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Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Jaycar Arduino Compass XC-4496

 I thought I might experiment with a solid state compass chip.

Jaycar conveniently has a Arduino Compatible 3 Axis Compass Magnetometer Module

So I ducked in and bought one.  $17.95

1.  Board Supplied is not board pictured.
2.  No information on whether the I2C is 3V or 5V  (Now determined as 5V)
3.  Data sheet is not a data sheet.  More of a 'glossy'

31-3-2021 1pm update. 
The supplied board does not have a genuine Honeywell chip.
The Honeywell I2C read address is $3D and write at $3C.
This chip responds at $60 & $61    ($=Hex)

This is the web page.

This is the data sheet.  The entire data sheet.

This is the back of the packet that I brought home from Jaycar.

This is the actual board supplied. 

The magnetic sensor might be a Honeywell  HMC5883L.  The Honeywell datasheet tells me it's a 3V part. Not Honeywell chip though.

I am hopeful the the chip marked 702 is a level translator for the I2C but with no schematic and no data sheet and no idea what the 702 actually is there is a bit of a risk

YES 5V I/O.  Not Honeywell chip though.

This is a partial schematic of the supplied board.  

I powered it up and confirmed that the SDA and SCL lines are pulled up to 5V.  

This makes it easy to connect to a 5V microprocessor.


I2CScan shows this device has an address at Hex60
So obviously not a Honeywell chip which according to the data sheet is at Hex3C

When I read the registers from it, I get
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 10 10 10 10
Never changes => Either
a dud chip which I doubt.
I am sending the wrong command. <- Possibly because I have no data
I2C Inexperience.

' I2creceive  slave, var, b2W, b2R
'               |     |    |    |
'           Address   |    |    Number of Bytes to receive     
'                     |    Number of Bytes to Write
'                     Receive variable
    memfill Buffer(1) , 12 , &HFF  ' So we can see if it changes
    Buffer(1) = 00
    I2creceive &H60 , Buffer(1) , 1 , 12
    '          addr=60    00
    Print "II2creceive Error : " ; Err
    For B = 1 To 12
    Print Hex(Buffer(B));" ";

I have been having trouble reading from the compass chip.

The reason could be that my program simply does not read anything.  So I got a PCF8574 I2C port extender.  Must be the simplest I2C device in existance and has been around since the '80's

Wired it up and it works












if ks = "TR" then
    ' Read from PCF8574T
    ' Address is $7E
    memfill Buffer(1) , 12 , &HFF
    'Buffer(1) = 00
    I2creceive &H7E , Buffer(1) , 0 , 2
    '          addr=60    00
    Print "II2creceive Error : " ; Err
    For B = 1 To 2
    Print Hex(Buffer(B));" ";
 End If     

if ks = "TW" then
    ' Write to PCF8574T
    ' Command is
    '    TW 6A
    '        \
    '        Hex of what to write
    ' Address is $7E
    ' 76543210   76543210
    ' 10101010   10001010
    '  A   A       8  A
    Temp_str = Get_token( Command_str, 2) 
    Temp_b = HexVAL(Temp_str)
    memfill Buffer(1) , 12 , &HFF
    'Buffer(1) = 00
    Buffer(1) = Temp_b
    I2CSEND &H7E , Buffer(1) , 1
    Print "I2CSEND 8574 ";hex(Temp_b);"    Error : " ; Err
 End If 

 So at the moment we have both devices on the same bus.
The 8574 works.

1.  The Basic program can read and write I2C


Sunday, March 28, 2021

Tiida Service Oil Filter and Lights

The Tiida is in need of some maintenance.  The driver's headlight has no low beam.  The rear tail light is out.  It's been a while since an oil change and the engine misses when the accelerator is pressed.

I could put it in for a service but figured a bit of DIY might be therapeutic.

Last week I had purchased brake globes and turn indicator bulbs.  I thought for some reason I had an indicator out but when I came to do the job, the indicators worked.

On with the job.  Needed to decide what type of oil and how much.  (Below).

