thunderbird Mail Client
25 WAMP Server
27 Screen Hunter - done
Model Name : MacBook Air
Model Identifier: MaBookAir5,2
Processor: Intel core i5
Processor speed: 1.8GHz
Number of processors: 1
Boot Rom Version: MBA51.00EF.B00
SMC Version(system) 2.5f7
OS= OS X 10.8 (12A269)
Graphics = Intel HD Graphics 4000 512MB
Memory = 8GB 1600 DDR3
This page tells me the firmware that relates to my mac.
MacBook Air (13-inch, Mid 2012) |
MBA51.00EF.B02 (EFI 2.6) |
This is interesting as it applies to Mid 2012 mac books
So it seems I need to upgrade both.
MacBook Air SMC Update v1.9
MacBook Air EFI Firmware Update 2.6 update is recommended for MacBook Air (mid 2012) models.
This update fixes a color issue with HDMI displays connected to MacBook Air, resolves an issue with Windows which can prevent MacBook Air from booting properly, and also resolves an issue where unplugging a Thunderbolt device may cause the system to freeze when waking from standby.
The MacBook Air EFI Firmware Update will update the EFI firmware on your computer.
Your computer's power cord must be connected and plugged into a working power source. When your MacBook Air restarts, a gray screen will appear with a status bar to indicate the progress of the update. It will take several minutes for the update to complete. Do not disturb or shut off the power on your MacBook Air during this update.
After update EFI ROM will be: MBA51.00EF.B02
Booted to the MAC side. I tried this and I get an error message "This software is not supported on your system"
booted to safe mode with networking
then back to the mac side
then back to windows and the dam thing has booted.
and again.
oh but not again. I got too happy too quick
but now it does....
Startup Repair
Startup Repair couldn't repair your PC
Press "Advanced options" to try other options to repair your pc or "shut down" to turn off your PC.
Log File: C:\WINDOWS\System32\Logfiles\Srt\SrtTrail.txt
this could be useful
Decided to re install win 8.0
1. Inserted Win8 bootable USB
2. Held option key, pressed power on, selected USB.
3. Chose Install new.. Enetered product key.
4. Chose upgrade.
Received message "The computer started using the windows installation media. Remove the installation megia and restart your computer so Windows starts normally [oh if only]. Then insert the installation media and restart the upgrade. (Do not select ICustom (advanced)|to perform an upgrade. {Custom(advanced) installs a new copy of wondows and deletes your programs and settings).
Have another go
Installing Windows 8
1. Inserted Win8 bootable USB. Created using the Win7 bootable USB tool.
2. Held option key, pressed power on, selected USB.
3. Chose Install now..
4. Enetered product key.
5. Choose Custom
6. Drive 0 Partition 4:BOOTCAMP 70.8GB (I wish I had gone for a 256GB SSD)
7. Format (accept / ignore the warning yes I will loose my files)
8. Next. Installing windows... (Your computer may restart a few times) get coffee.
Start thinking about where and how to install MS office.
9. selected wireless lan and entered key
10 entered my microsoft account name and password
11 it has finished installing. greeted with the now familia metro? screen
12 remove usb stick.
13 restart --> worked !!! woohoo
14 ah not so quick. Need drivers. (Thats expected)
15 Checked and it appears that 5.0.5033 is the latest and I have that already downloaded.
16 Double clicked the setup.exe file. Accepted all defaults and OKs
17 Restart - yes of yes
its now 9:30am
18 Second display now clones but
re read notes on my blog here
I check Device Manager>Display adapters>.....
Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000From my previous notes - This one is BAD news.
Driver Provider: Intel Corporation
Driver Date: 12/12/2012
Driver Version:
Digital Signer: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
I need this one Driver Version:
But where to get it???.
On a whim I choose "Roll Back Driver" from with the device manager screen.
Blow me over if I don't get the driver I want. Bizarre.
Have to work out how to stop windows from automatically "updating" this driver.
19 Stop Windows Auto Update The Video Driver
So I already tried to tell windows to not install new drivers.
