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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Cyclone Alfred

 Well what a fizzer this has turned out to be.

About a week ago the government began, rightfully in my opinion, to warn us that the cyclone was on it's way.

On Wednesday they switched off all public transport.  In my opinion, way too early and of course stranding those who do not own a car.  The sky's were blue and there was no wind.


MON 3 

Normal work day.  Dance lesson followed by Thai.

Went to work.  Ross, Jeremy & Will turned up as well.
This was the day that the government [unnecessarily] told everyone to stay home from work and switched off public transport.

Went into work and wrapped the bench with the valuable equipment.
Roast Dinner with Chris

Visited Phoebe's dad at Lota.  Walk along the beach front.  Observed kids encouraging cars to drive through a puddle and splash them.  Saw CH7 reporter and cameraman looking bored.  Picked up plastic from RQ and fixed Phoebe's window and then made a short silly video wrapping the house.  Went back into work and checked on stuff.  Took pic of wrapped bench.  Dinner at Glenrich st with Tim and Phoebe.

No power at Phoebe's place.  Coffee and Breaky cooked on gas.  Tim came with Apple Danish after being instructed to buy Croissants.
Evening - Power on at St Lucia and OFF at Corinda.  FT cooked up plastic emergency food and rice for dinner. 

SUN 9 
No power at Corinda.  Breaky at Phoebe's (Power back on at Phoebe's




Sat 8 Powers OFF

 Two different days and two different places had power off.


Came over early to visit Phoebe and the power was off at St Lucia.


Wow so exciting.....
Finally something
The powers out.
We have to fire up the gas stove.
Just like camping.



Early evening, having a shower and the power went off at Corinda.  Got out wet and fumbled around looking for my torch.  Gave up.  Used phone light and got back in the shower to rinse off.  Later found the torch.


No power in my life.
In order to get the full cyclone experience
going to force myself to eat the one pre-packaged emergency dinner.
And feeling self-righteous having prepared a torch(with batteries), gas to cook on and what one could call food in an emergency.  
In the dark, between stirring the "dinner", Got the inverter that I had brought home from work out of my car.  Collected the two car batteries from down stairs and brought it all up stairs.
Sat back ate the plastic emergency food and checked facebook.
The mobile data was very slow and only one bar.  I assume that the mobile network providers do not have battery backup.  The Optus tower is in Corinda and in the middle of the power outage







Friday, March 7, 2025

FRI 7 Lota and Dinner with Tim

 FRI 7
Visited Phoebe's dad at Lota.  Walk along the beach front.  Observed kids encouraging cars to drive through a puddle and splash them.  Saw CH7 reporter and cameraman looking bored.  Picked up plastic from RQ and fixed Phoebe's window and then made a short silly video wrapping the house.  Went back into work and checked on stuff.  Took pic of wrapped bench.  Dinner at Glenrich st with Tim and Phoebe.









Dinner was reheated roast beef with freshly cooked corn on the cob, baked potatoes, pumpkin an sweet pot and steamed cauliflower and broccoli.  White sauce and gravy. 

Desert Sara lee apple pie and ice cream.



Thursday, March 6, 2025

THU 6 Roast Dinner With Chris

 The day began by putting the meat in the slow cooker and then heading into work.

Jeremy helped me lift the expensive gear onto a bench.  Came back later and wrapped it with a tarp.  My thinking was that a cyclone comes with strong winds and if part of the roof was torn off, then at least the most expensive equipment would be OK.

In the afternoon, roasted potato, pumpkin, sweet potato & onion.

Went to make gravy and discovered no gravox.  Posted on the HT group.  Lewis and Henry responded with pour off the fat, Add Flour to make paste, add some hot water.  stir until thickens. crisis averted. 





Saturday, March 1, 2025

Saturday row

Started the day at 3:50 am and parking at West end park Cafe at 4:45.

Sat in the tinnie with Phoebe and looked after a LTR 4.
Keith then George

Graham and Mel met us on the ramp and after putting the 4 away,  Tony and Brett helped Graham and I get the quad down from a very high rack. 

A nice row downstream.  Phoebe was feathering.  My recollection is that last time she was not able to feather. 

Breakfast at West end park Cafe and Tim joined The 4 rowers. 

Back home. 
Phoebe left and went to her place. I went into work. 

