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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Chris Boat - Sea Trials

Saturday we met other Boy's brigade people at York's Hollow.  Never heard of it!!  Neither has google maps.

I think it is part of a drainage system invented by the BCC when they built the Inner City Bypass and closed Gilcrest ave.  The biggest challenge was weeds and water lillies.  We experienced some technical challenges.  Initially chris informed me that the boat sounded wrong.  On its first run, it seemed to loose power and got stuck in some water lillies.  After it was salvaged, a scalple was produced and a section of deck removed to provide access to the connection between the motor and the prop shaft.  It appeared that the glue that holds the flexible coupling had let go of the prop shaft.  Some GAF tape fixed that but still we appeared to have low power.  Further inspection revealed two small screws in the bilge.  These screws had fallen out of the motor assembly.  More cutiing was required to gain sufficient access to reinstall the screws.  We had no locktite so we used some more GAF tape.  Finally the boat was operating properly and chris had a great time driving it around.  It was certinly the most sophisticated boat present on the day.

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