In the end I just fixed the lights and will have to do the oil another time.

2011  1.8L

Oil. Google advises
5W40 or 5W30

I need to remind myself what these numbers mean. 
The numbers are a measure if their viscosity.  The viscosity is a measure of how easily it flows.  A high viscosity flows slow but protects well.  A thin oil or low viscosity flows well but not so much protection. 
A higher number is a higher viscosity 
I think 5W30 is the best. 


Volume of oil needed = 3.9L
(Had book page 9-2)
Type of oil = 5W30
Handbook page 9-4

As a price comparison point, I decided on Nulon 5W30
Supercheap  $55.99
Supercheap $55.99
Repco $65
Autobarn $29.99
The Autobarn oil is tagged as "Fusion".  I can work out if this is simply branding.  A search of the internet shows this as specific for Autobarn.  I cant imagine Nulon would engineer an oil specially for one retailer and even if they did, I can't imagine it would be much different from the main brand.

A check of the supercheap site shows the Tiida oil filter as a type Z445.

Supercheap auto
Trans gold OZ-445 $10.99
Ryco Z445ST $32.99
Ryco Z445 $21.99
Wesfil $11.99

Z445 C-8036 SKU:SP182043  $8.99
Ryco Z445 SP54168 $18.69

Enduralight H4 $16.99
Navara H4 $18.99
Philips PT43t-38 $22.99
And one at $17.98

I decided, given the significant price difference in oil and the apparent availability of a cheap oil filter, to shop at Autobarn. 
Remove both these cover plates using a flat blade screw driver

The nut fell out of the socket and dropped to the bottom never to be retrieved.
Lift the wite thing off then use a 10mm open ender to undo the nut.
Push the light back.  (two hans)

Finally working.  Took a few goes to get a pic with the indicator on.
When replacing the lost nut, use some paper to jam the nut in the socket.
Changing the headlight bulb.  Really need a 10yo kid as getting adult hands in is very difficult and painful.
The clip at the 5pm position, just push down and sideways.
And the headlights work....

Emotional shyte

It's a very lonely life at 3am.
I see jemma once or twice a week and that's only associated with school rowing. There's none of that sharing of life that would happen if she were living with me. The connection and chit chat and sharing the day's experience across the table. 

Likewise even though I see Chris and Dan at work and chat to Marcus on the phone,  it's a distant connection. 

I guess the essence of it all is I have no one to share life with. 

And the areas where I had putten in effort - Sherwood church in particular are gone. Megan's taken that too along with my hopes and dreams of a future.  

I know my social skills are sub par. If they were normal then I'd have friends. I think I more have acquaintances. Certainly I miss having someone to share life with. 

My efforts at the rowing club seem at odds with others.  I think the 8 months I was president were a huge emotional drain and although appreciated by some,  the objectors and naysayers got enough air time to drain my energy.  A part of being a democracy gives them the right to put their objections. But it drained me.  Was such a distraction.
The difficulty is knowing what to do with my life.  What is the purpose.  The goal I should aim for.  What would be a purpose to aim for.  I think at this time, the only path I can see forward is business.  Making money.  Maybe in time, some other purpose will crystalise.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Taking and Posting Photos of Children

Executive Summary

As I understand it, there are some people concerned with my taking photos and posting them on facebook.

In summary, and as described in more detail below:

  1. The LAW says we can take photos without permission and publish them without permission.
  2. Rowing QLD encourages the publication to promote the sport.

  3. The Member protection policy says
    "Wherever possible"   <-- That's interesting and not compulsory.
    A) get permission
    B) Parents should understand how the image will be used.
    C) Images should be relevant to the sport.

By signing up to rowing, every rower & parent agrees to this when they register:

11.PHOTOS/IMAGES    I acknowledge that RA, My SSO [=Rowing QLD] and CSAR [=Club] may make, create, store, record, transmit, reproduce photographs and electronic images of me and I consent that they, or their authorised third parties, may use these photographs or images for proper purpose without identification or compensation of any kind

Given that we row in a public space, where anyone can legally take photos and post them it seems bizarre that we would consider a policy of our own that prevents our members from doing the same.

