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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Thursday 22-July-2010 MARCUS BIRTHDAY

Thursday 22-July-2010 MARCUS BIRTHDAY
St Pauls
Old Bailey
Tower of London
Double decker bus ride

Well today started with the breakfast special in the Picadilly youth hostel then there was a short distraction while we attempted to book accomodation in Zurich.  From youth hostel in London to a Delux room in the Best Western in Zurich.  The kids won't know themselves and my wallet won't know it's self.

Megan and the kids left first while I did some research into accomodation in Hong Kong.  They went and had a look at the outside of St Pauls and the Old Bailey.

We met up outside the Tower of London.  Now I was expecting a big stone tower but the Tower of London turns out to be a fortress which at various time has been effectively a palace (you know a place where royalty live) and a prison.  Incidentally also inhabited by quite a number of royals.  We did a quick overview guided tour and then we went and watched some medieval weapons being fired.  After that we wandered through various rooms that had been inhabited by the rich and infamous.  Henry the 8th used to keep his wives here before disposing of them. 

One of the highlights is to look at the Crown jewls which are housed here.  Daniel enjoyed looking at Suits of Armour, guns and cannons. After viewing the Crown Jewls, megan and Jemma visited the Jewel shop but luckilly I and the credit card were not with them.  When I was looking at the Crown jewles, I noted that there were quite a number of crowns.  You can never have too many crowns as you will never know when you may need one or a spare.

After the Tower closed at 5:30 we nipped over and had a quick look at Tower bridge.  We understood that London Bridge was out there someplace but we could not identify it amongst all the bridges crossing the river.  Perhaps that is where Campbel Newman got his inspiration.

We had a desire to ride a double decker bus so after consulting maps and so on, we got on a number 15.  At one stage we heard an anouncment over the PA on the bus advising us that the destination of the bus has changed.  Bizzarre.  You get on bus to A and somewhere someone decides that it might be nice to send us to B.

The evening program was Wicked.  Well we went to see the musical called Wicked. Those of us who had seen it before in Melbourne - Megan, Marcus and I thought that the Australian verson was better.  A bit tighter or sharper.  Dan and Jemma were enthralled.  We were on the "dress Circle" or first balcony.  Interestingly at the end the doors at the end of the dress circle opened and it turned out we were at ground level.  So the stalls and the stage is all below ground.

When we got home, it being Marcus's birthday, we divided the second Sasha tort that we had bought in Vienna and had been lovingly kept by Megan.  We sang "Happy Brithday" and wished we had another tort.  yummmm.  

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