Sunday afternoon and I am dispatched to pick up Jemma from a Brownies camp. The camp was held at the Baden Powell Scout place at Samford.
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As I approached the hut where they had slept I was met by a beaming Jemma who burst forth holding out her hand. She reached me and was showing me her plaster encased finger as the leadership team, apparantly caught momentarilly off guard, had all decided to exit the building at the same moment and had discovered to their detriment that the door was narrower than required for such a hasty exit. Having reorganised them selves they prceeded to call out as they ran toward me. "It's all right Mr Thomson". "She's OK". "there's nothing to worry about". I guess not realising that they were dealing with me. A parent who might have been somewhat concerned if said finger was completely missing. Jemma managed to step forward and put them out of their misery by pulling the plaster caste off and demonstarting that it was just a fake.
Thank you dear for dairising our wonderful doings. xo