Rowing qld policy specifically mentions “ALL PERSONS” and this surely implies individual posting on social media as “ALL PESONS” would not have access to post officially.


If we are going to restrict this to official postings then how does one enforce such a policy.

Do we stop kids from posting ?Parents?

The most impractical policy would be where individual people can decide.


Lets be really clear on what the LAW actually IS.

As shown below, the Law is that we can LEGALLY take photos and publish them unless the photos contravene some decency tests or are for commercial purposes as described below..

“Taking Photos of children at sporting events”

The Law

In Australia, generally speaking, there is no law restricting photography of people (including children) in public spaces as long as the images are not:

  • indecent (such as 'up skirt' or 'downblouse' photographs taken covertly in change rooms or toilets)
  • being used for voyeurism or made for the purpose of observing and visually recording a person's genital or anal region
  • protected by a court order (eg. child custody or witness protection)
  • defamatory
  • being for commercial purposes (person's likeness is used to endorse or entice people to buy a product).

Partial Quote

“Where a sporting event is held on a club's private property, privately owned land, a school or council owned facilities, the owner of private property or venue is able to restrict, ban or require permission of photography anywhere in their venue”

So remember Jo blow general public can take photos of our kids and publish them wherever they like.  So why would we make tighter restrictions on ourselves.

Rowing Queensland

On the Rowing Queensland web site.

Rowing Queensland Guidelines

Social Media, Blogging and Internet Guidelines for Coaches,  Staff and other Rowing Queensland members.

I note it says and I quote

The challenge for all Persons bound by these Guidelines is to promote rowing even further, including through the use of social media, enhancing the credibility that has been developed over more than 130 years of success on and off the water.”

Sure looks like they are promoting posting on social media.

They specifically mention “ALL PERSONS” and this surely implies individual posting on social media as “ALL PESONS” would not have access to post officially.

Rowing Australia

6.2 Taking images of children
Images of children can be used inappropriately or illegally. Rowing Australia requires that individuals and associations, wherever possible, obtain permission from a child’s parent/guardian before taking an image of a child that is not their own. They should also make sure the parent/guardian understands how the image will be used.

To respect people’s privacy, we do not allow any photography including without limitation camera phones, videos and cameras, inside changing areas, showers and toilets. When using a photo of a child, we will not name or identify the child or publish personal information, such as residential address, email address or telephone number, without the
consent of the parent/guardian. We will not provide information about a child’s hobbies, interests, school or the like, as this can be used by paedophiles or other persons to
“groom” a child.

We will only use images of children that are relevant to our sport and we will ensure that they are suitably clothed in a manner that promotes participation in the sport. We will seek
permission from the parents/guardians of the children before using the images. We require
our member associations and clubs to do likewise.

Anyone Else

So we have had The LAW, Rowing Queensland & Rowing Australia Polices and guidelines,

I am sure one can search around and find whatever publication one wants to support one's argument.  I assume get ever more and more restrictive in the name of “best practice”

Rowing Sign Up

The terms and conditions can be downloaded from here

Standardised Terms and Conditions - download.

The relevant paragraph is:

11.PHOTOS/IMAGES    I acknowledge that RA, My SSO [=Rowing QLD] and CSAR [=Club] may make, create, store, record, transmit, reproduce photographs and electronic images of me and I consent that they, or their authorised third parties, may use these photographs or images for proper purpose without identification or compensation of any kind

First River Loop 2021

I've not ridden this year.  In fact I think since December whenJemma told me she did not want to spend the holidays with me nor do the week about thing.  This was coincident with rowing committee members usurping the agenda with demands for indemnity forms, medical forms and restrictions on photography.  Just one rejection after another. 

I figure it's like the beginning of the season.  The long ride. Better to get km than speed.

During the recent rain I put the front wheel back on and pumped up the tyres.

