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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Oreo Flat Cat

Last night after the street party, Megan drove into the carport and, unseen, Oreo walked under the Vito.  Megan moved forward to park on the driveway so I could put the ute in the carport.  Unfortunately Oreo got under one of the wheels and was squashed.  He screamed and ran off.

6am Saturday morning and I go looking for Oreo and I find him in the front yard.  He is obviously in pain and limping.

8am We take him to the vet.
The vet admits Oreo and we take Chris's boat to the Boy's Brigade regatta.

3pm the vet phones and advises that Oreo has a broken femur and that an operation is required and that will have to wait till Monday.  BTW, to scan the ray, I kept the cover of the scanner open and put a white sheet of paper over the x-ray.  Then experimented with amounts of light hitting the paper.

 The vet advised that we should keep Oreo in a place where he will not jump.  Utilising a shower was recommended.  Megan dried the downstairs shower, furnished it and Oreo moved in.  He was not keen on his new 'digs' and escaped at the first opportunity and has spent the evening lying around on the downstairs floor and on an exercise mat.

The following options appear to exist
Option Recovery Risks
Operation TBD .
euthanize 0 Extreme Sadness(This is not really an option)
Do nothing 6 weeks in cage Infection

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