BTW, to do this, at the Run prompt, type "Change device installation settings"
The good details
c:\Windowsystem32\DRIVERS\igdkmd64.sys and a number of other files
20 Reinstall software
21 Goto that gets most of the useful free stuff.
22 Map Z drive.
In win8, windows explorer there does not seem to be a tools>map network drive23 Microsoft Office
In windows explorer address bar, type in the ip address \\\
Then right click on the Left hand side and select "Map Network Drive" & Choose the drive letter.
The iso is on the work Z drive. In Win8, right click and open with windows explorer.
Choose install now. Wait.
Activation - Choose the link "Enter a Product Key instead"
24 Thunderbird Mail Client
In the initial setup, put in my gmail address as the account.Its now 12:30
Thunderbird then sets up imap.
Now we need to tell thunderbird to not download all the folders. Just inbox and a couple of others.
right click on the email account in the left hand pane of the screen
Choose Synchronisation and storage,
Choose advanced
Clear the ticks from the folders that you dont want to down load.
Click OK
25 WAMP Server
Downloaded Wampserver2.4-x64.exe (Not available on
Double clicked to install.
On the web browser, typed localhost -> The default wampserver page is displayed.
Clicked on the phpinfo hyperlink. -> Ran phpinfo()
This confirmed that everything was basically working.
Observed that
Loaded Configuration File C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.4\bin\php.ini
In the system tray?, left click on the wamp icon,
Choose PHP>php.ini
post_max_size = 8M Unchanged
upload_max_filesize = 2M -> Changed to 8M
27 Screen Hunter - done
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Roof Insulation on the slope
I want to insulate my roof. I would like to insulate the sloapy part of the roof because we use the roof space to store .... junk... and I would like to keep the junk cool.
Factors to consider
Insulation Options
Fibreglass Batts
Personally dont like these as I am concerned about breathing in fibers.
They sit down on the ceiling and so of no use for keeping the ceiling space cool.
Polystyrene Foam
Bought 10 sheets 2400x1200x50. $29+GST each so around $300. I reckin I would need about 4x this to do the entire roof.
I have cut these up and I am shoving them between the roof trusses.
It is a lot of work. I can see why this is not a commercial option.
Concertina Foil Batts
KingSpan Air Cell
? "must be supported on mesh"
Tropical Roof
Install a second layer of corrugated iron on top of the first with an air gap between Or a whole stack of solar cells.
Paint the roof with something???
Foil Bubble Insulation
and all over ebay
Factors to consider
- Dirt and crap seems to get into the roof space so insulation that relies on reflective properties will not work.
- Cost
- Ease of Installation
- I don't like fibreglass type insulation.
- Needs to be installed on the sloapy part of the roof.
- Insulation properties - These seem to be quantified by an R value.
Insulation Options
Fibreglass Batts
Personally dont like these as I am concerned about breathing in fibers.
They sit down on the ceiling and so of no use for keeping the ceiling space cool.
Polystyrene Foam
Bought 10 sheets 2400x1200x50. $29+GST each so around $300. I reckin I would need about 4x this to do the entire roof.
I have cut these up and I am shoving them between the roof trusses.
It is a lot of work. I can see why this is not a commercial option.
Concertina Foil Batts
KingSpan Air Cell
? "must be supported on mesh"
Tropical Roof
Install a second layer of corrugated iron on top of the first with an air gap between Or a whole stack of solar cells.
Paint the roof with something???
Foil Bubble Insulation
and all over ebay
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Community Carol Singing
We joined some others from our church to sing Christmas carols at Chapel Gardens.
Paul had made "Dutch Doughnuts"
Paul had made "Dutch Doughnuts"
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Dan Grade 7 Graduation
Dan Grade 7 students had a "graduation". Dan was sports house captain for Coolabah (Green). At the graduation each student who had had any kind of duty got a certificate and hand shakes from various dignities.
To the right od Dan sitting at the Back is Milton Dick. Local Councillor. Later I discover leader of the labour opposition in the BCC.
Standing is Principal Errol.
To the right od Dan sitting at the Back is Milton Dick. Local Councillor. Later I discover leader of the labour opposition in the BCC.