6:15 dep glenrich st
6.35 Park
6.46 Syndetic
7.00 rest at Gladstone Rd
7:10 coffee at Alberto's 

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

The cost of storage

 Google is suggesting I buy more storage.  I wonder what the options are


$125 $756


Drop Box   




Microsoft One Drive

As far as I can see  I get 1TB with my office 365 subsription but for the life of me I can not work out how much the 2ndTB is and thats the max you can get.;hideLeftNav=true&amp;ocid=prod%5Fonedrive%2Dweb%5Fhomepage%2DO365addons%5Funknown%5FGetMoreStorage&mkt=en%2DUS

Drop Box

Google Storage

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Chocolate Cake

 I made a chocolate cake today.  Strange thing about cakes, one usually makes them to share.  I guess not this one.  I don't really feel like eating it.  Maybe because I licked the mixing bowl.

Note:  Melt the butter slowly and first.  (See below)

 Chocolate Cake Recipe

1    Cup     Self Raising Flour    
     (or plain with 2 teaspoons Baking Powder)
2    Level Tablespoons Cocoa
1    Pinch    salt
1    cup       Sugar
2    Eggs
1/2 Cup Milk
1   teaspoon               Vanilla
3   Tablespoon Melted Butter

First Melt the better in the microwave.  Take it slow and let it cool a bit
Mix all dry ingreients
Add eggs, milk, vanilla, melted butter.
Beat 3 minutes

Oven 180 C 25 Minutes

at least 1 tablespoon melted butter.
2 cups icing sugar
1 tablespoon cocoa
1 Teaspoon vanilla essence.
A teeny drop of Boiling H2O





Possum Blocker

 Possums are getting into the laundry and the ceiling of the spare room down stairs.

I logged a maintenance request with the real estate but decided to have a go at blocking the bit into the laundry.  A few weeks ago my laundry seemed a bit sticky and I suspect the possum had peed on it. 

In the middle of the night I can hear what I assume are possums getting in.  The owner has put bricks to keep them out but I hear the bricks being moved.  Or maybe I have ghosts....

The finished job.  Blocks the laundry but there is still a job for the owner to do the bit over the downstairs room
Make loops for screws
Cut outs to keep away from wires
Cut with mini bolt cutters

This is what it was kike before

In other news,

Jemma Came with me to rowing.

I caught up with Peter Kirakov yesterday (Saturday) and again after rowing today for a coffee.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Jemma Comes to Tea

The afternoon started with a quick trip to UQ to a start-ups meet potential interns.  

Run by  ilab under the name

Then at 5:00 ducked out and drove to Brigidine.
Jemma playing bass Clarinet in "Stations Of the Cross"
No photo because the band were in the dark.

Met Simon Formby.  Claire was a dancer.  Hugh was there - said Hello.

After, Jemma came to my place.  This was the first time she had visited.  We had leftover spag bog and salad.

The separation sill cuts deep. Deep breath.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Centenary Rowing Club AGM

Centenary Rowing Club held our Annual General Meeting.  The meeting was friendly and focused, chaired by the federal MP Milton Dick and attended by Sarah Hutton (BCC Councillor).  An apology received from Jess Pugh (Sate MP).  

A key purpose of the AGM is to elect the management committee and the club captains.  The newly elected people are listed below.  I have attached a couple of relevant photos (I think pinched from Milton's facebook).

I would like to thank you all for your support.  It has been greatly appreciated. 

2021 Management Committee

President:         Rob Kennedy        
Vice President:  Peter Hays
Secretary:        Tania Brooks
Treasurer:        Tanya Brehmer
General Members: Ros Hall
                            Julia Robertson
                            Frank Thomson

Youth Club Captains
Male captain:             Matthew Burgess
Male Vice Captain:      Angus Procter
Female captain:         Katelyn Brooks
Female Vice Captain: Jemma Thomson

Just to let you know that I did not stand for president and I am very grateful that Rob was nominated and elected.  It‘s also encouraging to see a balance of old and new faces on the committee.  I look forward to continuing my involvement with Centenary Rowing Club and working with committee as a general member.  I believe we have a great club and I commend everyone for their involvement.  Here is to a great year ahead.




