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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunday 15

A variety of activity this morning. 

Erg session along with coach Scotty was interrupted when a learn to row kid arrived unexpectedly, complete with an entourage including little sister, both parents and a pair of grand parents. 

With no other kids around,  this week was his first go in a single scull. The day was sunny, a very very gentle breeze and very calm water and no other rowers. The perfect day to tip over and so he did. 

For me the best bit was that he smiled and with a bit of help from the tinnie, got back in and continued rowing. 

After we'd bid the family good by, Phoebe Antonieff Mitchell and I commenced a 30 minute erg. In my case, concentrating on the finer points Scotty had been tutoring me on and Phoebe just practising the basic techniques.

Back home and Phoebe cooked a couple of lovely omelettes. 

Our original plan had been to go look at Comicon but with the change of action,  I figured by the time we made it to convention ctr,  they'd be in wind down mode so changed direction and headed to Mt ominous to buy togs.  

Arrived home to see Chris and .... working on bikes which was nice to see. 

Walked to Dunlop Park Pool. It was still a lovely warm day and the water was amazingly pleasant. Phoebe stroked smoothly through 20 laps.  I splashed through maybe 10. Most of my laps were breast stroke. 

Phoebe hightailed home. 

I got ready for Monday.  Packed clothes etc. 

Then off to do a dance practice. 

Then over to Phoebe's for dinner.  She'd cooked a very beautiful shepherds pie. A different recipe to mine but really nice. 

Home and into bed

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