Standing is Principal Errol.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
HOTY 2013 2 - Race Day
Race day began with breakfast. The most important meal of the day and it was another laneway. This time of Flinders lane. Eggs Benedict and Coffee.
10:30ish we met in the foyer and walked a route that took us through Flinders st Station and then across a pedestrian bridge to South Bank?. Then upstream to where the boats had spent the night.
We had missed the start (11:00am) but walked to the start anyway. In this race, entrants are grouped in "Divisions" based on average crew age & gender. Well the gender isn't averaged. There are men, women & mixed. All the boats of a particular division are grouped together. We line up four abreast in a pre determined arrangement. The boats start in approximately 10 second increments. Once all the boats of a particular division have started there is a break of 5 to 10 minutes before the next divisions start.
The finer practicalities of lining up four abreast became clear as a crew who were running late and having difficulty deciding how to get to the start chose a tight course past us. The wide angle lens of the camera does not really show how close they were. In the picture below, you can see to the left of the cox, my (7) oar handle as I have pulled my oar inboard to stop the boat beside me hitting it.
Another close call. May have been the same boat. Here you can also see that every boat has a bow number and also the cox (back of the boat and the man you can see in the camera shot) and the bow person, each have the boat number pinned to them.
The white pillar-box on the right is the start line. There were two guys in there and the window facing the river had a rope pulled tight vertically down the middle of the window. On the left hand bank opposite them was a marker. As each boat crossed the start line, they recorded the start time.
The first part of our row was a slog fest. We seemed to be rowing hard but the boat was not "running". It would be nice to think we were neck and neck with the other boats but I have to confess that they came from behind.
On the right of this picture you can see spectators sitting on the launching area of "Scotch Colledge". Somewhere around here a blue boat which turned out contain Nudgee rowers began to gain on us. Fear is a wonderful motivator and as a crew we got our act together. The rhythm impoved. The whole thing felt better. We were putting in more effort and able to build the pressure in the water. Kept those dastardly foe at bey and crossed the finish line in front of them.
On the right is the Hawthorne Rowing Club. Up ahead in the distance is the bridge that is the finish line.
Here we are just about to cross the finish line. The killer was that when we cross we are not allowed to stop rowing. I was stuffed. My legs like jelly and my lungs in need of O2. But we had to row, lightly, but still row to clear the finish line.
After we lifted the boat from the water, we carried it up stream to a park where there were lots of racks to store the boats. In the picture below you can see Richard our stroke on the left.
Pictures to come
After the formalities wound down, we pulled the boat apart.
The disappointingly memorable thing about the pack up was waiting an eternity for the boat trailer to arrive. In hindsight, in my view, we would have been better off rowing back downstream and dismantling and reloading the boats. The original plan had been a return journey via tram with stops at a number of pubs. We ended up with just the tram journey.
Race day began with breakfast. The most important meal of the day and it was another laneway. This time of Flinders lane. Eggs Benedict and Coffee.
10:30ish we met in the foyer and walked a route that took us through Flinders st Station and then across a pedestrian bridge to South Bank?. Then upstream to where the boats had spent the night.
We had missed the start (11:00am) but walked to the start anyway. In this race, entrants are grouped in "Divisions" based on average crew age & gender. Well the gender isn't averaged. There are men, women & mixed. All the boats of a particular division are grouped together. We line up four abreast in a pre determined arrangement. The boats start in approximately 10 second increments. Once all the boats of a particular division have started there is a break of 5 to 10 minutes before the next divisions start.
The finer practicalities of lining up four abreast became clear as a crew who were running late and having difficulty deciding how to get to the start chose a tight course past us. The wide angle lens of the camera does not really show how close they were. In the picture below, you can see to the left of the cox, my (7) oar handle as I have pulled my oar inboard to stop the boat beside me hitting it.
Another close call. May have been the same boat. Here you can also see that every boat has a bow number and also the cox (back of the boat and the man you can see in the camera shot) and the bow person, each have the boat number pinned to them.
The white pillar-box on the right is the start line. There were two guys in there and the window facing the river had a rope pulled tight vertically down the middle of the window. On the left hand bank opposite them was a marker. As each boat crossed the start line, they recorded the start time.
