"Before WWII, breakfast cereals were only eaten by people as a 'digestive aid'". (To get things moving down below.)
"The war changed many things ... when the men returned from the front, the women often stayed at work. With both adults in the house frequently working at least some of the time, the cooked breakfast quickly became a weekend luxury. You didn't have to hit a manufacturer over the head with a cereal box for them to realise a real market opportunity was developing. ...
In 1949, a US ceral company (Post) created the first cereal targete at children. Sugar Crisps were sold as the delicious treat that kids could have for breakfast or straight out of the box for a snack. Sugar was unabashedly the primary ingredient and the sugar arms race began in earnest. Kellogg's jumped on the banwagon in 1953 with Sugar Smacks (56% sugar)." [The Sweet Poison Quit Plan by David Gillespie page 70]
So we have Hitler and LBJ to blame for the obesity epedemic and the lack of a decent cooked breakfast.
You may recall an investigation into the sugar in coke
Well even though the absolute sugar was a shocking 40g, as any good politician knows, there is always a way to dress up the stats. Coke is way below the Sultana Bran comming in at 10.6% sugar. I am told VitaBrits trumps Weet Bix with only 1.6% sugar. So maybe I should have a bowl of Vita Brits in Coke and still be better off than Sultana Bran and Milk.
On a more depressing note one 200g (2 scoops) of Streets Blue Ribbon Ice Cream will give you a huge 23 teaspoons of Sugar. 48.6% sugar. (Parlour Style Chock Chip). I breathe a sigh of relief as I prefer Vanilla.
Marus has taken all this on board and is having Bacon and Eggs for breakfast. (No packet to tell you how much sugar and so therefore we conclude zero sugar and max goodnes).
Other links
Everything in moderation. There is no moderation. Moderation is mediocre.
It appears that Sugar is responsible for depression.
Brain not absorbing Seratonin --> Depression
anti-depressant drugs eg Prozac apparantly give the brain more time to absorb the serotonin. Note sure how they 'give time'. Ecstasy, Amphetamines and LSD) work by enhancing the amount of serotonin we produce.
Unexpected / frightening situation --> Cortisol --> ramps up dopamine (to focus the mind and sharpen the movements). It also rapidly increases the amount of dopamine we can absorb. But it does so at the expense of our ability to absorb serotonin.
The sight (or smell) of food gives us a squirt of the pleasure hormone, dopamine.
Once we actually start eating, serotonin kicks in. We feel good.
Fructose is the only carbohydrate which produces a significant spike in our cortisol levels. Cortisol is our stress hormone. It’s terribly handy for confrontations with unexpected bears (for example) because it ramps up dopamine (to focus the mind and sharpen the movements). It also rapidly increases the amount of dopamine we can absorb. But it does so at the expense of our ability to absorb serotonin.
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