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Sunday, August 27, 2006

Depart BNE

 27-08-2006 (I think the date is wrong)

 Falls Ck Ski Trip

Well we made it out of Brisbane on Sunday.  Right day but a bit late time wise.  Mind you we had a few lucky breaks.  For the last couple of weeks I have been looking for our digital camera.  Last seen at the City Hall shindig.  Found it at work tucked into the CD folder thing.  Interestingly while I had been tidying the house in preparation for Mel moving in, I had found the lead that is used to connect the camera to the pc (missing since January).

After a great church service this morning organised by Cybele and Paul which included incense and communion with real bread cooked on the premises, we went home to start packing. Finally pulled out at about 5:45pm. 

So now we are encamped at mums place in Toowoomba.  Log fire. Home cooked dinner.  Internet access. 

Wondering vaguely how we will re pack the car tomorrow but I guess we can leave anything that wont fit behind.


Friday, August 25, 2006

Falls Ck - Snowgums

 Wednesday 25

We are at Falls Creek staying at a chalet called Snowgums. The kids have been taken away and fed along with all the other kids. The adults are sitting in the lounge room, the kids have started arriving from their meal and most have gravitated into the games room. Jemma has come over to see the photos as I select one for this email. The chalet is supposed to be ski in ski out but this is a bad year and so we have walk in walk out. Luckily it is only a short walk to the ski lift that takes us right to the place where the kids have ski lessons. Makes it very easy in the mornings. Henry (Frank's Brother) has been a God send. Henry takes Marcus and they get a few runs in before ski school. Frank tries to get Dan and Chris ready while Megan takes Jemma to child care.

Today we had great news. Dan, who yesterday could hardly stand up on his skis, went down a green run called Drovers Dream and took a ride back up on the chair lift.

I am surprised by the quality of the skiing. They have had very little natural snow this year. We have been saved by the extensive snow making that goes on each night. There are plenty of green and blue runs available for the average skier. The pro skiers amongst us (Andrew and Catherine) would of course turn their noses up at the lack of black runs but for the rest of us there is quite a bit of variety.

Should you consider a skiing holiday you need to prepare yourselves for a few surprises and all of them involve money… lots of it!
Chicken burger $16.50. Milo bar $2.60. Doughnuts $2 each!. Basically if you go out for meal, entrée's around $15 and mains at $30. There is one thing that is free. That is the curtsey bus that takes you from one establishment that has relieved you of cash to another that will happily take the remainder. 

Depart Falls Creek


 Well we leave tonight.

Thursday was a shocker. Rain and fog. Couldn't see more than a few meters Col and wet. Bailed at 3:30 as soon as we picked up the kids from ski school. The only good news was Dan went down a blue run called highway 83.

Friday - we woke to four inches of fresh powder. It has continued snowing lightly all day. The clouds are higher so we can see. A bit windy But basically a great day.

Saw Dan who was crying because the wind was so strong and cold. A bit later we saw his teacher carryu him as she skied. About to go and pick him up so we will see how he is.


Saturday, August 19, 2006

CBR-> Falls Ck


 We spent Thursday and Friday in Canberra.

The primary objective today, Saturday, was to get as close as possible to Falls Creek in preparation for the final dash to the summit. We are now staying in Tawonga South which is basically an outer suburb of Mt Beauty.

Lunch was at McDonalds off the freeway at Yass.

For afternoon tea, we took the road to Gundagai.

After afternoon tea, we took the road from Gundagai. You can imagine our surprise when as we passed through a small town called Holbrook, when we saw a submarine moored at the side of the road. So we stopped and bought a coffee and had a look around. Obviously if you are a town with no visible means of support, you need to find a way to get tourists to stop and what better way than to get a sub.

Now you may be astute enough to realise that Holbrook is not a port. Those with an extremely acute sense of geography will of course know that Holbrook is not even a coastal town. So you may be curious to know how they managed to get a sub moored beside the highway. Well the story goes like this. In the great flood of 1963, in the middle of the cold war, the sub became disoriented and sailed up the Murray river and then was sucked up into the snowy hydro system and then slipped down through a series of creeks all called “deep creek” because they are. As the flood waters receded, the sub became stranded. Eventually after several days of towns people hammering Morse code messages on the side of the hull, the captain peaked out of the door in the conning tower and realised that he was not in Russian waters. The crew all hopped out. To cover their embarrassment, the Navy sent a man with plaque to stick on the side proclaiming it decommissioned and a gift to the people of Holbrook. Now you can walk around it and on it. You cant get in because the captain locked the door and took the keys.

Tomorrow we ski.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Western plains Zoo, Dubbo.

Tuesday 15-AUG-2006
Western plains Zoo, Dubbo.

Had a great day at the zoo. We arrived just after opening time and signed up for a tour. Got to feed giraffe and rhino and drive past some cabins where you can stay the night. If only I had known. We could have signed up to stay in what turns out to be an up market tent with lions on one side and cheetahs on the other and if you are still there in the morning you get a free breakfast and your entry fee refunded.

Now it seems that these animals are smarter than we think. At exhibit after exhibit we heard how this animal or that animal slept up to 18 hrs per day and just wakes up to receive its meals. We also learned that at 4:30 they know that it is time for people to go home and so the animals just line up near the back doors of their enclosures just waiting to go to sleep. Sure is easier than getting a ranger to go round and shoo everyone out. In fact everyone is so keen to go that we were almost last out and had to press the special late departure button at 2min past 5pm in order to get out the gate.