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Thursday, March 30, 2023

3 things to be grateful

The rain is relaxing
Feeling down / depressed is not something I like. 
It does feel like I have to focus hard when I feel myself going down. 

Inadequacy & rejection seem to lurk in my thoughts.

I've had someone say to me "you are only depressed because you choose to be" at the time I thought you arrogant bitch! F#ck you! My current thinking is there is a thinking component to it. I'm modelling it as a flywheel spinning on its axis. One way is happy and the other is sad. Stuff happens that kicks the wheel along.   If it's spinning in the happyness direction then sh%te might slow it a bit but moment keeps it spinning.   If it's spinning in the sad direction then any bit of bad stuff just kicks it along and it's hard to stop it and get it to spin in the happy direction. The other difficulty is if it's stationary then it doesn't take much to spin it one way or the other. Not sure if it's a perfect analogy but an interesting thought. 
Listening on spotify to Episode 307:The science of Emotional Intelligence | Daniel Goleman :
Mindfulness can be likened to physical exercise.  The more you repeat an exercise, the stronger or fitter you get.  The parallel as I get t, the more you think about certain things or in a certain way, then the more that thought process gets stronger.    

When does the photo of a black cat become a silhouette ?

at 16:00 they discuss teaching emotional intelligence.  How much better kids with emotional intelligence do in life.

Breath Exercise @28 minute mark
Shifts from fight or flight mode to relaxed
From Yoga -> Deep breath.  Hold as long as comfortable.  Exhale slowly.  Take another.  Do 6 times

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