Adding Conductivity Block level to InSolution. 

Over to Phoebe's for dinner with Tim, Fletch and Phoebe. 

Friday, February 28, 2025

Trip to the city

By good luck,  Phoebe and I both have meetings in the city. 

Today we drove the Landy to Corinda station and after waiting 20 minutes took the train to Central.  On the way out, realised we'd forgotten to 'touch on'.  Tried a touch off.

Walked to 'Sugar and Spice' coffee shop. 

Escooter to Coraggio at Bond uni in Boundary st.

Good discussions at Coraggio.

A scotch at The Alliance hotel with the Coraggio team. 

Escooter to Saint Monica's in the city. 

A very expensive snack at $25 for three tiny tacos.

Train home. 

Phoebe knocked up a stew using a tin of soup and some leftovers. 
Then a naught banana split.

Thursday, February 20, 2025


 Been doing some ergs.  

Date    1k   25   5k



Date 1k 2k 5k Notes
19-02-2025 3:57.7

OK so a 3 second improvement.  My recollection was I had dropped the rating from 33 to 29
17-02-2025 4:00.1

Place marker to see where I am at
First time in ages doing an erg

Times to beat.  At 3:57 I am still slower than anyone else who submitted an erg.


From an email from the chairman, Mar 7, 2024, 11:22 AM

Surfers Park Run

 Sufers paradise park run

 Set off to take Mags to the off lead area at the spit and on the way do main beach park run.  Missed the Smith street exit and so Phoebe got on line and found an alternate park run.  


After park run we walked across the bridge and bought breakfast and coffee.

Then up to the off lead area at the top of the spit.  It was high tide and really rough.  mags had a great time and Phoebe and I swam and splashed about in the waves.  This is the only place I know of where there are flags and dogs are allowed.  So we swam between the flags in view of the lifeguard.  




Veronica's Room

Centenary Theatre Company have a new play at the theatre in Chelmer.

A bit weird.  Well more than a bit weird.  Gaslighting on steroids.
No one, except perhaps the girl, is who they appear to be.  Seems to include all sorts of weirdness - people playing others and incest and implied rape.  

The production, was a bit flat.  A lot of just dialog between characters standing on stage.  

The final weirdness was that it just finished.  We thought it was just a second intermission and that there would be a third act.  But that was it.  No bow by the actors.  No wrapping it up with a conclusion.  Left feeling just a bit odd.

I note that the poster says May/June 2025.  I wonder whether the theatre company had been planning some other play and then had a schism and cancelled that and brought Veronica forward.







Monday, February 10, 2025

Parking Jemmas Mobile Number

 As Jemma is over seas, there is no point in paying $60+ per month.

Ideally it would be nice to keep it active and pay a small amount so that she can use it to receive two fact auth texts.

Alternatively, to somehow "park" the number until she's home.  This seems to be called "Suspending"

First a long and frustrating chat with someone on the Optus app.  They wanted me to pay$63 per month.  Just didn't listen and focused on their bonus.  Now it seems like I need to talk to a "dedicated team" ahh but lets just look at the best deals for you.  Still trying for that commission. 

What are the options?

This post on redit suggests to park buy buying an ALDI $5 starter.
That seems to have some weight because then with a small recharge, one gets 365 days of credit.
A check of the ALDI web site seems to confirm that.  BUT
By default, all ALDImobile customers do not have International Roaming active on their service.To turn on International Roaming, see here.  -> No help
Contact ALDI 1300 989 000

$180 for a 365 day expiry

I wonder if I port the number to a local provider like the ALDI one and then put it in a handset and imagine that handset has WIFI internet access.  I wonder if there is an app that can be used to receive the text and forward it by say FB Messenger.

Messenger does not work as the SMS app.

Got a $5 starter pack.


 20-2-2025 Did messaging to "Louie" at Optus

Yes. If she comes home early, can we un suspend it?

 at 9:15, Feb 20:
Yes, you can request to resume the service whenever you like.
Please check the above details are correct and click ACCEPT if you agree.
 at 9:18, Feb 20:
Not defence force
 at 9:18, Feb 20:
Yes, that's the option to waive the suspension fee.
 at 9:19, Feb 20:

Saturday, February 8, 2025

vampires night out

The phone rang and it was Phoebe proposing a visit to a pub to see a band called "the vampires".  Never heard of them but the thought of a bit of a cultural and social injection was  very attractive. 

