Work in progress here. Will be added to over the next day or so.
Megan, Alan, Ainsley & Susan
In the car park at Belbird Grove.
Registrations closed at 7:00 for the 8:30 start. There was also a 6am ish start and a 10:30 start. The faster people got allocated to earlier start times.
At each major checkpoint, Oxfam had big white tents. The team had to check in and out. Here they are at the registration tent finalising their details.
Ainsley and
The GPS Tracker worked really well this year. It was a TK102-2 programmed to send the data straight to Cameron's computer where his program generated the map. Due to time constraints, the trail shown was last years rather than this years (the purple bit was obviously different).
This next grab shows the finish. For some reason we get very few messages through at that stage.
Great effort Megan!