The first part of our row was a slog fest. We seemed to be rowing hard but the boat was not "running". It would be nice to think we were neck and neck with the other boats but I have to confess that they came from behind.
On the right of this picture you can see spectators sitting on the launching area of "Scotch Colledge". Somewhere around here a blue boat which turned out contain Nudgee rowers began to gain on us. Fear is a wonderful motivator and as a crew we got our act together. The rhythm impoved. The whole thing felt better. We were putting in more effort and able to build the pressure in the water. Kept those dastardly foe at bey and crossed the finish line in front of them.
On the right is the Hawthorne Rowing Club. Up ahead in the distance is the bridge that is the finish line.
Here we are just about to cross the finish line. The killer was that when we cross we are not allowed to stop rowing. I was stuffed. My legs like jelly and my lungs in need of O2. But we had to row, lightly, but still row to clear the finish line.
After we lifted the boat from the water, we carried it up stream to a park where there were lots of racks to store the boats. In the picture below you can see Richard our stroke on the left.
Pictures to come
After the formalities wound down, we pulled the boat apart.
The disappointingly memorable thing about the pack up was waiting an eternity for the boat trailer to arrive. In hindsight, in my view, we would have been better off rowing back downstream and dismantling and reloading the boats. The original plan had been a return journey via tram with stops at a number of pubs. We ended up with just the tram journey.
Friday, November 29, 2013
HOTY 2013 1 - Melbourne
Marcus drove Megan and I to the airport. He then had to high tail it back to Oxley to take Chris to the BGS rowing shed where a bat christening was taking place. Chris hitched a lift home with the Clarks.
Meanwhile Megan and I were winging it down to Melbourne somewhat late. This was tempered however with over wing exit isle seats. A huge improvement in leg room. A couple if Sudokus and a couple of wines and we landed in Melbourne. Late as. I was expecting us to land around 9 but it was 10ish as I recall.
$17 ea got us a Sky Bus to Melbourne city and a free shuttle to any down town hotel. As we were arriving after check in, Megan had arranged for the key to be in a little key safe near the door. We had to type in a code to retrieve the key. Megan announced she was hungry. We deposited our bags and went in search of food.
Spied and indeed entered a 7-11 but this is Melbourne. Surely we could do better. U turn and out we walked. Up along "Little Collins St". past a people queuing for a night club. A friendly garbo pointed us in the direction of China Town. We found ourselves eating special fried rice and Kebabs upstairs in a little Vietnamese restaurant at midnight.
Walked back to our room and a good nights sleep.
Up at a pleasant 7:00am and met with some others from our group. We walked down Little Collins St. Melbourne seems to have a variety of street sizes. We have Collins St - several lanes in each direction and then Little Collins St that runs Parallel to it and is only one lane in one direction. Then there are numerous lane-ways that lead off at right angles from little Collins and I assume other streets too. Our group chose one of these lane-ways filled with cafes in which to get breakfast. After some deliberation we chose a cafe and headed in to order and blow me over if another member of our crew (Tony) and his wife were already there.
We ordered and sat outside. Tony and Karen joined us and Megan took a photo.
Cafe Segovia in "The Block" lane-way
(Clockwise) Richard, Tony, Karen, Rob, Frank.
9:30am we met in the foyer and walked to the river.
Unloaded the boats off the trailer and bolted them together.
launched and rowed up river.
This was to check out the course. The start line is about 200m upstream of where we launced and the finish line was the Horthorne rowing club. Down here they launch their boats from slopey board thingos at the side of the river. Not from pontoons as we are used to in Brisbane. We have yet to work out how to effectively and smoothly land on these things.
Someone bought some beer. - VB - Hey when in Rome. We sat on the boardwalk holding the boat with our feet and drank the beer. Another Grammarians crew - The Honey Badgers - arrived and did likewise. I also saw Lachie who is a BGS coach but here he is in the guise of a cox for a womens eight.
We rowed back. Took the boat out of the water and placed it on a rack. It is going to be very busy around the launching area tomorrow. There are 186 eights in this race. It could be carnage.
