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Monday, December 18, 2023

drive home

A relaxed start. Dan had to visit the motor bike shop so no point in leaving too early.

Cereal, toast and coffee with Henry. Then he and I did seat selection. 

Dan had sub par service from the motor bike shop who did not seem interested in helping. Just book in for a us to look at when we get round to it. This means he is riding with tape on the tank and some kind of speed restriction.

Met up with Dan just south of Newcastle. Chris, Jemma and I had a swim. 

The Tesla route planning is a bit frustrating. ABRP is better.  Tesla would not let us navigate to the Heatherbrae supercharger. It said reduced functionality. Later we discover only 5 units apparently working but I've no idea how you decide which one. 

At 6pm we are between Newcastle and Port Macquarie. We need a small charge at Port Macquarie to reach Coffs. 

CCS2 Charger. & Gumez and Gomez lamb burrito bowl. 
At 79% charging cut short even though I had set max change to 100% filled in a report in the charge fox app. 
It started at about 800km/h but it slowed to 600km/h and I think it slowed to 300km/h and then eventually terminated early. 

8:10pm 67% 286km

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