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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Western plains Zoo, Dubbo.

Tuesday 15-AUG-2006
Western plains Zoo, Dubbo.

Had a great day at the zoo. We arrived just after opening time and signed up for a tour. Got to feed giraffe and rhino and drive past some cabins where you can stay the night. If only I had known. We could have signed up to stay in what turns out to be an up market tent with lions on one side and cheetahs on the other and if you are still there in the morning you get a free breakfast and your entry fee refunded.

Now it seems that these animals are smarter than we think. At exhibit after exhibit we heard how this animal or that animal slept up to 18 hrs per day and just wakes up to receive its meals. We also learned that at 4:30 they know that it is time for people to go home and so the animals just line up near the back doors of their enclosures just waiting to go to sleep. Sure is easier than getting a ranger to go round and shoo everyone out. In fact everyone is so keen to go that we were almost last out and had to press the special late departure button at 2min past 5pm in order to get out the gate.

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