This picture was a screen grab from my fake go pro little camera that I mounted on the boat. It seems that as it gets humid, the moisture condenses inside the lens and the bright picture elements start to glow.
All three Grammarian crews and their partners are going out to dinner at The Pop Restaurant
Marcus drove Megan and I to the airport. He then had to high tail it back to Oxley to take Chris to the BGS rowing shed where a bat christening was taking place. Chris hitched a lift home with the Clarks.
Meanwhile Megan and I were winging it down to Melbourne somewhat late. This was tempered however with over wing exit isle seats. A huge improvement in leg room. A couple if Sudokus and a couple of wines and we landed in Melbourne. Late as. I was expecting us to land around 9 but it was 10ish as I recall.
$17 ea got us a Sky Bus to Melbourne city and a free shuttle to any down town hotel. As we were arriving after check in, Megan had arranged for the key to be in a little key safe near the door. We had to type in a code to retrieve the key. Megan announced she was hungry. We deposited our bags and went in search of food.
Spied and indeed entered a 7-11 but this is Melbourne. Surely we could do better. U turn and out we walked. Up along "Little Collins St". past a people queuing for a night club. A friendly garbo pointed us in the direction of China Town. We found ourselves eating special fried rice and Kebabs upstairs in a little Vietnamese restaurant at midnight.
Walked back to our room and a good nights sleep.
Up at a pleasant 7:00am and met with some others from our group. We walked down Little Collins St. Melbourne seems to have a variety of street sizes. We have Collins St - several lanes in each direction and then Little Collins St that runs Parallel to it and is only one lane in one direction. Then there are numerous lane-ways that lead off at right angles from little Collins and I assume other streets too. Our group chose one of these lane-ways filled with cafes in which to get breakfast. After some deliberation we chose a cafe and headed in to order and blow me over if another member of our crew (Tony) and his wife were already there.
We ordered and sat outside. Tony and Karen joined us and Megan took a photo.
Cafe Segovia in "The Block" lane-way
(Clockwise) Richard, Tony, Karen, Rob, Frank.
9:30am we met in the foyer and walked to the river.
Unloaded the boats off the trailer and bolted them together.
launched and rowed up river.
This was to check out the course. The start line is about 200m upstream of where we launced and the finish line was the Horthorne rowing club. Down here they launch their boats from slopey board thingos at the side of the river. Not from pontoons as we are used to in Brisbane. We have yet to work out how to effectively and smoothly land on these things.
Someone bought some beer. - VB - Hey when in Rome. We sat on the boardwalk holding the boat with our feet and drank the beer. Another Grammarians crew - The Honey Badgers - arrived and did likewise. I also saw Lachie who is a BGS coach but here he is in the guise of a cox for a womens eight.
We rowed back. Took the boat out of the water and placed it on a rack. It is going to be very busy around the launching area tomorrow. There are 186 eights in this race. It could be carnage.
This picture was a screen grab from my fake go pro little camera that I mounted on the boat. It seems that as it gets humid, the moisture condenses inside the lens and the bright picture elements start to glow.
All three Grammarian crews and their partners are going out to dinner at The Pop Restaurant
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Chris - First Quad
Chris arrived home from school and rowing training yesterday (19-11-2013) and advised that he has been moved up from the second quad to the first quad.
Congratulations Chris
I understand that the selection process is quite objective. The kids do an ergo which means they row on a rowing machine over a "distance" of 2000m (I think) and their time is recorded.
They do a sculling trial where they row a single scull over a fixed distance - 2000m I assume and that time is recorded.
I am sure that there is something else that goes into the formula. Anyway Chris did well in the trials and has moved up into the first grade 10 quad.
While we are at it,
Marcus is at Schoolies down the Gold Coast.
Congratulations Chris
I understand that the selection process is quite objective. The kids do an ergo which means they row on a rowing machine over a "distance" of 2000m (I think) and their time is recorded.
They do a sculling trial where they row a single scull over a fixed distance - 2000m I assume and that time is recorded.
I am sure that there is something else that goes into the formula. Anyway Chris did well in the trials and has moved up into the first grade 10 quad.
