3:40pm session at Eldorado. Cinema 1.
Empty except Phoebe and me until just before it started and 3 ladies arrived in the row in front. The seats were very comfortable.
I liked the movie.
I'll start off admitting I know nothing about Dylan. Apparently he's still alive and Apparently he was given the opportunity to review and comment on the script before filming and was OK with it even though it does show some of his failings.
It feels like a documentary and the difficulty with that is I tend to take things at face value. So in the case of a documentary, I'm believing it's all true and the documentary maker is trying to be historically accurate. I have to keep telling myself 'it's only a movie'.
I liked the sound track. I never realised "how many roads must a man walk down" was a Dylan song. We learned it along with Kumbaya (not a Dylan song) in primary school. So just admitting again that I know nothing about Dylan.
I liked the acting. All the characters came across as comfortable in their roles.
Dylan is portrayed as becoming more introverted and self centred as time goes on. Insensitive. Arrogant.
He would use others especially women and then move on leaving them feeling rejected. Then simply return and try it all again.
It did show a caring side where he would come to the hospital and play music to Woody Guthrie.
On the other hand he didn't seem to have respect for old friends [Pete Seeger] and I guess that's something I value. For example, at the end of the movie, he's billed to close the Newport folk festival. Apparently solo acoustic was the way to go but he had a band with electric instruments and he had an electric guitar. He'd had various friends try to get him to do traditional stuff but he just slammed them by opening with his band. Personally I would have thought he could have started solo acoustic and gradually introduced and integrated the other musicians and then switched to an electric guitar. I think that would have taken the audience on a journey but instead he alienated them. But history is history.
In This video, an interview with Pete Seegar, Pete says he was ok with electric instruments but asked the sound guys to fix the sound because it was so distorted.
Pete Segars CIA/FBI file is 1800 pages.
5:05 belief and science
At 6:00 he's talking about feeling and the religion of science.
All in all a movie I liked.
Had lovely discussions with Phoebe. She's a Dylan fan. Must be hard for her to relate to me who knows nothing about Dylan.
Prompted thoughts about relationships. How much do you need to have in common to be attracted. And stay attracted.
In regard to relationships, I think I've moved from WTF is wrong with me to what should I do and say to keep her feeling attracted to me.
It's just a different way of looking at the same thing. Let's assume I'm a little different. Neuro divergent is one label. ADHD, Aspergers are other labels.
Upon reflection, everyone is different and we have good and bad points. The difficult bit is we hunger for intimacy in relationships. It's more than just respect for one's partner. It's what creates the spark of attraction.