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Sunday, November 1, 2020

Meditation November

Sun 1 5:13am
Learning. Control how we approach the day,  obstacles, do we need more focus? More kindness. It's a journey of opportunities to learn. 

Mon 1pm
Playfulness in difficult situations.
Difficult situations lead one to have no clarity but we need that to navigate such situations. 
Didn't really understand.  Felt very tired during the meditation. I think not very useful

Tue, we'd, Thursday, fri
Didn't do.  Slack dog that I am. 
Maybe that didn't prepare me for the disappointment associated with the rowing club. I'd sent an email to all 170 members asking for RSVP for Sundays club meeting.  14 families bothered to respond. So I then cancelled the meeting. 

Sat 6:30am
Feeling low.  Dropped Jemma at rowing at 5:30. Coffee and drive around.  Now parked in a side street. Let's get back into it. 
Curious mind. Beginners mind.  Carry with us all day. With stuff we do every day,  we tend to create or assume the same result. If we treat every action as a new experience, we can have a different outcome. Beginners mind. 
After- it was ok. Reasonable concentration on it. Feeling marginally better. 

MON 9  @1:30am
Compassion. Expecting others to express gratitude in return can make us fester when we do something and they don't respond the way we'd like. 
I'm awake.

Tue 6pm
Place of peace. Mindfulness about relating to everyday things.  Not avoiding them and the associated feelings. Not an escape.  Be present with the feelings.  Don't ruminate on the thoughts. Be present with them. 

Wednesday oops

Thursday 6am
Not being able to make sense of the world.  Busy mind but thinking is very limited. Busyness can lead to just more confusing. Acceptance get some calmness .  Just change what you can. 

Weekend was a bit ordinary 
Sat wyaralong then went to the coast. The beach seemed full of couples and families. Triggering. Forced myself to look closer and would see singles.  Sunday ok.  Keptvbusy.

Monday 6:40am
Learning to listen to our own thoughts and feelings and to those around us.  Not trying to find a solution. Don't push own opinions on others. Simply listen 

Tue 7:25
3am wake.  Feeling low. Bike ride. B pulled out. On own. Need to force myself to go. 
4:40 get up.
7:25 "true peace" as I start,  still feeling a bit low. Meditation- be at ease. Accept the situation - mind or situation - be at peace. Ok to take Acton to change the situation but from a position of peace. 

Did not do it. Slack. State of origin. Argued with L. He went home. 

Thursday 19 nov 5am
Freedom in awareness. 
Becoming more Aware means awareness of both things we like and things we don't like.  We actually try to let the things we don't like to come gently to the surface in a controlled way

Fri sat sun mon - none

Tue 24 3:30am
Been awake for an hour.  Hung out washing. Can't sleep. 
"The greatest gift" we can give someone is to let them be themselves rather than how we think they should be.  Likewise for our self. Need to let go of wanting someone else to be a certain way. 

Wednesday 25 7:50am
Mind drifting to the future can make for worry because we make assumptions. Ok to plan and dream but don't be constantly caught up worrying about the future. In feeling a bit moody but pretty much ok.

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