While we are at it,
Marcus is at Schoolies down the Gold Coast.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Some coaching - On Friday Steve (7) and Jeff came out in the Tinny and today Steve(7) and Dick Sommerville took on the coaching role and interestingly Jeff rowed 6 seat. Tony being away surfing in Indonesia as you do.
I think the combination of these two coaching sessions has bread new life into our crew. I think we can see that we can row.
The frustration or problem was that the boat would tip from side to side. Although it spent more time down on stroke side, it would also tip to bow side.
The solution consisted primarily on getting correct blade depths in the draw and heights in recovery. We were going different depths during the draw and in general far too deep.
I think the combination of these two coaching sessions has bread new life into our crew. I think we can see that we can row.
The frustration or problem was that the boat would tip from side to side. Although it spent more time down on stroke side, it would also tip to bow side.
The solution consisted primarily on getting correct blade depths in the draw and heights in recovery. We were going different depths during the draw and in general far too deep.
YOW VGA + Audio Recording
Plug the Microbook2 Audio->USB device onto the mac.
Plug the Epiphan VGA->USB device onto the MAC
Run CueMixFX to control the Microbook2 inputs (Audio)
Run VGA2USB to control the Epiphan inputs (VGA)
In CueMixFX set as follows....
Inputs Tab:-
Click the "Inputs" tab
Click and drag trim to 25
Set dB, f and q to mid range
Set EQ and Dynamics OFF - Note the little indicator at the right hand side of each button.
We use quick time 7 rather than the current version of quick time (version 10 something) because QT7 can record video and audio from an external source and it would appear Quick Time 10 only records the built in camera and microphone.
Run Applications/Utilities/QuickTime7
Video Source: V4U131349
Microphone: Motu Microbook 2
Save Files To: - Set a directory <- file="" here.="" is="" p="" saved=""> File - New Movie Recording.
Press the record button
when done press the stop (square) button.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Rowing HOTY TT3 and a bit of Maintenance
3:45AM Rise and Shine
4:30AM A
4:45AM (in theory) on the water. Rowed up stream. Against the tide & current to the start line near where Oxley creek enters. The race was due to start at 6:00AM and it did. Without us. We started on our own. Note to self. Next time allocate 1.5hrs to row up.
6:15AM ish started the time trial. This is 9.6km down stream.
6:45am ish finished. So much easier when you are going down hill. Over an hr on the way up and just over half an hour on the way down.
Then back to the shed.
Bacon, Eggs and the obligatory coffee at the West End Markets.
Back into the shed for some maintenenace.
I know it looks like I am sitting down but Angus (to my left) and I were discussing moving the bracket that mounts the "Stroke Coach". This is the speedo. It is connected to wires that run down to the front of the boat to a little propeller. The faster we row the faster the propeller spins and the better numbers we see on the display.
Personally I think when we are not measuring speed we should connect a battery to the wires and see if we can get a little extra push from the propeller. A propeller in my view should propel.
10:00AM Helped out with the BGS rowing. I coached the coach of the gazillionth grade 7 quad. They were short a cox so their coach, coxed and I figured I could drive around in the speed boat and make hopefully helpful comments from time to time.
This photo is not of me but some over enthusiastic fellow managed to park his speed boat on the Corro drive bike way on Friday.
3:45AM Rise and Shine
4:30AM A
4:45AM (in theory) on the water. Rowed up stream. Against the tide & current to the start line near where Oxley creek enters. The race was due to start at 6:00AM and it did. Without us. We started on our own. Note to self. Next time allocate 1.5hrs to row up.
6:15AM ish started the time trial. This is 9.6km down stream.
6:45am ish finished. So much easier when you are going down hill. Over an hr on the way up and just over half an hour on the way down.
Then back to the shed.
Bacon, Eggs and the obligatory coffee at the West End Markets.
Back into the shed for some maintenenace.
I know it looks like I am sitting down but Angus (to my left) and I were discussing moving the bracket that mounts the "Stroke Coach". This is the speedo. It is connected to wires that run down to the front of the boat to a little propeller. The faster we row the faster the propeller spins and the better numbers we see on the display.