The 2020 AGM took place on 2-August-2020 having been delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.


The constitution prescribes that the AGM be held in the first half of the calendar year and so the 2020 committee has presided over the club for an unusually short period of time.

2020 Office-bearers

President:                           Frank Thomson

Vice President:                  Ros Hall

Secretary:                           Tania Brooks

Treasurer:                          Dannielle Keymar

General members:           Dennis Taylor

                                             Nic Freney

                                             Cody Ellem (Part term)


Male Captain:                   Sebastian Jovanovic

Female Captain:               Lillian Hall

Male Vice Captain:          William Hall

Female Vice Captain:      Julia Cornish


Facilities Committee

The facilities committee comprised:

Dennis Taylor, John Cox and Nic Freeney.

The facilities committee were responsible for the care and maintenance of everything except rowing boats and oars.  This included building maintenance (fixing windows, plumbing and electrical problems), looking after the grounds (mowing & weeding).  Organising working bee’s.  Tinnie maintenance and repairs.

Boat management Committee

The boat management committee comprised:

Peter Hays & Cody Ellem.


The boat management committee were responsible for coordinating boat repairs.  This meant in some cases subcontracting and in others performing in house repairs. 

Rowing Committee

The rowing committee comprised:

Ros Hall, Rob Kennedy, Marianne More O’Ferrall

The rowing committee were responsible for all things rowing.  Boat allocations, rowing time slots, coaches and coaches meetings.



Julia Robinson



Karen & Werner Van Huffel



Kim Heycott

Trailer Towing

Peter Hays, Cody Ellem,  Hall, Peter Wadsworth


Regatta Secretary

Marianne More O’Ferrall


Eco Sustainability

Carla Urbano

Fund Raising

Danielle Keymer, Tania Brooks


Michael Opstelten

Gym Equipment Maintenance

Matt McFarlane

Coach Zero (Coach the parents)

Mike Swainston


Learn To Row

Coaches:  Rob Kennedy, Mark Cramond, Lillian Hall


Wednesday, Saturday, Kenmore

Coordinator: Ros Hall

Education Qld representative:  Kylie Cornish 

Coaches:  Michael Swainston,  Bruce Richardson,

                  Kenny Walker,  John Cox, Jim Higgins



Thursday, Sunday, Brigidine

Coordinator:                Caitlin Hockings

School Coaches:          Howard Windelborn, Tyler,

Volunteer Coaches:    Tanya Brehmer, 
                                      Tim Skipper, Frank Thomson

Sunday – Monday Club Group

Coordinator:       Ceceil Wake

Coaches:             Alex Wake,  Dennis Taylor,
                            Rebecca M'O'Ferrall, Jason Moore,
                             David Jeffery, Tanya Brehmer



Performance Group

Coaches:  Mike Opstelten, Peter Wadsworth


Performance Group

Coaches:             Cody Ellem



Monday:              Cody Ellem

Wednesday:        Mark Wilsmore


Coordinator:  Nic Freeney

Learn To Row Coordinator:  Carla Urbano

Voting Members

Tania Brooks

Michael Buckley

Cody Ellem-Allen

Mark Crammond

Linda Kennedy

Rob Kennedy

Rosalind Hall

Juilia Robertson

Danielle Keymer

Michael Swainston

Dennis Taylor

Frank Thomson

Carla Urbano

Werner Van Huffel

Peter Wadsworth

Nic Freeney

Life Members

John Cox

Rob Hayes

Simon Newcomb

Michael Opstelten

Russel Pool


Pioneer Members

John Douglas     

Alice First           

Emily First          

Elaine Harkins   

Peter Hayes       

Donna Hocking 

Orion Joyce       

Mark Lucas        

Willem Opstelten            

Joe Rodrigues    

Paul Shears        

Peter Thornborrow         

Chris White