Friday 12-Nov-2010 was the fifteenth sherwood festival and I have been involved for 14 of them. Cripes.
This year, Frank Horky and Som helped out greatly. Som is involved in running a festival with a Thai Temple that he attends and so his involvement let him see first hand some of the behind the scenes stuff. Frank, Som and myself and a few ring ins put up the video screens, the light towers and a gazillion toilet signs.
Actually enjoyed this year much more than last year. Not sure why. Probably doing less. George did a lot of the tech organising - Generators from Generator Hire Service (Great service and gear), Light towers, PA systems - Show Biz sound supplied 3 x PA & Light systems and Glynn provided PA & Light at the stage outside the UC). All the stages went really well. Jan did a great and difficult job organising stall holders. Often having to rearrange because of some issue or other. (Someone parked in my space, where do I get power, and so on) Speaking of Power, David De Jeong once again did a great job looking after power during the night. I guess he switched on the light towers.
Interestingly, I dropped in on one stage to see hw they were going and the SM relayed an interesting story that started with the words "the precious band that were just on...". Apparantly nothing was to their liking and at one stage when the sound tech had left the sound desk, to go out into the audience (The mixing point is basically on stage), well the band decided to let the audience in on their displeasure.
Somewhat later in the night I was talking to a friend of mine and they related a story where they were listening to this band. "Pretty good sound" when the band let fly at the soung crew. I was going to by their CD but they just lost me when they did that. I walked off they said. I smiled to myself.
Actually enjoyed this year much more than last year. Not sure why. Probably doing less. George did a lot of the tech organising - Generators from Generator Hire Service (Great service and gear), Light towers, PA systems - Show Biz sound supplied 3 x PA & Light systems and Glynn provided PA & Light at the stage outside the UC). All the stages went really well. Jan did a great and difficult job organising stall holders. Often having to rearrange because of some issue or other. (Someone parked in my space, where do I get power, and so on) Speaking of Power, David De Jeong once again did a great job looking after power during the night. I guess he switched on the light towers.
Interestingly, I dropped in on one stage to see hw they were going and the SM relayed an interesting story that started with the words "the precious band that were just on...". Apparantly nothing was to their liking and at one stage when the sound tech had left the sound desk, to go out into the audience (The mixing point is basically on stage), well the band decided to let the audience in on their displeasure.
Somewhat later in the night I was talking to a friend of mine and they related a story where they were listening to this band. "Pretty good sound" when the band let fly at the soung crew. I was going to by their CD but they just lost me when they did that. I walked off they said. I smiled to myself.
Nick, Danika, Catherine and Andrew. Andrew did a great job as always as the MC at the main stage.
The video screen at St Matthews. The supervisors at the right do a great job to ensure none nicks anythimg.
Interesting to note the black blob front centre. I think that is the lens on the camera shading the flash. Design shortcoming?. The screen consists of dereks projection surface. The vertical and horizontal poles are from the old YAF setup the props are 6.3m 50mm al tube. There is a hole drilled 50mm from the end near the ground and a decent sized tent peg shoved in. The vertical that touches the fence is GAF'd to the fence to stop it all flying away on its own.
The projector and laptop are all in the big wooden box. This keeps it all dry if it rains.
The image came from the old Asus running screenmonkey. That way we could easily switch between the standard streetparty power point and the PP for the Lutherans Live Nativity Play. The VGA output went into a VGA to composite converter. From there the VGA continued to the projector and the composite went to the two monoitors at the front of the stage.
Franks ute used to hold the follow spot
Ash, Dan, Paul making and selling dutch doughnits while being seranaided by Sean on Air guitar
BCC band ?
This is a very rare photo of Glynn and whats more it is a photo with him smiling. Now Glynn does smile and he is a great guy but he somehow always seems to manage to avoid having his photo taken.
Glynn did the sound at the Railway stage opposite the UC. Ably assisted by Paul Merifield, Errol, +?. Roz stage managed. Gee she is a wonderfully competent woman. There were two great girls from some catholic school who compared. They cpopared this stage because other kids from their school were programmed to dance on this stage and they wanted to be with their mates. So Andrew got bumped to the Main stage.
This is Nicole Johnstone. She gained gained a degree of notrioity when she opposed Lord Mayor Campel Newman paking his busses on the site off Sherwood Rd. Turned out they were in the same party and Campbel got his nose out of joint and gave Nicole the silent treatment and then forced her to leave the party. Nicole has been a great supporter of the street party. The only politician in living memory to attend more than two street party organising meetings and she took on a crap job and that was checking the dunnies had paper. I may have to move into her electorate so I can vote for her. She told me she is going to run again as an independant.
Roar community choir - Megan is in this choir and they practice on Monday nights at Graceville. Go to if you would like to join them. But surprisingly the most important feature of this photo is the BCC banner which must be displayed or we incur the wrath of the BCC beaurcracy. That needs to be avoided at all costs. If ever there was an organisaton obsessed with petty rules, the BCC is it. They give us a decent donation. $10 or $15k I think but that hardly compensates for the fees and charges they impose and the absolutely emotionally draining effect of having to communicate with them. This year for example, they wanted $3 per square meter of footpath space that would be occupied by the festiva. They even have a form with a check box for festivals. What pointless triviality.
Megan on the right getting warmed up for a solo.
Glynn did the sound at the Railway stage opposite the UC. Ably assisted by Paul Merifield, Errol, +?. Roz stage managed. Gee she is a wonderfully competent woman. There were two great girls from some catholic school who compared. They cpopared this stage because other kids from their school were programmed to dance on this stage and they wanted to be with their mates. So Andrew got bumped to the Main stage.
This is Nicole Johnstone. She gained gained a degree of notrioity when she opposed Lord Mayor Campel Newman paking his busses on the site off Sherwood Rd. Turned out they were in the same party and Campbel got his nose out of joint and gave Nicole the silent treatment and then forced her to leave the party. Nicole has been a great supporter of the street party. The only politician in living memory to attend more than two street party organising meetings and she took on a crap job and that was checking the dunnies had paper. I may have to move into her electorate so I can vote for her. She told me she is going to run again as an independant.
Roar community choir - Megan is in this choir and they practice on Monday nights at Graceville. Go to if you would like to join them. But surprisingly the most important feature of this photo is the BCC banner which must be displayed or we incur the wrath of the BCC beaurcracy. That needs to be avoided at all costs. If ever there was an organisaton obsessed with petty rules, the BCC is it. They give us a decent donation. $10 or $15k I think but that hardly compensates for the fees and charges they impose and the absolutely emotionally draining effect of having to communicate with them. This year for example, they wanted $3 per square meter of footpath space that would be occupied by the festiva. They even have a form with a check box for festivals. What pointless triviality.
Megan on the right getting warmed up for a solo.
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