Personally I think when we are not measuring speed we should connect a battery to the wires and see if we can get a little extra push from the propeller. A propeller in my view should propel.
10:00AM Helped out with the BGS rowing. I coached the coach of the gazillionth grade 7 quad. They were short a cox so their coach, coxed and I figured I could drive around in the speed boat and make hopefully helpful comments from time to time.
This photo is not of me but some over enthusiastic fellow managed to park his speed boat on the Corro drive bike way on Friday.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Oxley CBR - DVD
I have taken some video of the tour. Been editing it my laptop. Thought it would be nice to put it on the TV on the bus.
A discussion with the bus driver established there were two ways. Analogue cable or burn a DVD.
Not having cables, I turned my attention to the creation of a DVD.
Contacted Henry. After the little darlings were packed off to bed, he picked me up from the motel.
Went to his place. Computer to render a DVD. This took ages. Enjoyed a glass of red and looked At Henrys photos of his recent European vacation.
Eventually burned the DVD only to discover it was only part of the project. It appears if one puts down a chapter marker, everything before the first marker is dropped.
Changed the settings and set it off again. Gave up waiting and Henry took me back to the motel.
Woke up very early and the rendering was done. 3.8GB but it would not for on the 4GB USB stick that seemed to have 380MB allocated to something that I could not see or delete. Even reformatting did not fix it.
Set it to render a smaller file but this was not finished by the time we left. Gave up.
On the bus, I edited for a while but in less than two hours and my laptop battery is flat. So much for6-8hours.
Morning tea at Mittagong.
A discussion with the bus driver established there were two ways. Analogue cable or burn a DVD.
Not having cables, I turned my attention to the creation of a DVD.
Contacted Henry. After the little darlings were packed off to bed, he picked me up from the motel.
Went to his place. Computer to render a DVD. This took ages. Enjoyed a glass of red and looked At Henrys photos of his recent European vacation.
Eventually burned the DVD only to discover it was only part of the project. It appears if one puts down a chapter marker, everything before the first marker is dropped.
Changed the settings and set it off again. Gave up waiting and Henry took me back to the motel.
Woke up very early and the rendering was done. 3.8GB but it would not for on the 4GB USB stick that seemed to have 380MB allocated to something that I could not see or delete. Even reformatting did not fix it.
Set it to render a smaller file but this was not finished by the time we left. Gave up.
On the bus, I edited for a while but in less than two hours and my laptop battery is flat. So much for6-8hours.
Morning tea at Mittagong.
Oxley CBR - Returm
Morning tea at Mittagong.
While the kids had a wee stop and ran amuck I went and bought a coffee from a nearby takeaway. This proved to be somewhat below par.
Shelby had received a tip from the bus driver that the bakery a few doors up was the place to go. My shout and for $25.80 we bought 4lattes, a flat white and a couple cappuccino. Turned out Er should have also gotten a hot chocolate.
Made it back to the bus and we are back on the Hume highway. Luckily the drivers collection of music was purchased in the80's.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Oxley Canberra 2 -
Monday we visited Parliament House. As luck would have it, so was Peter and Henry. We Dan and I managed to hook up and have a photo. This was 4-Nov. Luckily we got that over and done with as Lewis has just reminded us that 5-NOV-1602 was Guy Fawkes.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Oxley to Canberra 1
Megan, Dan & I (Frank) headed to Brisbane airport. As we were driving we saw several cars containing Oxley State School kids that we recognised. Megan dropped Dan and I in the stop drop go at the airport.
We joined an ever growing group of parents and kids invading the terminal.
The crowd converged on gate 43 and eventually the swarm was brought to order and sat of the way. As was to be expected we boarded the plane via the rear steps and occupied most of the rear half of the plane. There seemed to be a few unfortunate non Oxley people in amongst us. A family decamped and were escorted toward the front of the plane. A young man was marooned nearby with two young Oxley boys to entertain. The ride to Sydney was uneventful. Out of the window at one stage we could see a fire front of one of their bush fires with the smoke drifting south in a absolutely huge cloud.