On with some clean clothes. Into the car. Picked up Phoebe. 

Into West end.  Circled the block a few times and eventually found a car park. 

Saw a couple of people I'd met previously.  Peter Branjerdporn and <name> artist I'd met at Phoebe's ex's mothers Christmas party.

Two sets and home to my place. 

Park run

Park run came in

Rocks Riverside parkrun results for event #552. Your time was 00:41:14.
Congratulations on completing your 40th parkrun and your 30th at Rocks Riverside parkrun today. You finished in 541st place out of a field of 701 parkrunners. You were the 292nd male and came 9th in your age category VM60-64. Take a look at this week's full set of results on our website. Your PB at Rocks Riverside parkrun remains 00:36:07. Congratulations on your fastest time this year.
You achieved an age-graded score of 39.57%.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Bob Dylan Movie

3:40pm session at Eldorado.  Cinema 1.
Empty except Phoebe and me until just before it started and 3 ladies arrived in the row in front.   The seats were very comfortable. 

I liked the movie. 

I'll start off admitting I know nothing about Dylan. Apparently he's still alive and Apparently he was given the opportunity to review and comment on the script before filming and was OK with it even though it does show some of his failings. 

It feels like a documentary and the difficulty with that is I tend to take things at face value.  So in the case of a documentary, I'm believing it's all true and the documentary maker is trying to be historically accurate.  I have to keep telling myself 'it's only a movie'.

I liked the sound track. I never realised "how many roads must a man walk down" was a Dylan song.  We learned it along with Kumbaya (not a Dylan song) in primary school. So just admitting again that I know nothing about Dylan.

I liked the acting. All the characters came across as comfortable in their roles. 

Dylan is portrayed as becoming more introverted and self centred as time goes on. Insensitive. Arrogant. 

He would use others especially women and then move on leaving them feeling rejected. Then simply return and try it all again. 

It did show a caring side where he would come to the hospital and play music to Woody Guthrie.

On the other hand he didn't seem to have respect for old friends [Pete Seeger] and I guess that's something I value. For example, at the end of the movie, he's billed to close the Newport folk festival. Apparently solo acoustic was the way to go but he had a band with electric instruments and he had an electric guitar. He'd had various friends try to get him to do traditional stuff but he just slammed them by opening with his band. Personally I would have thought he could have started solo acoustic and gradually introduced and integrated the other musicians and then switched to an electric guitar.  I think that would have taken the audience on a journey but instead he alienated them. But history is history. 

In This video, an interview with Pete Seegar, Pete says he was ok with electric instruments but asked the sound guys to fix the sound because it was so distorted.
Pete Segars CIA/FBI file is 1800 pages.
5:05 belief and science 
At 6:00 he's talking about feeling and the religion of science. 

All in all a movie I liked. 

Had lovely discussions with Phoebe. She's a Dylan fan. Must be hard for her to relate to me who knows nothing about Dylan. 

Prompted thoughts about relationships. How much do you need to have in common to be attracted. And stay attracted. 

In regard to relationships, I think I've moved from WTF is wrong with me to what should I do and say to keep her feeling attracted to me. 

It's just a different way of looking at the same thing. Let's assume I'm a little different. Neuro divergent is one label. ADHD, Aspergers are other labels. 

Upon reflection, everyone is different and we have good and bad points. The difficult bit is we hunger for intimacy in relationships.  It's more than just respect for one's partner. It's what creates the spark of attraction. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Roast for Tim

10:20 On high
1.248kg @$15/kg=$18.72
1.738kg @$17.50/kg=$30.42

Sunday, February 2, 2025

South West Rocks

There is a triathlon on today and it would appear one can enter all manor of incantations.  Phoebe's sister Julie and brother in law Gavin are doing just the swim and cycle. Others can add 5k or 10k runs. 

The roads are closed so we parked near the close off point and walked.   This bit was along the cycle course.  We saw her relies.  Then continued to the finish line. 

We then went back to sister Penny and partner cow boy place for breakfast consisting of mince toasties and fried eggs.

We then drove a few hundred meters to where one jumps off the bridge.

Looked at the local graveyard that contains graves of Phoebe's ancestors. 
Looked at the light house

Then another swim

In the evening doing my blog