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Sunday, November 7, 2010

The weekend

Friday night -

Megan had P1.
The rest of the night was pretty quiet.  Nothing of substance happened as far as I recall.

Megan has a bushband gig on Saturday night.  Did a bit of research into foldback systems.  For the non techo or non musical, a foldback speaker is the loud speaker on the stage that points back at the band so they can hear them sleves.  Very useful if they are out of tune.  You turn them up and they think they are really carrying the show.
Now I have  to decide between buying speakers with built in amplifiers known as powered speakers or plain ordinary speakers and a separate amplifier.  The decision on that will depend on what other uses will be found for the speakers.  For example as door stops or turn them on their end and place them beside the couch as a coffee cup holder.

We (Marcus, Alistair and Frank) removed the middle row of seats from the vito.  Bob kindly helped me load the PA system and the drum kit and the keyboard into the Vito and then Bob and I drove to Kenmore and set the PA up ready for the band to just rock on up and use it.

Meanwhile, Marcus took the train into town.

I then drove into town and met up with Marcus.  We were going to the BGS music dinner bit we had no tickets.  So we went to Maccas.  Marcus performed a few times during the night and also received a couple of awards.

We left after his ast performance figuring if you want us to stay and listen to a speech then we need to be bribed with food and drink which was not forthcoming.  Drove to the Kenmore venue arriving around 11:10pm.  The road was very dark but my headlights lit up several clumps of teenagers sitting or lying in gutters and on the nature strip.  Inside the band were playing and megan was attempting to teach some very drunk people to bush dance.  They were all having a great time.  I decided that since Marcus had to be up early Sunday morning to take him home.  He was already asleep in the car.  

Megan crawled into bed sometime around 1 I think.

I think I got up around 6am and left with Marcus at 6:30 to get him to school by 7:00am for sailing classes.  Yes sailing on a sunday.  So envious.  Having dropped him at school and signed an indemnity form I figured a coffee would be in order but I could not find an open coffee shop.  Drove home.

At home decided on some scrambled eggs and coffee.  Megan advised she had to be at Church at 8:15 for a music rehersal.  I've got the scrambled eggs going, the toaster pops up and I have taken a sip of my coffee.  The phone rings and its Jacob and he tells me that he is just coming round the round about at Oxley on his way to pick up Dan.  Megan recalls that ah yes arrangements have been made for Dan to go with his friend to Dream World.  Only problem is ... No Dan.  I tell Megan, you get some togs and clothes ready for Dan.  I jump in the ute and head over to the Horkey's place and grab Dan.  Jemma was also there but not ready so I said I would be back for her later.  Back to the house with Dan and he hops in Jacobs car with Jacob and his family and we havn't seen him since.  Turns out he packed his school uniform and will spend the night at Jacob's and go with Jacob to school on Monday.

I then returned to my cold scrambled eggs on cold toast with cold coffee.

Then picked up Jemma and went to Church.  Megan lead some singing.  Heather lead a childrens address where everyone had to be quiet and then asked the kids what they could hear.  Cars, Fans, The sea :).  Jemma remarked that it was like Taize and that was what I was thinking.  "Be still and know that I am God". Heather then moved onto the opposite extreme where she handed out musical instruments and had the kids "make a joiful noise to the Lord".  Personally I thinkk there is a difference between a joyful noise and just noise.

Church finished and I do not recall a sermon.  Now thats an idea.

Darryn helped me unload the PA out of the vito and James and Natty and Tim unloaded the Drum kit.

6pm - Picked up Marcus from School.  Somewhat sunburnt.  Did I tell him to use sunscreen.  Its a tan he says.  Sure.  Red.  A tan.  yea whatever.

In the evening we had a great family meal.  Well most of us.  Dan is still away but the rest of us shared roast beef and vegies.

Then a game of Uno with Chris, Jemma, megan and myself.

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