At Sydney, the kids were once again lined up in a dual queue that given the word began to march down the corridor toward the baggage collection. This beast is not to be messed with. Woe be tide any toddler that strays into its path.
Onto the bus and a reasonable drive to some place in Botany Bay where Capt Cook apparently set foot in Oz for the first time. We got out of the bus and admired the Kernell oil refinery that is a somewhat more recent edition to the landscape. Our attention was drawn to a couple obelisks that celebrate the landing or invasion depending on ones point of view. A plaque advised that the Aboriginals resisted the landing from day one but were out gunned. Spears vs Muscats. It would appear the Muscats won.
Then it was back on the bus with an even longer drive to Taronga Park Zoo. The highlight of this leg was driving over the harbour bridge. I was beginning to realise that the quite lengthy detour to Botany bay is one of those things that looks good on a program and I am sure has plenty of educational outcomes but the effect was that the zoo visit was somewhat rushed.
At the zoo I was assigned 6 or was it 7 kids to .... supervise. I knew most of them and they are easy going and responsible. We had one kid who came with a reputation but the force of numbers was with the new kids and he just got in the groove. Even though time was short, we did manage to see a Koala move, some snakes curled up sleeping behind glass, a couple of Giraffes eat some leaves and a penguin or two swim.
3:30PM and we reassembled at the zoo entrance, some of us more intelligent ones refilled our drink bottled and boarded the bus and set sail for Canberra. This proved again to be pretty uneventful. About half way the bus driver deposited us at Macdonalds....
More to come. I am off to dinner.
Megan, Dan & I (Frank) headed to Brisbane airport. As we were driving we saw several cars containing Oxley State School kids that we recognised. Megan dropped Dan and I in the stop drop go at the airport.
We joined an ever growing group of parents and kids invading the terminal.
The crowd converged on gate 43 and eventually the swarm was brought to order and sat of the way. As was to be expected we boarded the plane via the rear steps and occupied most of the rear half of the plane. There seemed to be a few unfortunate non Oxley people in amongst us. A family decamped and were escorted toward the front of the plane. A young man was marooned nearby with two young Oxley boys to entertain. The ride to Sydney was uneventful. Out of the window at one stage we could see a fire front of one of their bush fires with the smoke drifting south in a absolutely huge cloud.
At Sydney, the kids were once again lined up in a dual queue that given the word began to march down the corridor toward the baggage collection. This beast is not to be messed with. Woe be tide any toddler that strays into its path.
Onto the bus and a reasonable drive to some place in Botany Bay where Capt Cook apparently set foot in Oz for the first time. We got out of the bus and admired the Kernell oil refinery that is a somewhat more recent edition to the landscape. Our attention was drawn to a couple obelisks that celebrate the landing or invasion depending on ones point of view. A plaque advised that the Aboriginals resisted the landing from day one but were out gunned. Spears vs Muscats. It would appear the Muscats won.
Then it was back on the bus with an even longer drive to Taronga Park Zoo. The highlight of this leg was driving over the harbour bridge. I was beginning to realise that the quite lengthy detour to Botany bay is one of those things that looks good on a program and I am sure has plenty of educational outcomes but the effect was that the zoo visit was somewhat rushed.
At the zoo I was assigned 6 or was it 7 kids to .... supervise. I knew most of them and they are easy going and responsible. We had one kid who came with a reputation but the force of numbers was with the new kids and he just got in the groove. Even though time was short, we did manage to see a Koala move, some snakes curled up sleeping behind glass, a couple of Giraffes eat some leaves and a penguin or two swim.
3:30PM and we reassembled at the zoo entrance, some of us more intelligent ones refilled our drink bottled and boarded the bus and set sail for Canberra. This proved again to be pretty uneventful. About half way the bus driver deposited us at Macdonalds....
More to come. I am off to dinner.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Friends for tea
At the highland ball, Megan won a bottle of red wine. Wracked with (survivors?) guilt and the fact that she does not drink red wine motivated Megan to invite some friends to tea. We shared a meal of lasagne, chicken, salad. Red wine of course. Mango and ice cream for dessert.
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