Christmas is upon us once again and as I drive towards the religious mecca that has come to be synonymous with full meaning of Christmas - Indooroopilly Shopping Town I can not help but let my mind wander so as to divert attention from the impending torment that awaits me.
Firstly I am reminded of an interview I heard on 612 ABC earlier today where someone was describing a nativity scene (in Cameroon?) where as well as Mary, Joseph, sheep and wise men, there was a figurine in the background doing a poo. Apparently to remind us that the stable was a smelly down to earth place and that Jesus was fully human and that we should not forget that.
During the year, I read a book called "the five love languages" which expouses that different people feel love in different ways. Some perceive the communication of love through physical touch - ie if someone touches me then they are affirming me. Others perceive it through "acts of service" as in if someone does something for me then they are communicating love or value to me. Others perceive it through "receiving gifts". So when they receive a gift, they also feel loved / valued. The retailers would suggest I think that..... well basically all of us fall into that category and as we could all do with more love, we can best express that with lots of stuff. The astitute reader here may suspect that I am NOT a "receiving gifts" person. So while I accept that there are those who like do perceive love through receiving gifts and therefor I do give gifts, I do not myself share that feeling. In fact gifts to me tend to be more viewed from a perspective of "what a waste". Someone has spent money and time on something that neither of us want or need. Unless it happens to be say a very very expensive car / helicopter or whatever that I am not likely to be given anyway.
I arrive at Indooroopilly and amazing. Parks everywhere. So I park and begin my mission. To purchase a Christmas present. In my haste to secure a car park, I had parked on the roof and had to walk down a seemingly endless series of ramps to access the shops. By the time I reach the shops I am down to just that one task. One present. here I go - "The Body Shop". In search of "White something or other". In response to this request, the sales lady showed me a whole cabinet of White body lotions, potions, hair stuff, body gel. Hmm me thinks. A simply bottle will not do. A pre-packaged box with several bottles will be the go. Ah no. I pick myself up off the floor. Must have looked at the price and lost consciousness. No matter. Compose myself. Think rationally. No hang on. There is nothing rational about any of this. So make a balanced choice and proceed back to the counter. "Would you like that in a bag" she asks indicating a small pile of paper bags. "That would be good" I respond and so she places the impending purchase in the bag and ties it closed with a piece of ribbon. Types into the cash register. Seems the bag has added $7 to the price. I express my disgust that she did not inform me that perhaps the additional cost of paper bags may have actually been the cause of the GFC. The need to successfully complete the mission trumps the desire for economy, frugality or any rational thought. So I pay the $7 and vow not to return for 11 1/2 months. Ah the calm feeling of a task accomplished washes across my mind as I depart the store.
Now thinking slightly more clearly and helped by there appearing to be even fewer shoppers than there are in July and I proceed to go look for a Christmas card.