BNE time 5:30am
Current local time 1am
Estimated arrival time 5:24am
Outside air -50C
Ground speed 920km/h
Time to destination 5hr
Just a reminder of my place in the pecking order. In keeping with the theme of the haves, I who have more, can look up the stairs to those with a sh$t ton more.
Watching a movie "Past Lives"
If you leave something behind you gain something too.
When you lose something, you gain something.
Lose a wife gain... Time? freedom?
Gain girlfriend lose... independence.
Lose a wife
Feel empty depressed rejected.
Gain a girlfriend
Feel whole
Light positive OK.
Lonlines like a heartbeat drives you mad.
Its nice to have to think about someone. What are they thinking at that instant. Someone to read a text. Nice to know what they are doing and thinking. Comfort them support them. It's nice that they are "there". Sitting opposite with coffee, beside when driving.
It's different to younger relationships. More intentional. Each person, I think, is more likely to speak up. To say what they want, need, feel. It creates a space. A feeling of lightness. At the same time a willingness to sacrifice for the other because they've said what they want and you've revealed lots of yourself and they have accepted you warts and all.
Obviously one can not read another's mind. We trust that each person is telling the truth but at this stage of life, no point in not being totally honest and up front.
Breakfast - I dont recall what it was called. A tile of scrambled egg, mushrooms and baked potato cubes. Yoghurt, fruit salad, croissant, butter and jam. Two cups of black coffee. Bottle of water.
During the night, went for several walks around the plane. At once stage four of us were doing stretches at the front of economy.
I'm amazed the hostesses can remain looking so awake and groomed. After 14hrs,i would look like road kill.
1 hr to go.
We are so used to hearing about extremists that it's weird to be on an Arab airline - international flight crew, alcohol, western elevator music...
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