Friday 8-11-2019
Dan and Frank flew to Sydney. The plan was delayed by half an hour or so and the excuse given was high winds in Sydney.
Leg room is a luxury. The lack thereof just reminds one is alive.
Upon arrival, Dan and I consulted the public transport map and made a detailed plan.
A double decker from airport to central. Along the way we communicated with James who suggested a long distance train from platform 9 would be the fastest option. This conflicted with the Opal App that was suggesting platforms 8 and 18 (I think).
There is a lot of construction going on at Central and the Northern concourse is a maize. We managed to find platform 9.
On the train
The magic of modern technology connected us with Kay who had been dispatched to collect us. She explained that James and Henry were walking the dog. Louie. As it turns out Walking was a bit of a understatement as Louie it turns put was feeling his age and they had to carry him.

05:00 am Brisbane time and Jemma flying on her own to Sydney. She was armed with a credit card which down here works as a tap and go to get you on the train. I thought it was a bit interesting to instruct my 15yo daughter travelling alone for the first time to make her way to Kingscross. :)
She managed it admirably and was met by Marcus. Through the magic of google, we managed to converge on a hip laneway cafe called "Room 10". As we arrived we spied two tables and these were quickly commandeered and brought together. The waiter explained the chef's specials and I figured I'd branch away from my usual bacon and eggs and ordered what was effectively sardines on toast for $12. As we are sipping our coffee which turned out to be very good, a crowd gathered lined up along the opposite wall. I actually asked one to take this photo. It felt like they were waiting to get into a night club. Turns out this is a hipster joint and we had been super lucky to score not one but two tables.
We then went back to Marcus & Sophie's house. An amazing row house that looks small on the outside and is much bigger on the inside. (no photos).
We then drove to Soph's parents house at Watson's bay. Walked alon the beach and finished up with fish and chips.
Used to be from a shark net.
Excellent fish and chips