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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Idea of North

Fri Night Jai (friend of Chris) sleeps over along with his sister Aby (Friend of Dan.)
9:30am Drop Chris & Jai at Corinda pool for a birthday party.
1pm retrieve Chris, Jai and ?.  Then Frank Megan Dan Aby head to Mt Omany.
3pm meet Paul at Mt Ommany where he is shopping for a birthday present to Cybele.  Cybele has kindly furnished him with a Target catalogue with suitable presents marked.  Too easy you would think.  But no.  We cant find them.  They are sold out.  Panic is setting in.  Luckily Megan is here to help and shop assistants are summonsed.  Organisation is brought to bear.
4pm Megan's parents arrive for afternoon tea.  (They have been to the Idea of North Matinee).  
5pm Sean drops Erin at our place, Picks up Chris and Dan.
5pm Megan and Erin are picked up.  The girls are off to have dinner before the show.
5:30 Frank drops Jemma and Ellie at Paul & Cybele's place.
6:30 Frank, Marcus, Alistair finally manage to eat Indian takeaway that has taken forever to cook.
6:45 Frank, Marcus, Alistair leave in the vito & pick up 2 other friends of Marus and proceed in.
7:34 Park just off Syndey St.  About a 1k walk.  One problem with the power house is the parking is so inadequate.
7:40 Pick up tickets that have been left for us at the box office.  There is a stuff up because I don't read the ticket and I end up sitting with Marcus and his friends and Alistair ends up sitting on his own.
8:30 (I guess) half time break and we have a glass of champagne to celebrate Cybele's birthday.  Here are the girls on the birthday night out.  Front row.  Now as you enter the theatre there are all these warnings about using cameras etc so within seconds of me taking this photo I am sternly told off by some over officious attendant.  It's half time for goodness sake.  Get a life.  They do.  They rush off to admonish the next person who is taking a photo of their group.  Interesting to contrast this with Andre Reiu where he encourages his audience to bring and use cameras.  Performers should get into the 21st century and relax on the recording stuff.

After the show, us boys dutifully disappear.  Along the way, we collect Natty and start the long walk back to the car while the girls continue with the secret women's business.

My group of teenagers spy a playground and so everything is climbed and ridden and spun on.  In pretty much complete blackness.

Finally drop Natty home and Marcus and 4 friends (I think) are sleeping over.  I do not know what time they went to sleep because I was stuffed and went to bed.

When I awoke, Megan was there.  So I guess she got home somehow.  Some time. Before 4am anyway.

Today (Sunday) I think I have to retrieve Dan from Sean & Erin's and drop him at Jacobs.
We also have flash point.

Idea of North have amazing musical talent.  Its billed as Accapella but they brought a full band with them.  Between the four of them scraping microphones and making strange vocal noises, they seem to do every instrument from double bass to trumpet, guitar

They did a rendition of a song that I think is called "I am my own Grandpa".  Its very funny but I have had to search the net to try to understand it and the result of that research is Ray Steven singing with a copy of the family tree to explain it.

They also had some fun conversing with a moving light which would respond by nodding and blushing as appropriate.  '

They got this fellow out of the audience and we sand happy birthday to him and then the guy "conducted" the group as a DJ.  He would point and raise or lower his hands and the designated singer wold get louder or softer.  Don't know if it was a plant and rehearsed or not but it was very funny.

They also had some fellow join them for a couple of songs.  This fellow has the dubious distinction have having the Guinness world record for the highest note sung by a man and he also apparently sings lover than most.

So all in all a pretty good concert although i was finding myself yawning in the second half.  That glass of champas had come to haunt me.

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