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Thursday, August 18, 2011

snow Thursday

Thursday weather was a welcome change with Snow.  You know that white stuff we see on the ground actually falls out of the sky.  Mind you the snow came with Cold (Ok) and wind which reduced visibility significantly.

The new snow was much more slippery that the wet slush of the previous day and my snow boarding ability seemed to have evaporated.  I slipped and slid down front valley.  On my second run down I lost control half way through a right turn and went tumbing down the hill.  The helmet containing my head smashed into the snow several times and somewhere something posiibly the ground bashed into my chest.  I do not know if I broke a rib or just bruised something in there but as of Sunday it is still very painful.  It took me forever to get up and get going again.

9:30 went to my second snow board lesson.  Still feeling somewhat stunned it was explained to me that the new snow was indeed much harder to board on.  This second lesson proved much harder.  A combination of the weather, the new snow, lots of wind, low visibility, lack of experience etc etc.  Our teacher took us to the top of the Quad chair and then down into pleasant valley.  I was stuffed and every time I fell over I became even more stuffed.  By the end of the lesson, myself and two other tail enders had become separated from the rest of the group.  There was a huge queue at the Telemark T bar that takes us back to front valley and not having been shown how to ride a T bar and noting that many learners were falling off it and hence the larger than noral queue, decided with the other two tail enders to walk back.

Spent Thur afternoon in the Vito sleeping for an hour and then on the phone and the internet trying to work on a quote for work.

Meanwhile, Megan, Dan & Jemma had quite an adventure.  They ....
more to come

A welcome recovery in the Sauna at Sponners follwed by dinner and playing "Billionare" card game with our kids and some others - Ellie & Cooper.

Went to bed. Very sore.  As well as the pain in my chest, Both arms are very sore with some kind of bruise under my upper right arm and I can't lift my left arm without some pain in the upper arm / shoulder.

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